The new action-thriller from the award-winning team at Infinity Ward delivers the most intense and cinematic action experience ever. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare arms gamers with an arsenal of advanced and powerful modern day firepower and transports them to the most treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world.

MarBronx says

7/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

There is many things this game shows and I hate. The typical rivalry between US and Middle East countries + Russia (though there are some russian allies), massacres and nuclear explosions, chauvinists dickheads recluted for this kind of conflicts, a country indirectly invited to this US party (England), and the list goes on... but after all, this is how war is. The sad international reality of the US in permanent conflict with Middle East and old enemies of the Cold War is just that: the reality, and it will be in a long-term.

As for the game itself, I have to say that I've played MW2 before COD4, so the plot for me left me with many questions. But paradoxically this aspects was the more engaging for me. The dramatic and despairing scenes of the game suggested the crude reality of the war, and the plot was a crucial thing to support this (not considering the details of the tactical and military operation, but the shocking events for the characters). Except for what I remark, the rest of the plot is very usual and doesn't have nothing new to show.

The gameplay is something I always remark of all the COD saga, but comparing with the previous ones, COD4 has nothing new for us except for some weapons and tools (the fetish of the 12 years old community of this game). I don't care too much about it but undeniably there are plenty of weapons to try on your enemies. Although there are different missions and every one has its difficulty and degree of tension, the gameplay becomes boring reaching to the end of the game.
As for the difficulty, I have mixed feelings: just like the previous CODs you should never play on recruit (seriously is for noobs), but veteran is painfully frustrating when you repeat a part many times.

The environment was ok for me. The landscape is not my favourite, but goes along well with the game, nicely detailed. The music also was very fitting with the mood of the story. It's not a bad game, but players should be careful to no become a childish ****.