EoH is our effort of translating all we have done with C&C:3 Tiberium Secrets mod into it's own stand alone Indie Title. We strive to keep the fidelity of what made Tib sec what it was, while adding new features, with our intension of finishing all 3 factions. This game is currently in it's infancy and will be utilizing UE5.

Add job Report Volunteer Level Designer wanted for Scifi RTS at Honor Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere (US Time zone preferred).

Posted by Honor Games on


My name is Eric and I am the Producer of the released Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars modification Tiberium Secrets. We are doing preproduction for Stand alone Tiberium secrets.

We consist of passionate individuals striving to get into the games and entertainment industries, which has resulted in us networking with many developers and executives in the industry. We also obtained two gamedev.net sponsored passes for the Game Developers Conference (GDC 2017), valued at ~2K each, for leadership, as well as one sponsored pass for GDC 2018. Leadership attended GDC 2019 as well.

We're looking for dedicated individuals interested in planning a new project with us.

You can check the mod that this game is based on here:


Project Overview

The factions come complete with diverse units, structures, mechanics, and lore. Players will take command of a shadowy human faction intent on ensuring the survival of humanity without concern for red tape or ideologies, a biological race run amok, and an artificial intelligence believing itself to be the next evolution of humanity.

Mission Statement

This project's aim is to create an aesthetically pleasing, diverse and intriguing play-style for each faction, drawing inspiration from many other works and real-world subjects

Open positions:

Level Designer

Create building, trees, cars, signs, etc. for general world building and level design. These are mid to high end assets.


  • Experience in 3ds max/Maya
  • Texture experience
  • Contract Signature
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Team Player
  • Passionate and respectful
  • Grit
  • Initiative
  • Keen attention to detail


While there are no direct monetary rewards, these positions give the great chance to not only gain experience in your fields, but to also work together with highly motivated individuals in a team. It is required to give and take constructive criticism and simply push the designs to the limits to give the player the best gaming experience possible. In addition, we are focusing on creating high quality in all points of design, which means that you'll get great video material to publish on your blogs/websites to showcase your work. You can expect a solid foundation and work done in every area of development, since this is not our first project. The team leader may be a reference for future work relationships.

Required time:

This position requires a minimum of roughly 3-5 hours per week. The amount of time you have to put into this project is highly depending on how efficient you work. It makes sense that you will need less time, if you produce high quality at any point, so the given times are just a rough estimate. It is very important that you can react to e-mails and inquiries via smart phone or any other devices, though.

We use our Google Drive, Trello, Skype and e-mail for the exchange of data and information. Further information can be given upon request.

Interested in working with us?

To Apply

send time zone, education/experience, resume/portfolio to contact@honorgames.co, not.com