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This will guide people about Installing Ballistic Weapons and Junkwars Mods

Posted by on - Intermediate Installers

Installation Guide

This will teach about how to get all the mod versions and the weapon packs to work together
/!\ This guide is subject to change when new stuff comes in /!\

For Any BW Version you will need UT2004 updated to 3363

Ballistic Weapons 2.5 with Ballistic Fix

Ballistic fix aims to fix the remaining bugs of standard BW while tweaking the balance a bit, it adds some new features in order to tweak the aiming system. It supports mods and mainly packs being developed around Ballistic Pro.

1/ Get Ballistic Weapons V2.5
2/ Get Ballistic Weapons Fix This is an unofficial Patch That updates and fixes some bugs left in 2.5
3/ The mods that works with BW Fix
-Jack Carver And Fishe 11 V5
-Junkwars Community Bonus Pack
-TOWP That other weapons Pack

Ballistic Weapons 2.5 Standard

The default mod made by runestorm with its latest patching and weapon additions from the UT3 version + a few novel weapons. This mod served as standard until the community handeled some fixes.

1/ Get Ballistic Weapons V2.5
2/ The Mods
You can install all of them or just the ones you like

-Skrith War Weapon Pack and Skrith War Update
-Sergeant Kelly's V9 and V10 Stable releases WD4 & WD5 and Unstable Latest
-Community Mutators
-BW SP Ladder
-Jack Carver and Fishe V5
-CF mutator, Herr docktor, BW loadout expanded
-Junkwars community bonus pack

Ballistic Pro For 2.5
This mod works on either versions, have some new weapons as well (some of them are featured in TOWP and Sergeant kelly's in most of the time updated versions.
BallisticProOffline The only reason to have that version is because the online version changes quite often and the offline version is more durable with less frequent changes.
Ballistic Pro aims for fast paced combat with well balanced weapons and tiered reward weapons. It take care of weapons that people that usually complain about in usual multiplayer FPS in order to keep them fun to use but not felt cheated.

Ballistic Weapons Extreme For 2.5
This version is bundled with 2.5 Over the time it will include new weapons and even content from modders who made stuff for packs such as Jack Carvers and sergeant kelly's
BWextreme This version is mainly developped by the Crazy Froggers Team
Ballistic Extreme adds several features without changing BW, it will also support Weapon Packs to have them bundeled within it to make them easier to install.

Ballistic Weapons 2.1
Some mods are only available for that version people can still experience that version who was for a long time the latest version of BW, it doesn't have Junkwars with it but all the links will be added including Junkwars
This version is an old and first modded version of BW before runestorm updated to 2.5, we keep it for people who liked it a lot and also wants to try early mods made by various teams.
Since this mod is quite an older version, it's a bit more bugged than 2.5 and have less weapons by itself.

1/ Get Ballistic Weapons V2.00
2/ Get the 2.1 patch and the Bonus Weapon packs for the BW mods.
3/ Optional but great fun get Junkwars
The optional mods for BW 2.1 are the ones with a clear blue ballistic weapons logo.
-Old versions of Fishe11 & Carver
-OCADAM Realistic
-Ballistic Pro V24
-Kaboodle's BP
-Scorpion SK

Installing Zip Files
Unless if the files are under correct folders which tells where to place them under the UT2004 directory
The other way is about knowing which extension goes where
.UKX -> Animations
.USX -> Static Meshes
.UCL & .U -> System
.UTX -> Textures
.UAX -> Sounds

Installing UT4mods
These files are self installers under windows just like the Umods in older Unreal games, but if your game isn't well registered in the windows registry, they doesn't work, so to fix this you can use an Umod extractor or Umod Browser or fix the game's registry by editing the windows registry depending of your system

Guest - - 705,391 comments

Help for this please. All previous weapons have went into non bw slots.there are multiple copies of weapons, game types , if i choose non bw weapons(which are weapons of skbp v10 wd4,5 and previous stuff) i am not able to change weapon by scrolling ,it gets jammed on that weapon.'fische and
Jack carver' weapons are unavailable even if put them.
What should i do,how should i proceed.
These weapons are great ,i am dying to play with them.

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Guest - - 705,391 comments

when i installed the bw extreme mod it dublicates my gamemods and weapons

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Blade_Sword Author
Blade_Sword - - 630 comments

You probably have 2 or more BW versions installed, it's better to remove them and install it.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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