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The Dark Crystal (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : The Dark Crystal) Locked
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Dec 15 2005 Anchor

I recently rewatched Jim Henson's movie The Dark Crystal... I realized it would make an awesome HL2 mod. Playing as Jen and Kira, or herhaps with Kira by your side, you could reenact the movie, complete with a cinematic introduction and dialogue (similar to the parts with Alyx in HL2). Of course, Fizzgig (Kira's pet furball with teeth) would have to make an appearance. This movie's setting, Thra, is an environment with incredible diversity; the architecture in the village of the Mystics is like something out of Myst; there are lush jungles teeming with interesting animals; the Skeksis palace is dark and foreboding; this game's environmental diversity would shadow all major mods currently in development.

Of course, since this movie lacks in the combat department, some artistic liberties may have to be taken (Jen using the crystal shard as a dagger perhaps? and that slingshot thingy that Kira uses to kill the crystal bat). There could also be a section in which you ride a Landstrider attacking the Garthim to save Kira's Podling friends.

Not only this, but there is a sequel in the making that could add more insight into the world or provide content for the sequel. and also a novel has been written about it.

Edited by: SerialBawx

Dec 15 2005 Anchor

i see no flaws with the idea, although it may need some thought put into it and kinks worked out. however, can i ask you a question? why'd you choose Half-Life 2?

dbecker Dark Element
Dec 15 2005 Anchor

I would play a Dark Crystal mod :-)

EvilFish The Only Official ModDB Fish
Dec 15 2005 Anchor

Wait... wasn't "The Dark Crystal" George Lucas? I used to love that movie. Haven't seen it in years though... old movies bin, here I come!

dbecker Dark Element
Dec 15 2005 Anchor

No it wasn't.

It was Jim Henson

Edited by (in order): dbecker, dbecker

Dec 16 2005 This post has been deleted.
ArChNeMiSiS Say hello to my little friend!
Dec 16 2005 Anchor

wouldnt there be certain restrictions with this?...arent you likely to be sued? other words, are you planning on getting permission?


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Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Dec 16 2005 Anchor

i don't know how the main rules are but the movie is rather old, really old. i don't know if you get that much into trouble going for old movies. on the other side i'm no expert at such legal stuff.

ArChNeMiSiS Say hello to my little friend!
Dec 16 2005 Anchor

yeh i guess so. Im no expert either, i just presumed with any movie there might be certain restrictions in place....guess i might be wrong


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JoeX111 Tilting at windmills
Dec 16 2005 Anchor

Contact the people who hold the rights to the movie (Probably Jim Henson's company) and ask if they care. If you are nice and professional about it, they probably wont care, especially since the IP is old.

I tried rewatching that movie a while back and couldn't get all the way through it. At least Labyrinth has a terrifying David Bowie in it.

Dec 16 2005 Anchor

Mrhatch: The Source engine is a very versatile engine with a lot of advanced features (Normal mapping, advanced physics, HDR, etc) and I think this would be the only modern engine capable of rendering all aspects of Henson's world as it deserves. The Doom 3 engine would be great for inside the Skeksis' castle, but it wouldn't be so good for the outdoor environments. The mod community for the Source engine is very active, and those two reasons alone are enough reason for me.

dbecker: So would I :)

Evilfish: The only muppet-like creature Lucas ever used was Yoda; he never would even THINK of trying anything as complex as the skeksis or the podlings huge dancing scene.

TKAzA: This isn't just some Star Wars or Matrix knockoff; it's a cult classic that is obscure enough to attract an audience by providing something FRESH for the community; I've seen sooo many bullet time mods that I'm quite sick of it. I believe this mod, in addition to the upcoming sequel, could turn this into the next LotR as far as turning old IP into a fresh IP again.

ArChNeMiSiS: I am actually sending an e-mail to The Jim Henson Company as I type this, so we'll see whether we have to let this idea die or pursue it shortly.

Obviously we would need to get IP rights, and perhaps they would even be willing to supply the development team with some support, such as concept drawings that THEY used in making the movie and things of the sort to make sure we don't mess up their property. We'd obviously not be making any money off of this, but it would be a great thing for all involved.

All that said. I'm not an expert programmer, modeler, artist, foley artist, musician, or anything else, although I have some experience in every one of these fields. However, I could cook up a pretty proffessional webpage for this purpose. If anyone should undertake this idea, I'd be there for ideas, beta testing, and I'd help anywhere I could in the developmental process.

Let's keep this mod idea alive :)

ArChNeMiSiS Say hello to my little friend!
Dec 17 2005 Anchor

good idea mate, i hope it works out for you.


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Dec 17 2005 This post has been deleted.
methy Is he black, is he not?
Dec 17 2005 Anchor

I'm sick and tired of movie ripoffs too. This doesn't seem to be a ripoff. I know Quentin says people don't do homages, but as far as I can see, this is a homage to a damn good cult classic. If it is done well, great. If it is done poorly, no skin off my nose.

I want to make a mod based on the movie Pirates, but I don't think the ESRB would like it ;).

Dec 18 2005 Anchor

The last time a video game was made for this movie was back in 1982, so it obviously didn't appeal to Henson's visuals and charm. I intend to "modernize" the game technologically, but remain true to its classic visual animatronic style.

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