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This page will be updated with relevant facts related to the Nephilim Race in Sins of the Fallen.

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Sins of the Fallen Nephilim Logo

The Nephilim

A mysterious race of giant men possessing miracle like abilities (claimed to have been gained from the fallen angels that originally sired them). Nephilim men are long lived but not immortal. All Nephilim's are born from a union of a Nephilim with a sentient female. The resulting birth is usually to much for the female to survive and always results in a male offspring.

Moderately dependant on culture to improve the Nephilim's ability to wage war and feed their economy. The Nephilim's fleet is by far the most durable of any of the races but is much more costly to replace as a result.

For as long as the Plague has been devouring systems the Nephilim have been chasing them.

Who are the Nephilim?

The common view is they are the product of fallen angels or the "Sons of God" who married the "Daughters of Men". While others have claimed the Nephilim are simply genetic tampering of long instinct alien races. The sad fact is the true origins of the Nephilim is unknown truly even to themselves. They of course believe their ancestors are Fallen Angels. Their ability to perform what only can be called miracles seems to back this believe. They have long since lost any ability to communicate with any Fallen Angels or their Creator (if it ever existed). They also believe eradicating the Plague they have been following since their creation is the final step to reconnect to their fallen fathers.


Nephilim's themselves are extremely long lived (300 - 400 years). Nephilim's also must mate with females from lesser races as the offspring from Nephilim unions are always men. Nephilim men appear to carry a genetic code that allows them to mate with nearly all sentient species in the universe. They also
will use the lesser races to supplement their fleet and tend to their infrastructures.

Unique Structures

The Nephilim's Holy Shrine acts as both a culture center and trade port as the Nephilim and conquered peoples pilgrimage from holy shrine to holy shrine making offerings to the faith.

Unique Units

The Nephilim's Purification Warship is both the siege and anti-module vessel.
The Nephilim's Soul Carrier has plasma weapons that discharge from the sides.

Nephilim Starbase
Nephilim Starbase

Nephilim Capital Ships
Nephilim Ships CapitalBattleship: Archangel Battleship
Nephilim Ships CapitalCarrier: Leviathan Carrier
Capital Nephilim Colony CapitalColony: Covenant Mothership
CapitalShip Nephilim Siege CapitalSiege: Ravager Dreadnaught
Nephilim Ships CapitalSupport: Watcher Battlecruiser

Nephilim Frigates and Cruisers
Nephilim Ships AntiFighterFrigate: Aegis Warship
Nephilim Colony ColonyFrigate: Apostle
Nephilim Ships CarrierFrigate: Soul Bearer
Nephilim Ships HeavyFrigate: Dominion Provoker
Nephilim Ships LightFrigate: Emim Zealot
Frigate Nephilim Long Range LongRangeFrigate: Rephaim Warship
Nephilim Scout ScoutFrigate: Prophet
Nephilim Siege SiegeFrigate: Purification Warship
Nephilim Ships Utility0Frigate: Templar Elite
Frigate Nephilim Utility1 Utility1Frigate: Seraphim Defender
Nephilim Ships StarBaseConstructor: Genesis Constructor
Nephilim Ships Envoy: Sicariot Envoy

Nephilim Strikecraft

Post comment Comments
Captain_Perfect - - 553 comments

sounds like an awesome race

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albertloo25 - - 27 comments

it is!!

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RaGod - - 488 comments

The capital Colony just strikes me as...odd...

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

It's based off of Azrael's symbol from some Angel research I did...

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malanthor - - 855 comments

Wondering: the convenant mothership. what is convenant, its not supposed to be covenant or something? im not a native english speaker, and ive never heard of convenant, why im asking. covenant means pact or some such, but convenant ehrr. <ponders>
Also do these blue skinned giants force themselves on woman or do they only inseminate those willing? Be nice to know a little more abouth the races. :)

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

On the nephilim mating practices even I'm not real sure how that works :P I kind of left that open ended for the players imagination to fill in the gap.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

lol, conversion and covenant became convenant somehow in my head. I'm fixing that in the mod. Thank you.

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macker8894 - - 155 comments

just wondering...whats the point of the Seraphim Defender's ability Masked Prescence??...according to the in-game description it forces allied ships to forget about the ship their currently firing on and target another ship??...or am i reading it wrong??

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

It's fairly powerful against the AI in that it forces the attackers to pick a new target and makes it 60% less likely to be retargetted for the duration. However, it's fairly boring in it's current state and could use a face lift. Originally I wanted it to phase out the ship but still have weapons enabled which didn't work.

Additionally channelled abilities don't work very well with Sins, so I'll be looking at redoing all the channeled stuff if it suffers from targetting issues (mainly single target channeled abilities).

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Weasle101 - - 2 comments

Honestly the research of the nephilim is kind of bland, I love the design of the ships and everything but nothing about them feels... unique to me... instead they just feel like a mesh of everyone else. I dont have any real suggestions except perhaps to branch out of the classical system of ships i.e. instead of utilities have some unique warships of some kind. Instead of capital ships, or in addition to them, have something like the dreadnought in malestorm. Also the research could use some tweaks as mentioned earlier to make them feel unique there.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

I personally don't like the dreadnought system in maelstrom. Maybe when rebellion comes out and this type of thing is supported with the AI.

And while the Nephilim research is somewhat bland, there culture tree is rather extensive. They are more about brute force and capital abilities than relying on research to defeat enemies.

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TWuest - - 25 comments

alot of these ships come from star wars, during the old republic era, like the leviathan, and the ravager

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Err... What?

I watched the modeller build these and they are in no way based off star wars. Now the carrier in hypercorp, ya thats a knockoff.

The majority of the Nephilim ships were from the imagination of the modeller.

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EternalRequiem - - 2 comments

leviathan and the ravager are done by me and are custom done models. I didn't get any inspiration from any other place besides my own imagination. Heck most of the Nephilim models are done by me and were requested by ZombiesRus5 to be used.

Just had to add in my 2 cents.

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