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This will normalize your connection, smoothness game while moving, and brings some equality among players, enables enemy coloring and enemy models, normalizes your frame rate. So there are couple suggestions.

Posted by on - Basic Client Side Coding

Getting Started,

Hello E+

Excessiveplus is a Qauke III arena game modification. That works anywhere where quake3 can be started.

Basic E+ installation

- remove any older E+ version from q3 (if you have it), it is fully enough to remove all .pk3 files from excessiveplus directory,
- installation, download and extract E+ to your quake3 main directory, located at Program Files (windows), or at home hidden directory .q3a (Linux).

Maps installation

- simply put all .pk3 (if map is zipped extract it) to yours quake3/baseq3 directory

Basic setup for newcomer

This will normalize your connection, smoothness game while moving, and brings some equality among players, enables enemy coloring and enemy models, normalizes your frame rate. So thees are couple suggestions:

- make simple .txt file and change extension to .cfg, name it as autoexec.cfg create it with wordpad as example, put it to your quake3/excessiveplus directory, this file is your config file, that way u never loose your config (this config is auto loaded at every quake3 start). Remmber autoexec is also like a backup config. Keep it safe, before reinstaling.

Next put these lines to your autoexec config, and save it (all green):

//made by anubis for excessiveplus quake3 mod, 20.08.2010
//put this file to ../excessiveplus/ directory

//uncomment if you need something more

// excessiveplus name, change
your name in ""
seta xp_name "#C5#D8#C3#C5#D3#D3#C9#D6#C5^l^4#F0#EC#F5#F3 ^s^l^7^f(^4#CD#CF#C4#C4#C2^7)"

// screen
seta cg_drawfps "1" // shows your fps
seta com_maxfps "125" // set average stable number of your fps
seta scr_conspeed "999" // console more speed ;D
seta com_introplayed "0" // off intro, faster startup

// custom resolutions example, uncomment the lines if you need custom
// seta r_customaspect 1
// seta r_customheight 1050 //1024
// seta r_customwidth 1400 //1600
// seta r_mode -1

// connection
seta rate "22022" // depends on server and your connection
seta snaps "40" // depends on server
seta net_noipx "1" // off we do not need that
seta cl_maxpackets "63" // set same or half, as your average maxfps
seta cl_nodelta "0" // can't remember, but you dont need it
seta cl_packetdup "2" // ensure s twice that you will get packet
seta cl_punkbuster "1" // enable punkbuster for security reasons
seta cl_allowDownload "0" // forbid download for security reasons

// mouse fix
seta in_dgamouse "1"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_subframe "1"
seta m_filter "0" //0-2, m_smooth 1 = m_filter 0, 1 is no filt.smooth.
seta m_smooth "1" //0-2, most Game responsive 1, 2

// other game releated
// seta xp_OnExit "xp_screenshotDefault" // takes autoscreenshot on exit,
seta cg_fov "100" // default 90, longer perspective, try 140 :P
seta xp_colors "42221" // e+ colors, rail1 head body legs rail2
seta xp_delagWeapons "15" // delag
seta xp_enemyColors "2222" // sets green color to all opponents
seta xp_enemyModel "tankjr" // sets opponents to one model
seta xp_hud "hud3" // available huds from hud0 to hud7
seta xp_noChatBeep "1" // off console chat beep
seta xp_screenshotDefault "$(rdate)_$(time)_$(map)" // screenshot naming setup
seta cg_deferPlayers "1" // prevents lag then someone is connecting
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2" // shows teammates locations on arena
seta com_hunkMegs "150" // preserve more ram to quake

// render
// seta r_subdivisions "33" // 1 to 999, 1-highest detail low fps, for weak PC's uncomment
seta r_finish "0" // sync ev.frame if 1 Improves response screeen/keyboard/mouse -1-2fps
seta r_picmip "0" // highest textures quality 0 - 9 lower blurry textures quality

You can try to download it from here, (if link does not work contact me).
Main source is always up to date and available at E+ website getting-started.

Startup your quake3 excessiveplus.

Yes i know You know how to do that at least :P. So couple tips for You:
Console, in game, opens with "~" key. It can be used to enter commands, and to chat !

console ~ So you can enter commands directly in game console like
/rate 25000
, if you entered all settings by hand then you must
do /vid_restart to apply all of them. More, you can try to setup
your mouse sensitivity try different meanings for these:

sensitivity 1 // 1 to 99, mouse speed
cl_mouseAccel 3 // 0 to 99, mouse acceleration

You can minimize quake3 with alt+enter (windowed mode), and then bring down console to aces your desktop.

Use /reconnect command if lost connection too server, or feels laggy problems.
To connect to some servers directly you can use /connect servers-IP-here
You can save your config by /writeconfig config-name
You can load you config by /exec config-name

Also enter commands in console isn't a pain at all then you know magic key "tab" for commands completion, and listing :

And now lets get some action ;]

Here's some server list:

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