A tale of knightly washing machine who goes on crusade against a false king who took the crown by chopping both old king and his knights to death. Knightwasher was on his way to afterlife, second in the row, right behind the dead King Crownwasher. The now dead and true king made his last wish to Death... and Knightwasher's name NEVER existed in the Death's books of living, dead and the dying.

After years and years of studying the books and rules of living, dead and the dying, Death finally came to a conclusion. Knightwasher did not belong to His Scythe Bearer's realm and was cast away from there.

Lance of wood, cogs of steel,
The Knightwasher tilts his foe.
A massive slam, a song of metal,
The Knightwasher's foe tumbles no more.

Wooden lance, sings it's song.
Impact strong, foe is done.
Whisper of an axe, ends in a yell.
Life escapes, only one stands.

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Welcome! Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let's take a small and quick look at what I've been chiseling! Dioramas! I am aiming for each tile (tile in Knightwasher means a single location that is centered on screen) to be impressive and special on it's own. I want them all to be dioramas. Stages of play on their own merit! Of course some of the tiles will be relatively empty. I don't want everything to look cool because then nothing does. Nothing should look utterly boring and uninteresting either!

As a diorama, each tile must stand on it's own, even the most common tile full of grass should have some character. If I can't take a screenshot at random, I've failed to make the tile. When I was younger I used to play Warhammer 40'000 all the time, now I've moved more towards board games, but the love for tiny handcrafted things still stay.

Knightwasher - Three tests

Diorama backgrounds!

Recently I've been testing some backgrounds to find some solution to "dead half of the screen" and I'm fairly confident now with what I've got. As I already have all sorts of lovely effects like depth blur, nice lighting and camera view with low fov (field of vieor) bringing the look of miniature photographs, adding a background itself was a no brainer. Everything I've already got in, benefit more from actual background than just a black screen.

Current tests include the "Dark style" which brings out the tiles themselves more, but darkens the overral picture a bit too much. Second test is "Bright style" which I like more in terms of brightness, but it makes some tile pieces, such as the travel direction arrows and roads very hard to read.

As for the progress itself

I have most of the "common tiles" done for Westwood forest (the starting area), just shore tiles missing and of course a lot of tweaking and adjusting! I had some issues with conversation window not accepting line breaks (/ enter presses) which prevented me from actually typing in conversations, but it's fixed now :)

I should have more free time for the next three weeks, so more content!

I always welcome feedback, so let it pour out if you hate it or love it! Or anything in between of course!


Knightwasher - On to the Audio

Knightwasher - On to the Audio

News 1 comment

This here is my first article (albeit a small one) about Legend of the Knightwasher, concentrating a bit on the sounds-side of it and a little bit about...

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Kris-with-a-K - - 60 comments

So... what's the word on this project? Still working on it?

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Guest - - 707,042 comments

May I ask, wouldn't it be better if the game is played on one big map(like Titan Quest) instead of divide the world into dioramas?
Otherwise, it looks really good.

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Cheeseness - - 88 comments

This is incomprehensibly awesome. I voted for you on Greenlight <3

P.S. Can't wait to play this under Linux ^_^

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Miltage - - 1 comments

Oh man, I am loving this game more every week.

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rottenhedgehog - - 38 comments

You play a washing machine?! XD I love the artstyle!

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kaskade - - 68 comments

This looks awesomely awesome. I'm envious!

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Kris-with-a-K - - 60 comments

This idea for the terrain is incredibly unique and awesome. And the combat looks super fun and stylish.

Arena multiplayer maps would be kind of cool, all these fights going on in different tiles. But I would really love to explore the singleplayer world. Props for playing Warhammer! Tracking.

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Ca_Putt - - 179 comments

I don't really know what this is supposed to be but it looks to awesome not to track. :D

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