Approximately 20 years after the events depicted in Deus Ex, The World is only beginning to recover from a Catastrophic worldwide depression. In the Chaotic period of recovery, several religious and political factions see an opportunity to re-shape a worldwide governament to their agendas, understanding that the right moves now could determine the shape of human society for decades- even centruries- to come. In this techno-nightmare, take part in the dark struggle to raise the world from its own ashes.

NinjaBunny says

3/10 - Agree (4) Disagree (1)

It was a HUUUUUUUGE disappointment for a Deus Ex sequel. I remember just beating Deus Ex, being amazed by the game, then I was looking around the Steam store, and saw Invisible War. My first thought was "Holy s***, I am buying this." So I did, installed it, and I was shocked at how BAD it was. Maybe it's because I had such high expectations for it because of "Deus Ex" in the title, and it would be hard to live up to it, but... it's just.... ugh, I don't even want to think about it. Everything is different, and not for the better. Maybe I'm just being too hard on it. It's honestly a okay game (I only rated it below average for being so disappointed), and it is worth the $10 investment, but it's just no Deus Ex.