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New Classes, new Attributes and new Abilities. The CaHs are back.

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The Road to Edain 4.0: Create a Hero

Greetings, companions of Edain,

shortly before the release of the demo-version we want to show you an update about a feature that we considered to be impossible to reintroduce in the game for a long time: The custom heroes.

Due to technical reasons we had to remove this feature in the past but thanks to the change to the fixed building plots we could reintegrate the custom heroes again.
Obivously we insisted on improving and overhauling the whole system.

The custom heroes

The hero-classes

The central point of custom heroes has always been to add those heroes to the battle for middleearth that the player is missing and providing the opportunity to complement the factions by unique heroes. And with that the problems related to Edain already start. While there were only two magicians in the original game, being Gandalf and Saruman and it thus made sense to create another magician, there already are all five Istari implemented in Edain (no matter whether as a permanently recruitable hero or as a temporary summon in the spellbook). Leading another magician into battle seemed highly unfitting to us. Because of that we decided to remove the magician-class.

Of course we know that the magician class wasn't just related to Istari but also to those magicians of the black numenoreans followed Sauron, like the Mouth of Sauron. Because of that we want to provide you with a possibility to create your own Servants of Darkness, who are gloomy warriors that execute the will of Sauron with an iron fist.
There are two sub classes:
Army Commanders of Carn Dum are merciless warriors, that strike down their enemies with skill and cold steel
The Black Numenoreans are the highes servants of the dark lord and know all about the dark arts as well as about the use of sword and shield

Regarding abilities they not only possess melee-skills to boost their direct damage but also skills to lure their enemies on to destruction. More information follows in the course of this update.

Another change includes the Men of the East and the South. Because those were just differentiated by their name but used the same model, we summarized them under one sub-class to add another sub-class: the Hasharii. The Hasharii from the eastern and southern lands are trained assassins, that are masterly skilled in handling illusions and deceit. Thus there are also femal heroes at the evil factions.

Furthermore we renamed elves into Defenders of the Woods and used that change to add a human sub-class, the Ranger. We didn't want to have this important category missing in the custom heroes.

The attributes

We also changed the attributes. In the basic game there were the following five attributs: armor, power, health, heal rate and vision. A closer look at those categories raises some questions.
To what extent does on even differenitate between armor and health? They both raise the durability of the hero, only that you can see the inlfuence of lifedirectly in game while armor is something that is there but can't be directly seen by the player. This raises the question what's the use of more life for the player if the regeneration stays the same and thus causes the hero to regenerate much longer. Also the use of the word magic for the ordinary increase of the attack damage seems weird, because the player thinks that it power only strengthens the abilities. While the last category seems interesting for factions without good scouting possibilities, at least in the basic game, but with Edain 4.0 every faction will have enough scouting possibilities, thus making a simple increase of the range of sight unatractive.

Because of that we restructered the whole thing, leading to the following attributes for custom heroes:

  • Strength increases the damage dealt by normal attacks and by abilities
  • Resistance increases the life-points and the rate of regeneration
  • Perception enables gaining experience faster
  • Willpower lowers the reload time of spells and abilities
  • Perspicacity increases the range of sight and the range of bows

By that we think that the player has to take a much more interesting choice of which attributes he wants to give his heroes.

The abilities

What was said before can also be applied to the abilities. The custom heroes were desgined to complement the existing heroes and especially the elves were missing some of the most powerful heroes (Cirdan, Celeborn, Gil-Galad). So it was understandable that there were many abilites that were connected to magic. Despite that there were also abilities at other factions that were just copies of unique abilities of other heroes. Just think about Theoden's Glorious Stampede, Aragon's Athelas, Glorfindel's Starlight, Elrond's Whirlwind and Gandalf's Word of Power. Each of those abilites immediately make you think of the corresponding hero. For some of those abilities it was enough to rename them, for others we decided to remove them completely. As a trade-off we tried to add new abilities that fit the role of the class much better. In the following we will present you a selection of these new abilities:

Across all classes:

*Counselor - The hero is appointed as a royal counselor, custom heroes have -15% costs of recruitment.

This passive ability is designed for a cooperative play togerhter with other custom heroes. The more custom heroes are in play, the mightier the ability gets.

Hero of the free peoples:
*Glorious banner - For some time the hero rises a Banner, that heals nearby allies and regenerates troops.
*Defensive position – For 30 seconds the hreo and allies in his vicinity gain +75% armor but become -25% slower

This both are abilities that further emphasize the character of the heroes of the free people as leader and defensive fighters.

Defender of the woods:
*Thorn of vengeance – The hero shoots a magic arrow that damages heroes and knocks them down.
*Windwalker – For 20 seconds the hero moves drastically faster
*Death eye – For 20 seconds the hero shoots his arrows 50% faster
*Ambush – Some rangers/elves appear tn the designated target area that attack enemies in immediate vicinity and vanish afterwards

After ultimately removing the magical abilites of the elves, we finally could extend their core identity as agile long-range combatants. We also took this as a chance to reimplement some of Thranduil's old abilities that aren't used anymore.

Preserver of the mountains:
*Oil/light a fire – The hero spills some oil for some time that can be set on fire afterwards.
*Throw an Oil barrel – The hero throws a barrel filled with oil at his enemies that explodes, deals damage and sets the ground on fire
*Forge weapon – The hero forges the weapon of an allied hero, yielding him permanent +10% attack

It always seemed weird to us, that dwarves are able to overrun all their enemies over long distances. Because of that we swapped the Overrun-ability of the dwarves with the Spill oil-ability of the trolls, because they never really occurred to us as very fire savvy creatures. Dwarves in contrast are very skilled with fire and come to terms with it a lot better than other factions. Similarly the oil barrel meshes better with the dwarven heroes. The last ability might seem familiar to some of you, because it's the old ability of the twins. But as they don't have this ability anymore, the Dwarven-CaH is the perfect spot to retain that ability.

Servants of Darkness:
*Morgulblade – The hero deals damage to an enemy unit, poisons it for 10 seconds and turns it into a Barrow-wight after its death.
*Dissent- Enemy units in a small target area battle against each other for some time.
*Deathbringer – the hero's steps are followed by death. Enemy units in his vicinity have 20% less attack and defense
*Well of Souls – The hero sacrifices the souls of chosen allies to regenerate his own life by their sacrifice.
*Curse enemy – Extends all recharge timers of the designated enemy hero's abilities
*Soul Anguish – The armor of ALL nearby units is reduced by 100%, thus making a single hit often deadly.
And many more.

As you can see, the Servants of darkness have an arsenal of abilities that's worthy of their name.

Servants of Sauron
* Warg-ambush - The hero lets loose some wild wolves in a small target area, that launch at any nearby enemy. Enemy units and heroes will be slowed down while the ambush is in effect.
*Orc rush - The hero orders some black Orcs to temporarily wrestle an enemy hero down to the ground. For a short amount of time the enemy hero will be immovable and will be attacked by the Orcs.
*Armies of the depth - The hero summons new Orc-warriors from the depth. For a short time all fallen members of nearby hordes will be replaced by new warriors in the chosen barracks or citadel.

Warriors of the south and east
* Trained assassin - The hero moves 10% faster and takes 10% less damage by enemy heroes (passive)
*Prepare an ambush - The hero orders a group of Hasharii to observe a certain area. The Hasharii are cloaked and invisible on the radar.

Two very fitting abiliites for the fight against other heroes. Note that the second ability is the only possibility for custom heroes to permanently increase their walking tempo, if they can't ride.

*Assault – Enables the hero to overrun his enemies for a longer time

As said before this seemed to be a more fitting ability for a big troll instead of a small dwarf.

Of course we finally tried to integrate the custom heroes into our new balancing scheme. They will no longer be as overpowered as in the basic game, but more in the medium strength level, i.e they are stronger than scouting heroes but weaker than heroes like Gandalf, Aragorn, Galadriel or the Witch King. In the future we have more plans regarding the custom heroes and surely will expand their abilities and adjust them to actual events.

We hope you enjoyed the insight into the revisions of the custom heroes and are looking forward to your feedback.

Your Edain Team

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 72)
TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

Great innovation! And good solution for wizards class. :o)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
LordDainOfIronHills - - 1,855 comments

Yet again you puted a lot of thought and work in this and your efforsts have payed beoynd meassure!!Really nice ideas and new concepts!Ilike how you devided some calsses to add somenew and balanced things out even with the Attributes!it makes it more interesting and a players must think very good before just chossing a lot of Armor or a lot of Health like before!!In other words exccelent work Team!!I am even more eager to play the Demo Version now! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Sherv - - 40 comments

Will this be included in demo version ?? Thanks

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Turin_Turumbar - - 1,320 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
numeronean - - 316 comments

It is a great update, the CAH is better implemented than in the original game. My congratulations.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Magnifican - - 38 comments

Amazing things! I like that you removed the wizard, makes more sense. But I imagine alot of people wont like that decision much. ^^
Btw. Will CaH work in War of The Ring mode or only in Skirmish?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

It should work in WotR

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

There is already a submod announced to add Wizards and it is made by Ealendril himself

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RoyonX - - 65 comments

Yeeeeaaah buddy custon heroes (:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Hoar - - 1,682 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
LordDainOfIronHills - - 1,855 comments

Oh and I can't wait to play the Ranger Class Men he looks epic I will love playing with it! ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
lord_ellessar - - 1,942 comments


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Protos.Angelus - - 387 comments

This was me:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
JjForcebreaker - - 933 comments

So impressive!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Drogoth-fan - - 344 comments

omg this is so epic cah is backkkkkkkk yeahhhh so much love for edian team <3

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GirordashurAgar - - 325 comments

Feminists imcoming: Waist of the Hasharii is to thin :P

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Hussain.A.A - - 420 comments

Assassin class is the best but why there is no male assassins :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

I suppose that you can create normal Harad or Rhun man and give him role of assassin. Assassin is only subclass. He should have the same abilities.

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Ealendril - - 1,011 comments

Yes, the female assassin is only subclass. She has as the same abilitys as the Harad and Rhun-Create a hero.

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Hussain.A.A - - 420 comments

to they have new armor... etc, i hope if i will see the first helmet with them

sorry for bad english

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

Maybe they have a new "turban" ...xD (I think that in vanilla this have only elves) and dagger.

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Hussain.A.A - - 420 comments

Yeah but the people in the desserts wear them like the arabs persians

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j0rizz - - 15 comments

Wow, so soon a next update. This weekend I will cut myself off from the outside world.

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RandomZombi3 - - 558 comments

Yes! I am so glad you were able to keep CaH. This just makes this mod even more amazing than before (:

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tired268 - - 66 comments

Please, please make the magician class, it was awesome to create your own magician, because even with 5 istaris you can still create a magician diferent to them. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, they are awesome...

And will there be an elf for create a hero in the no-demo version???

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Don't worry. you will get a submod for Wizard class ;)

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Tal-Elmar - - 90 comments

the reasoning for not including the magician class is understandable, but why at the same time include an even more lore-questionable class of masters of 'dark arts'?

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

There were Dark Numenors in the lore, like the Mouth of Sauron. Also, the Witch-kingdom of Angmar should have had some witchcraft for sure. And most of their abilities aren't really magic. The only ability, which might contradict the lore is the "Well of Souls" an ability being similar to the system of the Necromancers of Angmar.

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

More than five wizards are much more questionable thing than faction's specialities. Even Elves has own kind of magic. We can speculate little bit about Dwarvish magic (regarding of connection to earth). And ... that's all. Only Angmar, Mordor and Elves overall can do something what we can say that it is "magic" ... But Tolkien's interpretation of magic is very variable. ;o)

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Glemli - - 78 comments

One language issue: would 'protector' or 'defender' be a better word than 'preserver'? :-)

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

"Guardian of the Mountains" is in fact the used ingame description and not preserver.

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Glemli - - 78 comments

And also: would it be possible to make the banner that appears when using the Banner-power bigger? I think it would look better if the banner stood out more

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Lucafaka93 - - 20 comments

What time will be published the Demo tomorrow?? Wanna be downloading as soon as possible ahahahah

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

"We normally don't give the exact time before the release, as our server crashed the last time we did so.

But you know that all of us are living in or around germany. And probably most of us should be online while the release because we have to give support... therefore it will probably not in the middle of the night :D"

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Will there ever be a future for the Lotr lore?? Or will you guys jut use the Lotr franchise for ideas? Like do u guys think there will ever be a future creted? And what that future will be?

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

Hard to predict of future. Even for Oracle xD ...
But Tolkien books still exist and Tolkien world can not be forgotten. And who said that won't be other movies from Middle-earth? ;o)
Edain team always trying to find compromise between books and movies ... and own and fans ideas. :o)

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Chiska - - 114 comments

I hate it that I always get the updates a day after release...ill have to wait till tomorrow to download 4.0

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Haunter75 - - 6 comments

You guys really made a wonderful mod. It's very impressive the way you have reconciled the two Jackson's trilogies, the books end the original game. The chioce of cut the Istari race form the CaH it's the proof that you guys really care about the coherence and the history of Middle Earth also in the game. I can't wait to play the full game with all the factions :D

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AodhHammerhelm - - 33 comments

Huzzah! With return of CaH am looking forward to Aodh Hammerhelm riding out in the new version of Edain. Big thanks to all involved with the MOD, you are all awesome!

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Dark_Ansem - - 433 comments

this is a very welcome surprise! thanks!

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LordMaus - - 1,270 comments

guys I have a problem if you experience the same thing too please write here.

I lowered the graphic settings but when the end game content is near when both sides start to produce slightly huge armies to fight each other My game becomes very laggy so I cannot play :( ;but I didn't have any problem at 3.8.1 even fighting against goblin's massive spawn armies. Thus, I want to ask that why is this happening at demo right now ( I don2t understand the reason ) ?

at which maps, good faction has big walls that is enable evil faction to siege feeling more ? I tried 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 and good factions have tiny walls generally :D for some maps will you add to good factions with big walls at 4 vs 4 and 3 vs 3 please ? thanks.

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LordMaus - - 1,270 comments

guys I have a problem if you experience the same thing too please write here.

I lowered the graphic settings but when the end game content is near when both sides start to produce slightly huge armies to fight each other My game becomes very laggy so I cannot play :( ;but I didn't have any problem at 3.8.1 even fighting against goblin's massive spawn armies. Thus, I want to ask that why is this happening at demo right now ( I don2t understand the reason ) ?

at which maps, good faction has big walls that is enable evil faction to siege feeling more ? I tried 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 and good factions have tiny walls generally :D for some maps will you add to good factions with big walls at 4 vs 4 and 3 vs 3 please ? thanks.

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Sir_Stig - - 88 comments

Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but the Harashi assassin holds all weapons except the dagger backwards, I'm assuming this isn't intentional?

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Hi,and congratulations for good work.I've tried to create a custom hero but i can't use him on the custom game.It's because of the demo version?
Thank you in advance.

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

There is a "small guide" regarding this "just move with cursor" in the skirmish menu (in the place where you can choose a hero). You have to press the first letter of his name to select him.

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TJZ23 - - 42 comments

I love the new classes! I've always wanted more variability in the create a hero classes. I think it would be really cool if in the future you were able to include another into the "hero of free peoples" class such as an elf whose primary weapon is the sword or spear that way we can actually have some more glorfindel-esq characters. I feel like it would be equally cool to have a goblin subclass or add a mount ability to the orc raider class. It would also be cool to see options for mordor-esq armor for uruk-hai so we could imitate black uruks.

Sorry if it comes off as me trying to push stuff on you! these are just some ideas from an avid fan! Keep up the great work I look forward to the full release.

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random-user - - 4 comments

I cant use custom heroes, they are not selectable.. Do i need submod for this? Help me please.

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Haunter75 - - 6 comments

You have to select it normally with a click on the name, but then you have to press the first letter of his name to complete the selection.

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TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

There is a "small guide" regarding this "just move with cursor" in the skirmish menu (in the place where you can choose a hero). You have to press the first letter of his name to select him.

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