Office Management 101 is a satirical office life simulation tycoon game set in a fictional capitalistic dystopia. Step over competitors, drive your staff to the limit and milk your customers for every penny in the pursuit of spiraling success!

RSS Features
Rotating a 2.5D isometric map

Rotating a 2.5D isometric map

Feature 4 comments

The classic isometric projection comes with some inherited problems, like objects staying hidden behind walls. There’s always a solution though.

Artificial Intelligence in OM101, vol. 1

Artificial Intelligence in OM101, vol. 1


Introduction featurette explaining the evolution of the AI in the game.

Lua scripting in LibGDX

Lua scripting in LibGDX

Feature 4 comments

Lua is a popular scripting language used for many games. Here's how I integrated it into Office Management 101, the upcoming business sim. Possible future...

Random isometric character generation

Random isometric character generation

Feature 4 comments

A closer look into the graphics of Office Management 101 characters.

Woes of isometry

Woes of isometry

Feature 9 comments

Some of the problems I faced when creating an isometric game engine for Office Management 101.

Implementing a savegame system

Implementing a savegame system


An overview how saving and loading system was implemented in Office Management 101.