How long can you survive the post-apocalyptic wastelands of NEO Scavenger? In the near-future, supernatural activity and human warfare have fragmented mankind into pockets of civilization struggling to survive in wild and dangerous lands. You awaken alone in an abandoned facility with no food nor water, and only a hospital gown and some mysterious items as clues to your identity. NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse!

Hyeron says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

Review based on the latest beta as of 26th of September. :P

I'll usually rate games quite high - I won't buy something I don't support wholeheartedly. NEO Scavenger is something of an exception.

It has a lot of potential, some bugs (no showstopper - so far so good), a fugly interface, and tons of hate (or love, if you like them brutal) to give.

At this time, though, NEO Scavenger has a few things to put you off. Inconsistent art, mixing pixel art with classical drawings. A cumbersome interface. Tutorials that you cannot deactivate permanently (one may argue that it's 1 screen at a time, and concentrated at the beginning of the game, but still slightly annoying). Lack of variety in sound effects, no music. Drawn-out combat. No proper documentation, though it shouldn't be too much of a problem if you take the time to go to the developer's site. Inventory management can turn into a chore. That's for the bad news (briefly and roughly).

Now for the good news. While combat can become overly long and difficult, it's also very interesting and varied, if lacking in the "enemy types" department. There are many moves available depending on the setup, all with their pros & cons, and the log can be interesting to read if you care (hint: you should).

The game also has a truckload of characteristics to define your character, both good and bad, adding a lot of replay value, as if the random world wasn't enough.

The crafting system is the most elegant I've seen in a while, discarding the stupidity of Minecraft while still allowing you to try and be creative with your items AND SKILLS (and that, dear dev, is simply awesome). Plus you can learn recipes in game.

The risk vs. reward system of scavenging is also well thought out. The medication and survival aspects, which will hopefully grow even further, are instinctive and devious (PURIFY YOUR WATER, DAMMIT).

And there's much more to say, gimme more space, Desura.

tl;dr - like survival? MUST BUY. Probably a 10 by release