From Remedy, the makers of Max Payne, comes this psychological action thriller for next-gen consoles and future-spec PC systems. Alan Wake is a psychological action thriller, set in an idyllic all-American small town and its surroundings in the state of Washington. Alan Wake, the game's From Remedy, the makers of Max Payne, comes this psychological action thriller for next-gen consoles and future-spec PC systems. Alan Wake is a psychological action thriller, set in an idyllic all-American small town and its surroundings in the state of Washington. Alan Wake, the game's protagonist, is a bestselling horror writer, who writes a novel about his darkest nightmares. In the game, those nightmares come true...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 19)

After all this years, I can call it modern classics.

Excellent plot and graphics.

Excellent plot and graphics.


Marvelous atmosphere, great characters, and good story. The gameplay is quite good up until the end, where it gets to be a bit repetitive. All in all, it's a damn fine game that I highly recommend.

The DLC adds very little to the story, but it's pretty good.

Why does Alan Wake abandon his car so quickly at the slightist disturbance. Why doesn't he duct tape tons of lights to his car when it's quite clear its his only salvation. Why does he walk by many cars on his way to wherever hes going, without trying to break into one, hotwire it or find the keys? Why does he keep finding coffee thermos in the woods eventhough he never drinks it? What do we gain by finding them?
The gameplay doesn't serve to enhance the game, it only serves to make us ask a question the game won't answer, if it did, the explanation would be awkward. Meanwhile, he can’t remember the events of the last week, he keeps finding pages of a manuscript he hasn’t written yet and he’s got a head wound from a car accident. Is he mad, in a coma, or back in time? None of the above, the explanation does not justify the lapses in logic.
The combat while frantically makes us use light and guns to take down our foes, if your ever stuck reloading both you get killed. So you have to make sure to not miss or you will get killed by the time the 3rd enemy gets to you. The abundance of the batteries and ammo means its not about survival, but good positioning. While it serves to be a interesting dynamic, the overuse of the same enemies over and over again for many hours (and the lack of weaponary) quickly becomes tiring.

Fact is the daytime in Alan Wake, the townsfolk are quite well developed and so is Alan Wakes personality. Entertaining even. But the times where your running through forests make about as little sense as the explanations. It also serves to pad the game out horrendously long. It's god some artistic ideas, but they are handled so clumsily I don't really get what the whole thing was about. Mot in any "you just don't get it way" but in a, the game just doesn't make much sense on its own.


This game is one of my most favorite games in all creation, absolutely STELLAR.


An Absolutely amazing game,and the best pc port I have ever seen, its amazing how well it was made, and the pc version has visual upgrades that the consoles don't, Remedy needs a high five.

Great game that makes you not want to turn it off! if you dont enjoy cutscreens then you will not enjoy the game as you wont get a chance to be drawn into the story, but if you do enjoy them then you will more than likely enjoy this game, always on edge and expect the un-expected!


TriksopMasleev says