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Is Typing better than Speaking??? (Forums : PC Gaming : Is Typing better than Speaking???) Locked
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Jan 7 2005 Anchor

I'm a hardcore DOD player, and im so used to the fact that when i see a nade i can press a button and yell out nade!!!
to whoever is beside me, i could be specific and say the name of the person.
What I dont understand is y do most games not have voice,
i could see the downfall theres always morons who lack attention from their parents, and spam the mic. Thats when u mute them. simple, but can anyone tell me y most games dont carry that option, (yes i've heard of teamspeak) but in CS and DOD its right there. I played Call of Duty online
and just the fact that it doesnt have the voice SUX!!!
especially in games where ur team has an objective its so hard to organize.Am i missing something here wouldnt it be an added bonus to have that option for most team based fps games? just a question, enlighten me as to why halflife is one of the few games that have it come standard, When having voice gives the game so much more depth. K

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jan 7 2005 Anchor

hm... i prefer typing... perhaps because i do not play games where voice-comm is needed. sure talking is good for a team but like said: it hogs bandwidth... no matter what people say... it does.

Jan 7 2005 Anchor

Well, I also prefer typing. Sometimes I have trouble speaking in complete sentences in real life (not that I stutter or anything, I just can't really formulate them well). But with typing, I am able to make sure I can at least get the message across.

However, I really like doing it when I have the chance to and know that other players are hearing my voice is twice the fun. It's a lot easier to communicate, seeing as how you won't be standing still, typing sentences to your teammates when people are shooting at you. You can, instead, just shout the sentence or two you were thinking of typing and it's a lot safer :)


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

RatoN We're going to the Winchester
Jan 7 2005 Anchor

It's a close call for me, but I think I perfer speaking. I type at a decent speed, but I'm kinda clumsy. Making alot of typos and grammatical errors. To sum it up, I'm kinda the opposite of Karuto.

Plus I hate typing while gaming.

Edited by: RatoN

Jan 7 2005 Anchor

Using mic is an added bonus. Its either for

1)Real tactics so you get updates by your team realtime not the round after they died from not getting their message across

2)having fun with friends and discussing things while in game in audio instead of running into a dark corner to not get shot while typing.

I too am perplexed as to why a lot more fps games do not implement the voice over system. Most likely because of lag and the fact for such a "small feature" some people would say it is quite a lot of work. I'm just glad it is in halflife.

Spector WWIII
Jan 7 2005 Anchor

Untill I found out I had a built on mic, I was always dieing cause was typing =/, but with ventrillo + my mic, I live alot longer, even though I can type somewhat fast I have the same problem as RatoN, clumsy with the keys!!!!

Just for reference, its to hard to make in game mic quality high enough to sound any good, even though there is an option to make it somewhat better, you better off just using teamspeak or ventrillo.

Edited by: Spector

-- - Web Design
Some guy in the space time continuum.

Stallion001 Ladies know me as daddy, u call me snuggle bear
Jan 7 2005 Anchor

Well, hmmm.. err... How can i say this...

It's good when the little kids type... Not speak on the microphone... All they do is yell "BS OMG OMG HAXOR" or they talk about some COMPLETELY different shit that uve never even heard of...

Its good when mature people talk on the mic...

All games should have a voice-test, where if your voice was too high in pitch, you shouldnt be able to talk in the game.. :D

declinsion Wall Scibbler
Jan 7 2005 Anchor

What if someone just happened to have an unusually high pitched voice?

Jan 8 2005 Anchor

Hey.... All online Xbox game have voice chat built into the game while playing so why can't all pc games do so too???

itachi_ Birthstar: Frontline
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

because xbox is a platform and it's easy for microsoft to require all games built for said platform to support voice comm.. with pcs its the developers choice, and often times its a looked over feature that gets dumped during crunch.

mr.spammer More Than A Woman
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

i don't think mics help, because people talk about absolute shite, and not tactics or positions or anything. When typing, in the middle of a fight, you only type rarely when it is very necessary to get tactics to team members, so it saves all the spam of people shouting "yay headshot" and "wtfwtfWTF" so in my opinion typing

Jan 8 2005 Anchor

Voice is nice if the people are good with it. I just started playing some UT2004 with some guys with mikes and it helps the team.

I think the companies don't do it because people screw off too much. One time there was a jerk playing his stereo thru the mic. Or if you get uptight people that get pissed off it can get annoying. The kids are kinda funny. It is weird to think of some 10 year old playing. Makes you laugh when they talk.

Then of course the was the first day or two UT2004 release. People were just getting used to the mics so of course someone did what you knew everyone was thinking.

He farted on the microphone.

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

i donno... but if your team is well you are good without communicating much. also talking SHOULD give away your position but i don't know many games where this is the case. in real life situations you use anyways more hand signs as talking is a bit dangerous.

yeah... decent hand-sign support would be something nice instead of shouting kids, lamers and egoists ^_^

ImTheDarkcyde ¯\(º_o)/¯
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

agreed, i hate xbox lives dependence on voice chat

everyone on it sounds like a little.. high pitched.. whiny.. brittish kid (no offence, they all just seem to have that accent when its that high pitched)

"omg wtf i pwwn j00" <-- did i mention how many times i killed this guy before he left....

im waiting for the phantom (laugh all you want) because its a console.. with a keyboard (manditory :D )

Jan 8 2005 Anchor

I hate stupid yelling people on cs/dod servers, it ruins the atmosphere - i don't feel that i'm actually in a middle of a firefight, were a strain bullet could hit my head :P

It's a good method of communicating, it's easier to make a good action plan with microphones, but it gets irritating fast when somebody has got a high-pitched or something like that voice and says (in real life, ingame it feels like a yell) something senseless every 5 seconds

Jan 8 2005 Anchor

You could always ignore the people on voice chat, and the same with Xbox Live, you know :P


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

sure... but somehow this can't be the solution.

Jan 8 2005 Anchor

Karuto wrote: You could always ignore the people on voice chat, and the same with Xbox Live, you know :P

Muting somebody isn't the solution, sometimes people are saying important things, and also i feel like im losing something from the game. :P

Spector WWIII
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

Im sure there is a feature that allows you to mute specific people in a game, such as cs and dod, which allow you to mute a single person... =) cheers for teh mute feature!!!!!

and my voice sounds alot deeper througha mic, its funny!


-- - Web Design
Some guy in the space time continuum.

ImTheDarkcyde ¯\(º_o)/¯
Jan 8 2005 Anchor

im agreeing with the guy up there.

sometimes they do say something important, chances are if they're a bunch of yelling faggots they're gonna be hootin and hollerin about when/where/bywho they were killed.

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jan 9 2005 Anchor

which btw is not that good. if you can only type, you can't say anymore once you are dead... like in real life. with voice though any lamer can give away details he would not be able to with only typing.

embers. I'm a lumberjack....
Jan 9 2005 Anchor

only if u have all speak on

TheRambo Hello.
Jan 9 2005 Anchor

Thants a close call for me. I hate it to type while playing since i can always be shot just that second, but i also dont like people talking bullshit all the time, especially when they're dead, as others mentioned before. So to sum up, i really dont know what i prefer, i guess it depends on the team quality, like if there are some serious gamers or just some freaks.


OMG it's teh Raaaaammmbooo!!!

Jan 11 2005 Anchor

I would prefer voice. especially in jedi academy, you try to type somthing and they skewer you with their saber and that really pisses me off, But of course it doesnt have voice chat wich sucks!!

Edited by: StormTrooper91

ImTheDarkcyde ¯\(º_o)/¯
Jan 11 2005 Anchor

when you're typing in JK:JA you get the chat icon

if someones douchebag enough to kill you when its up, then kill them repeatedly

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