Lord of Rigel is a turn based 4x (Explore, Expand, Exploit, and Exterminate) space strategy game. Our goal is to create an accessible, yet deep, turn based strategy game with real time tactical combat that will provide a complete space-opera experience. Lord of Rigel will feature a diverse universe with young and elder races that will struggle to shape the future of the galaxy. Players can make a choice between warring elder races or forging their own alliance with a coalition of alien races including minor species. Given all the resources of a galactic empire, players can choose how to navigate through complex diplomacy and survive grand menaces invading the galaxy using an array of game mechanics such as a galactic council, espionage, research, and military force. Players can expect Lord of Rigel to be completed in 2016 and available for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

RSS Features  (0 - 30 of 80)
Mechanics Series #15- Espionage Missions

Mechanics Series #15- Espionage Missions

Feature 1 comment

This entry of our mechanics series covers how espionage missions work in Lord of Rigel!

Species Series #14- Tulocks

Species Series #14- Tulocks


This entry of our species series covers the silicon based Tulocks!

Feature Series #14- Minor species

Feature Series #14- Minor species


This week our feature series covers minor species in Lord of Rigel!

Ship Design Series #14 Katraxi Fleet

Ship Design Series #14 Katraxi Fleet


This week for our ship design series we're covering the art direction behind the Katraxi fleet!

Mechanics Series #14- Acquired Hero Skills

Mechanics Series #14- Acquired Hero Skills


This week we're covering how heroes in Lord of Rigel have acquired skills instead of the micromanagement of skill trees and forced builds!

Species Series #14- Humans

Species Series #14- Humans


This week we're discussing the Humans in Lord of Rigel and the route we took with humanity as a playable faction.

Feature Series #13- Galactic Cold War

Feature Series #13- Galactic Cold War


This entry of our features series covers the galactic cold war in LoR and how it makes Lord of Rigel unique among space strategy games!

Design Series #13- I want my Doomstar!

Design Series #13- I want my Doomstar!


This entry of our game design series covers how we're balancing some of the largest ships in Lord of Rigel, the mobile moons called Doomstars!

Ship Design Series #13- Ship Scaling

Ship Design Series #13- Ship Scaling


This entry of our ship design series covers how we've scaled spaceships in Lord of Rigel.

Mechanics Series #13- Wormholes and FTL Amplifiers

Mechanics Series #13- Wormholes and FTL Amplifiers


This entry of our game mechanics series covers how wormholes and technologies like FTL amplifiers work in Lord of Rigel to change strategic play!

Species Series #13- Yalkai

Species Series #13- Yalkai


This entry of our species series covers the Yalkai, a fierce species of warriors who use their telepathic powers to shroud their true nature!

Feature Series #12- Random Events

Feature Series #12- Random Events


Our latest entry in the feature series covers how we handle random events in Lord of Rigel and what they add to the game!

Design Series #12- Plot

Design Series #12- Plot


This entry of our design series discusses how we handle Lord of Rigel's plotline through gameplay!

Ship Design #12- Aranid Fleet

Ship Design #12- Aranid Fleet


This entry of our ship design series covers the insectoid Aranids and their organic ships!

Mechanics Series #12- Nebulas

Mechanics Series #12- Nebulas


This entry of Lord of Rigel's mechanics series covers how nebulas work in the game!

Species Series #12- The Xantus

Species Series #12- The Xantus


The latest entry of our species series covers the enigmatic Xantus, Lord of Rigel's shapeshifting spies!

Composition Series #11- Rigelan and Arcturan tracks

Composition Series #11- Rigelan and Arcturan tracks


The latest entry in our music composition series covers the music for Lord of Rigel's elder species, the Rigelans and Arcturans!

Feature Series #11- Fleet Composition

Feature Series #11- Fleet Composition


The latest entry of our feature series covers why fleet composition is important in Lord of Rigel!

Design Series #11- Lord of Rigel's Map

Design Series #11- Lord of Rigel's Map


The latest part of our design series covers Lord of Rigel's galaxy map and how it works!

Ship Design Series #11- Xantus Fleet

Ship Design Series #11- Xantus Fleet


The latest entry of our ship design series covers the shadowy Xantus!

Mechanics Series #11- Typography

Mechanics Series #11- Typography


This entry of our mechanics series covers something a little different, typography in Lord of Rigel and how it shapes our user interfaces!

Species Series #11- The Rigelans

Species Series #11- The Rigelans


This week our species series article discusses the Rigelans, the titular Lords of Rigel!

Composition Series- #10 Music Update

Composition Series- #10 Music Update


Our latest entry in the music composition series is an update on the progress of the Lord of Rigel soundtrack.

Feature Series #10- Espionage

Feature Series #10- Espionage


This entry of our feature series discusses how espionage works in Lord of Rigel!

Design Series #10- Quests?

Design Series #10- Quests?


This entry of Lord of Rigel's design series covers how the team decided to handle quest mechanics, as quests have become popular to add in many recent...

Ship Design Series #10- Weapon Design

Ship Design Series #10- Weapon Design


The latest entry of our ship design series covers the art direction behind Lord of Rigel's weapons!

Species Series #10- The Synth

Species Series #10- The Synth


The latest entry of our species series discusses the mechanical Synth and their role in the Lord of Rigel universe.

Feature Series #9- Custom Species

Feature Series #9- Custom Species


Today's entry in the feature series covers species customization in Lord of Rigel!

Design Series #9- Strategic Resources

Design Series #9- Strategic Resources


Our latest entry in our design series, the last one before we begin to Kickstart the Galaxy, covers strategic resources in Lord of Rigel!

Ship Design Series #9- Texturing Ships

Ship Design Series #9- Texturing Ships


Our latest entry of Lord of Rigel's ship design series covers how ships in LoR are textured!