How long can you survive the post-apocalyptic wastelands of NEO Scavenger? In the near-future, supernatural activity and human warfare have fragmented mankind into pockets of civilization struggling to survive in wild and dangerous lands. You awaken alone in an abandoned facility with no food nor water, and only a hospital gown and some mysterious items as clues to your identity. NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse!

General_Havok says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

Really love this game.Its lots of fun even for it being in alpha.A few problems I have with it are things like how you have to have a crafting recipe for basic things.Knowing how to make a campfire,put water purifcation tablets in water,even cook food in a pot.Lack of many sorts of wild animals for you to be able to hunt or encounter that are hostile also is a downer for me.Fights sometimes can take 20-30min (real life) sometimes to which I think is far to long for fighting to the death.

Worrying about food,getting sick,getting poisoned,certain types of injuries such as concussions,bleedings,internal bleeding,breaking a limb,etc are in the game.Freezing,getting hypothermic, and other weather related injuries are in the game.Not sure if there are full seasons in the game I have only seen rain so far.There are far more survival things in the game like leaving tracks,finding tracks and being able to cover your tracks which make it a solid survival game.

Game is still in alpha so many things are subject to change and these things I mentioned are more lil ticks I have about the game.Everything else about it I love and hope to see more content of.For a alpha game to get a score of 8/10 is a good sign for anyone wanting a survival sim.When its no longer in alpha and has fully released I am sure I would re-rate it a 10/10 as far as survival games go.