The Protectors of Etheria is a stand-alone mod of the game Warlords Battlecry 3 (i.e. it can be run without having the original game installed - 100% free full game). It is an improved RTS/RPG game with new campaigns, quests, terrain, units, items, heroes, modding features and more. Beta versions available for download!

Intikhab says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (1)

It is the revival of the great Warlords Battlecry games through community. Loved the originals as they are unique RTS RPG blended genre as no other game came close enough for me to have same level of fun playing it, except Spellforce. I am hoping this will be as good and less buggy then the originals. And they have added the original campaign for wbc3 in this mod and I am hoping wbc1 campaign to be also coming to this mod, now also the ability to add custom campaigns the same way original can be added so single players and stories can be done on more than 1 timeline and direction :). Rest is to be played to be found out by readers :) it brings all 3 together into this one. Hopefully we may come to call it wbc3.5

See you all in the battle field hopefully.