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Everything you need to know about Super Star Wars.

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Okay first off, so you know, this mod is completely not canon. But it does have few accurate things.

Some of the new stuff I've added into the mod includes:

(NEW PLANETS, 12 in all)
Polis Massa
Mechis Prime(The Droid Empire Homeworld)
Sulis Van
Nar Shaddaa
Alaris Prime

So far the only new planet I've added in is Rendili, but I plan on adding in the rest when I find maps for them. I do have ones for Polis Massa, Mygeeto, Trandosha, Alaris Prime.

I've added in new Capital ship producing planets. Including the original six, there is now 17 altoghter.
They are
Bestine IV (this is Bestine, I just changed it to it's canon name)
Byss (Empire Only)
Mechis Prime (Droid Only)
Sluis Van
Mon Calamari can only produce capital ships for the New Republic

Okay so everyone knows how in normal FoC you can only build capital ships on certain planets. So I decided to limit where you can build Frigate starships. Unlike capital ship planets there are a lot more frigate producing planets, 33 in all.

(Frigate Producing Planets)
Bestine IV
Mechis Prime
Mon Calamari
Sluis Van
Nal Hutta
Nar Shaddaa

Certain starships have special requirements to build them.
**Executor-class SSDs** Requires a LV.5 Starbase, a Capital Shipyard, and can only be built on Kuat and Fondor. Limit 8.

**Eclipse-class SSDs** Requires a LV.5 Starbase, a Capital Shipyard, and can only be built on Kuat and Byss. Limit 2.

**Death Star II** Requires a LV.5 Starbase, a Shutter Shield, Moff Jerjerrod, and can only be built on Endor, Coruscant, and Byss. Limit 1.

**Independence-class Star Cruiser** Requires a LV.4 Starbase, a Capital Shipyard, and can only be built on Sullust and Mon Calamari.

**Strident-class Star Defender** Requires a LV.5 Starbase, a Capital Shipyard, and can only be built on Corellia and Mon Calamari.

**MC100 Endeavor-class Star Defender** Requires a LV.5 Starbase, a Capital Shipyard, and can only be built on Mon Calamari.

(New Starship Hardpoints/Weapons)
Starships now have a LOT more weapons, some even have their canon armament, like the Nebulon-B which now has 12 turbolasers and 12 lasercannons. All of these new models with extra bones come from Lord Link's model Re-rig pack. One thing you have to look out for now is ships like the Victory SD, Alliance Assault Frigate, Mon Cal Cruiser, and especially the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Now the ISD uses Codeuser's 200 bone re-rig. No it doesn't have 200 weapons. What are you nuts? I'm not coding that!!! The ISD now has 8 octuple turbolasers batteries, 18 turbolasers, and 18 ion cannons. While the Mon Cal Cruiser/MC80 Liberty-class has 16 turbolasers, 14 ion cannons, and now has 9 X-wing squadrons, 7 Y-wing squadrons, and a tractor beam. Also based off what it says on wookieepedia, the MC80's turbolasers can target starfighters, which gives it an advantage over the ISD which has to rely on fighters or corvettes to protect it from fighters and bombers. Almost all frigate and capital class ships carry squadrons now including the Assault Frigate.

(New orbital structures)
Most of the new space structures I've added in comes from playing Sins of a Solar Empire, so that's where I got the ideas from.

I've added in Frigate and Capital Shipyards, but they can only be built on certain planets. Fighters, bombers and corvettes require only a Starbase.

(Trade Ports)
Can be built on any planet. The income created from these is like the Grand Arena, but instead of gaining and losing income from it, it fluctuates creating the effect of income gained from the number of ships passing through the tradeport. One minute, you could be getting 300 credits a day from it, the next it's 1800 credits.

(Asteroid Mines)
They can be built on any planet, but require a mining vessel orbiting the planet to build one. Each faction has their own mining vessel, the New Republic has the Y8, the Empire has the Nebulon Mining Frigate, and Droids have the Interceptor Mining Frigate.

(Other New Stuff)
Fleet Commanders have their own ship, the Rebel Commander has a Assault Frigate, Imp Commander has a Victory SD, and the Droid Commander ship is a Munificent.

Field commanders come with 3 infantry squads and 2 special squads.

And a few other things I'm saving for later.


"I think, therefore I am. I destroy, therefore I endure."
-IG-88a's final thoughts.

Based off a suggestion from Mobius 13, the Droid Empire is led by IG-88's A,B,C, and D. The faction replaces the Consortium, and consists of nothing but droids, even the faction leaders are droids. The heroes consist of all four IG88s, OOM9, HK-47, Grand Moff 48c, and General Necrosis. Besides having a few CIS ships, there's also Aggressor Assault fighters, Havoc bombers, IPV Droid Corvettes, Wavecrest Frigates, and Dreadnaughts. Ground has B1 Battle Droids, Battle Legionaire droids, B4 Elite Battle Droids, and Dark Troopers.

There's still alot more stuff, but I'm getting a little too tired right now to type anything else, so that's it for now. I'm still not sure about the release date, because I might release it before then.

Watch for the units and heroes list to learn more.

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LucianoStarKiller - - 2,398 comments

great improvements
looking forward to play it

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OsoDEADLY - - 668 comments

DE structures could be like automated factories and srapyards to increase production levels (since droids are metal)

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