Witness the journey of an officer in the homicide department from ordinary and invariably quiet life to an unknown world.

Abush's soul is trapped in the software of a computer genius, he must find an exit before his body decays.

Meet artificial intelligences and characters trapped in a purgatory like themselves in this adventure.

Pass through the strange and exceptional level designs successfully

Passengers of Execution is an independent game whose main theme is adventure/puzzle, although it contains many mechanics. It consists of maps that move along a linear line, designed in a way that you players' sense of discovery and curiosity of seeing new worlds. Sometimes you have to find the cause of death of a corpse, the shoe of a beggar, the exit of a giant maze and sometimes you have to make your hands talk.

  • Dozens of section designs with different themes and tones.
  • Dynamic game mechanics that are constantly changing.
  • Exciting character designs.
  • A curious story, far from cliché and cheap tricks.
  • Musics that changes depending on the feeling you want to be given.
  • Level designs designed using all angles mechanically 2d / 3d/2.5 d/isometric / perspective.

Sometimes things go wrong! Who knows, maybe one day you'll be stuck between life and death because of the stupidity of a cyber hacker. Do you think I'm kidding?



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