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A one stop guide to trouble shooting BlitzKrieg2: The Finest Hour Includes fixing issues with installing, launching, crashes and miss-matches. User added suggestions and a general guide for blitz issues. Pictures to come later! Unlocked, write in the fixes that worked for you, rules, include your os and zero hour version (disks or tfd) Include the problem you were getting then what steps you took to fix it.

Posted by on - Basic Installers

Section 1; Installation:

While Installing may seem easy, because well, it has an installer. How ever with new technology and operating systems since it's build has made it some what tricky and frustration to use. But it is possible to get blitz running on xp, vista, and win7, with plain zh disks or tfd. I know because I, myself, have done the process with each combination.

Let's get started;
Preflight checklist

  1. None of the mirrors are broken, I've tested them all myself, they all contain the file the same size and it works. However, you're best off to use the ModDB mirror.
  2. The least complicated combination to use, is running windows xp (I mean for real xp as your primary os(well a virtual machine might work well for this I'll test it later)) and straight up old school zh disks, as in, 2 generals disks then 2 zero hour disks. s in not the first decade dvd.
  3. If you are using the zh disk, regardless of os, make sure zh is patched, you can do this by simply booting the game and attempting to connect online, it will automatically download and install the patch. (TFD users have the patch pre-installed on the disk)
  4. Vista/7 users, if zh is already installed you might as well go ahead and uninstall it right now, you'll see why when we get to the install directions.
  5. There are 2 files you'll need to run the public version, and since DS ftp went out, you'll have to get the beta P2P. The 2 files are right on this page on ModDB, the main installer and the patch.
  6. There cannot be ANY other mods in your zh folder, use one of your back ups if you must

The preflight is just some notes and cations for you before we start so you know the necessary steps and the staggering installation process you're about to go through, don't worry it's well worth it.

Mobilizing the troops (installation steps)
We will begin with the easiest installation then move our way up to the more annoying situations.

Straight up zh disks, Windows XP

  1. Install zh by useing your generals and zh disks
  2. Patch zero hour by launching it after fresh install and clicking online in the multiplayer option (the patch will automatically download and install)
  3. With zero hour good to go, go ahead and make a back up copy of vanilla, patched zh, when it comes to blitz you'll be glad you did down the road.
  4. Launch your blitzkrieg R3 file (you know the one, it only took you 3 days to download it)installer just follow the directions like any other
  5. Apply the blitz 3.0 to 3.01 patch,
  6. Launch the game see if everything is working good (ai doesn't work don't annoy me about it)
  7. Since all is working good, and the buggy nature of blitz, take a few minutes to back up your blitz folder, just incase. Just copy the folder and paste it in a safe location, you can zip or rar it if you wish.
  8. enjoy some Blitz, everything should be working just dandy, if not scroll down to the trouble shooting section

The First Decade, Windows XP

  1. Drop your disk in and add what ever you want, make sure both generals and zerohour are selected (duh I know, but I have to say it)
  2. Make a back up of the zerohour folder when finished
  3. Launch your blitzkrieg R3 file (you know the one, it only took you 3 days to download it) just follow the directions like any other installer
  4. Now the tricky part, the patch cannot find the old file at this point, so you have to change some folder names. "Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour" your zero hour folder is named this, before installing the patch remove the (tm), so that it looks like this "Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour"
  5. Apply the blitz 3.0 to 3.01 patch,
  6. Rename your folder to "Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour" once it's finished
  7. Launch the game see if everything is working good (ai doesn't work don't annoy me about it)
  8. Since all is working good, and the buggy nature of blitz, take a few minutes to back up your blitz folder, just incase. Just copy the folder and paste it in a safe location, you can zip or rar it if you wish.
  9. enjoy some Blitz, everything should be working just dandy, if not scroll down to the trouble shooting section

Straight up ZH disks, Windows Vista/7

  1. If zero hour is already installed, then I' sorry to do this to you, but you must unistall it
  2. Install your generals and zerhour DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT INSTALL PATH (the one where it installs in programfiles(x86), instead install it in the regular programfiles, without the (x86)
  3. Patch zero hour by launching it after fresh install and clicking online in the multiplayer option (the patch will automatically download and install)
  4. With zero hour good to go, go ahead and make a back up copy of vanilla, patched zh, when it comes to blitz you'll be glad you did down the road.
  5. Launch your blitzkrieg R3 file (you know the one, it only took you 3 days to download it)installer just follow the directions like any other
  6. Apply the blitz 3.0 to 3.01 patch,
  7. Launch the game see if everything is working good (ai doesn't work don't annoy me about it)
  8. Since all is working good, and the buggy nature of blitz, take a few minutes to back up your blitz folder, just in-case. Just copy the folder and paste it in a safe location, you can zip or rar it if you wish.
  9. enjoy some Blitz, everything should be working just dandy, if not scroll down to the trouble shooting section

The First Decade dvd, Windows Vista/7

  1. If TFD is already installed, then I' sorry to do this to you, but you must unistall it
  2. Drop your disk in and add what ever you want, make sure both generals and zerohour are selected (duh I know, but I have to say it) DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT INSTALL PATH (the one where it installs in programfiles(x86), instead install it in the regular programfiles, without the (x86)
  3. Now the tricky part, the patch cannot find the old file at this point, so you have to change some folder names. "Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour" your zero hour folder is named this, before installing the patch remove the (tm), so that it looks like this "Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour"
  4. Apply the blitz 3.0 to 3.01 patch,
  5. Rename your folder to "Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour" once it's finished
  6. Launch the game see if everything is working good (ai doesn't work don't annoy me about it)
  7. Since all is working good, and the buggy nature of blitz, take a few minutes to back up your blitz folder, just incase. Just copy the folder and paste it in a safe location, you can zip or rar it if you wish.
  8. enjoy some Blitz, everything should be working just dandy, if not scroll down to the trouble shooting section

Installing the beta, any disk set, any os

  1. The beta is just a set of ini files which change some balance in the game, they are typically found in a rar file, so you'll need winrar or 7Zip to extract them.
  2. when you extract the file it will plop out a folder titled "INI", go into that folder, depending on the beta version there should be several files and at least 1 folder.
  3. Open you main directory folder where blitz is installed
  4. Look for a folder named data, enter it
  5. Now you'll come across a folder titled "INI", sound familiar?
  6. (looks like this for me) C:\Program Files\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI (yours probably has a ea games or something in there but I didn't pay attention when I installed my game...)
  7. go into that folder, make sure there are no files in there, if there is, delete them
  8. With an empty ini folder in you blitz folder, take the files out of ini from you extracted beta file and throw them in the blitz ini folder (this one ex; C:\Program Files\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI )
  9. Now test with your buddies in a quick match, if it's installed properly and everyone is on the same version, there shouldn't be any issues, if someone is not, you'll get the missmatch (aka in game a black square pops up saying something silly like "the game has detected a out of sync condition what this mean is you're totally boned"), then you all may have to reinstall the files.

Section 2; Hamachi, and it's uses with blitz:
BlitzKrieg2: The Finest Hour is a major resource chomper, so much so that even with all players haveing a supurb internet connection, the gamespy data rate for zh is too slow to support blitz with anything but a storm of lag. To get around this issue, most players use a little program called Hamachi. Hamachi works by creating a virtual private network and connecting all the people with-in a room, and creates an imaginary lan connection between them. It allows a much greater data transfer rate between users than gamespy for zh, so the only lag you feel when you use it is your hardware and connection.

Using hamachi for conquering your foes;

  1. Goto and find the download (telling you where it is is pointless because they always change the site so it can be anywhere, trust me it's in there somewhere.
  2. You can pick the trail or basic free, most of use the basic free, but the trail can be good if you cheat it(coughcoughset your computers date to something like 2019 before you install it, then change it back afterwardscough)
  3. Once you get it up you'll need to change some setting to get the smoothest connection possible
  4. go into preferences and find encryption, turn this off. ok I was lying, theres only one thing you need to change, but you can browse around and set it up to your liking.
  5. Now you need to join a room, you can check at derelict studios or ask some blitzer people for a room and password. You can also create a room when ever you like
  6. All the people who are going to be in the game must have 1 mutual room (they all have to be in 1 room together) and not over several ie, players 1 and 2 in room A, players 2 and 3 in room B, and players 1 and 3 in room 88B, all players need to be in a mutual room, aka players 1,2,3 ect in room G.
  7. Now launch blitz, goto option in the main menu, you'll see at the botton an area that says IP address, change your LAN IP to your hamachi IP (usually starts with a 5)
  8. Now to play you simply turn on hamachi, launch blitz, hit multiplayer, then choose lan / vpn instead of gamespy, you should soon see all your buddies in there ready for a match

Thats all there is to it, never had any problems with it so far so it should work just dandy for you, just make sure your firewall ios turned off for even smoother gameplay.

Section3; Troubleshooting:

  1. Bugs/Imbalances/Exploits
  2. Mismatches/De-syncs
  3. Crashes

Report all Errors to our main forums here. Please do a search before posting to make sure someone hasn't already reported it, because we may well be aware of the problem, and may have even already fixed it.
Bugs, Imbalances and Exploits: here is an explanation the difference between bugs, imbalances and exploits.

A Bug, is something thats not supposed to happen, but does anyways, it doesn't cause major balancing issues, and probably can't be exploited. Something like; the tank is shoot out from the side of the turret instead of from the barrel, or the plane is flying backwards. Some Bugs cause major problems but can't seem to be isolated or controlled, like our well known air bug, if ou're not familiar with the air bug, sometimes during air battles, everything on your screen just explodes for no reason. This may seem like an exploit, but since no one can control when everything explodes, it's a Bug.

An Imbalance, is when it seems that something is overpowered. Like for example: This unit costs only 20 bucks, and can kill 50 units in 2 seconds. Please understand however, some imbalances in Blitz are intentional. Yes, Germany is really powerful in the first 10 minutes, and Russia is really weak. Some Units are comparatively low priced, fast building, and can dish out a whole lot of hurt. This is based on real statistical data, taken from many sources about price, units built, and field and testing data from WW2! We try to balance it out based on these factors the best we can, usually by slightly tweaking the parameters for the entire factions units. However, somethings clearly need a buff or debuff, a single T-34 shouldn't be able to pound down 20 tigers without breaking a sweat. When reporting an Imbalance, please state you're concerns on why you think a unit or other factor with precise examples. For instance, this T-34 is imbalanced because it busted down 20 tigers without breaking a sweat, 1 unit costs $600 and builds in 5 seconds, whereas a Single tiger costs $2100 and takes much longer to produce.An Exploit, is a bug that can be manipulated to cause an imbalance. An example is with artillery, the reload time for a piece of artillery is quite substantial, with some units requiring a couple minutes before they can fire again, however, you can fire the artillery then load them back into a truck, unload them, then fire them again immediately. Which cuts the reload time to mere seconds. Exploits are our number 1 concern, but also take the longest to narrow down and solve. Please report exploits in great detail, include instructions on how to recreate the Exploit, or include a video of the Exploit.Mismatches and De-syncs; Ever been playing a great round with someone to suddenly find the game ending with the message: "Your game has been mismatched". Well, This means someones files don't match up somewhere. It means somewhere in all the Blitz files between you and the other players, there is just 1 little difference, and when the machines looked up the data and sent the info to each other, they noticed a difference, your file 1A.b15 says 1 in line 15, but mine says 2. If you're playing with a group of people, it's easy to narrow done who doesn't match up. I will demonstrate the process using a 4 player example. Players A,B,C and D, game mismatches, wat do?! simple, split up and load up 1 on 1s. Players A and B launch and game while C and D do the same, C and D mismatch, A and B are not, Now A and C, and B and D, A and C mismatch. Player C is the one to blame with the messed up files, best have him reinstall. Now, I know what you're thinking; 'But raptor, if the player has the wrong files the game wouldn't let him join in the first place lolol'. Well yes and no, the game only checks a couple of the major files to allow game entry and start, sometimes mismatches are caused by a single unit be different between players, and won't mismatch until one of the players builds that unit, then everyone's computer opens the files for that unit, if they don't all show the exact same thing, mismatch, game over. This is usually a problem encountered that is out of our control, you or someone else installed wrong or changed something and forgot about it. The best fix is a reinstall of the blitz files, no need to mess with Zero Hour files, most of the time.A Crash is when your game closes suddenly and you find yourself staring at your desktop with some generic error message. crashes are super easy for us the find, and sometimes fix. When you report a crash open up your crash info and copy it to your post. You can find it in your my documents zh folder, titled CrashInfo.txt something or other. This will tell us not only the exact file, but many times the exact line of code that caused the crash. Sometimes its just something we can't control. The engine wasn't made to have 4000 units running around at once and just breaks sometimes. No worries though, Crashes are quite rare, and with the handy crash info, we should be able to fix the problem.

Post comment Comments
codeblue666 - - 272 comments

i have spent many hours trying to get TFD to work on My WIN 7 home preium 64 bit pc and have try many things will no sucsses any hints

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DaRaptor0 Author
DaRaptor0 - - 146 comments

If it's not launching after you install it, right click the blitz2.exe launcher in your zh folder and hit run as admin, if it still doesn't work set the compatibility mode to xp and run as admin. if still not then I'm not sure.

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socialistduck - - 3 comments

You may want to try the steps I discuss on the main forum for BKII.

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codeblue666 - - 272 comments

no zero hour doesnt work at all nor does general but a ll the other gmames do. and i have runing it as adm9in and under xp compatibility mode

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DaRaptor0 Author
DaRaptor0 - - 146 comments

What error is it giving you? try turning off the xp compatibility and run as admin.

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flamekid54 - - 3 comments

hey DaRaptor. I have a problem when I try to play blitz2 an error pops-up and it says something about overheated hardware stuff.

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DirectorwannaB - - 10 comments

Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So that's why it wasn't working.

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Legion2552 - - 99 comments

You mean, with TFD being the newest release of this game, you guys dind't make sure it would work with it? Wow...

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DaRaptor0 Author
DaRaptor0 - - 146 comments

Blitz has been in the works since generals was launched, the latest version of the patcher and launcher were designed back before tfd was released. And not a lot of ppl know how to c++ code to update them...

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xXoverlordXx741 - - 15 comments

i followed the tut im useing TFD i got rid of (tm) and i unistalled it and reinstalled it help me!

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talaan211 - - 14 comments

im getting an error saying that some files are missing or corrupt and that i need to reinstall. should i reinstall both items (TFD and blitz) AGAIN to see if ti works?

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DaRaptor0 Author
DaRaptor0 - - 146 comments

That error is related to just blitz, you got this when trying to launch I assume. So, do you have other mods installed with blitz? I highly recommend removing them if so. Generally this error is a fluke from the launcher, if all the files are there and you dont have other mods and stuff just try launching a few times or restarting your machine it should work. Oh also, close world builder if its opened, it will cause this error.

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talaan211 - - 14 comments

Thanks alot draraptor. i found that for some reason the blitz files got put into a seperate "program files" file within the ZH folder. i moved them into the main directory and it works... im trying the patch now

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talaan211 - - 14 comments

i am however still having issues with the patch

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DirectorwannaB - - 10 comments

I followed your instructions and that didn't work. So I tried running it as admin and I got an error message saying that the old file didn't exist. I'm using a Windows Vista and I'm trying to use v.3.0-3.1. What do I do now?

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polita123 - - 323 comments

No troubleshooting yet?

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UNSC_SCOUT - - 384 comments

I did the tutorial on the Windows 7. It still says im missing files. on my XP machine, it gives me a overheated message. The XP use to play it. Any help would be appreciated.

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mdp_mason - - 38 comments

Here's what I did, I installed the first decade fully running it with admin rights. I installed Blitz right into the folder nothing special. I marked blitz with admin rights and in win Xp service pack 2. I ran it once got the error, than I clicked the zero hour folder went to properties and under security made the whole folder accessible to every one (I gave admin privileges to every user and admin in the list, EVERYTHING!). After that I went to the Blitz shortcut took OFF the admin and service pack and it worked beautifully, no AI glitches perfect online play everything works fine. I did not install the patch it still says old file cannot be found, hope this confusing comment helped someone.

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mdp_mason - - 38 comments

Also i forgot to mention, Run the first decade its self with administrative rights, so the C&C engine boots up in admin mode. If your wondering you can check by if tiberium sun gives you a dll. error if you run in admin it will work fine meaning the whole first decade is in admin. for normal users, make C&C zh admin.

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TheCeLL87 - - 803 comments

Post your hamachi networks!!

Blitz2 Lobby1,2, and 3 are all full DX

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Olix8194 - - 3 comments

Excuse me as are all Greetings I have a problem installing the mod patching the zero hour and also the Blitzkrieg II but when playing stand run as administrator and get an error that says "Techniccal dificulties you have encountred a serius error ..... . "and exits the game could tell me how to fix it? please thank you very much to anyone who can solve this and EXCELLENT job with this mod I'm dying to play it please help

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VolkovTheWolf - - 1 comments

i had some error in the launcher

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Battleship0003 - - 271 comments

No windows 8/8.1 compatibility thanks a lot.

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