Tiberian Sun Rising continues, we have been working hard on the project despite our lack of public updates we have been very much active indeed. Theres been alot of ling and texturing happening at the moment and some ingame tweaking lots going on :) the Rising of the Tiberian Sun continues!
Id like to present the Nod Cyborg yes the Cyborg armies of Nod are to be feared once again, ed and skinned by Assassin
And the GDI Orca Transport which will be buildable by GDI ingame and has extended use's other then just transporting Infantry around the battlefield. ed and skinned by Skulking Ferrit
We will be providing further updates soon at a better frequency as we want to keep all you loyal fans of TSR updated :). Thankyou, please feel free to discuss in our forums if you have any questions or feedback.
It's a render. :P
Note these shots are not from ingame they are renders Mauritz is correct.
We'll be showing some new screenhots later in the week.
theres still gonna be cyborg commanders right?
Of course there will still be Cyborg Commando's, be patient thats coming