Operation Flashpoint takes place in the 1980's. Player must fight soviet forces on 3 large 100km islands as an American NATO soldier. Man vehicles such as aircraft, cars, tanks, and boats are driveable and commandable. A mission editor and other tools are also available or already built into the game itself.

Waddlesticks says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

This is one of the top notch Military-Sim games out there! And it is a great classic! From single-player/multi-player to map editing it gives you a lot of time to waste! Sure now the graphics is out-dated, but seriously. Why play a game because of its graphics? Some of the best games out there aren't about graphics!

But this is a really great game, for its time and today! Worth a shot, this original is a lot different to its follow ups!