Post news Report RSS STA3 A Call To Arms 1.2.2

... Hi My name is Bane one of the lead developers of CTA and I’ll be running down some of the changes we are working on here for the federation, I’m also going to give a hint toward the end of the article about another faction I’m looking into as part of the balance redress....

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Fed Pimping...101 the history

So basically the Feds have an issue where historically they were used as our balancing faction, aka we cross balance their ships and fleets against all others to achieve balance, but balance itself is a game of chasing ones tail because the truth is there is no nirvana and someone always with this many variables involved finds a way to exploit something somewhere, in fact as weve said before some players don’t like our vision for Star Trek because Star Trek is personal to so many and the TV Shows didn’t really express the strengths and weaknesses of each ship technologically.

Our federation vessels overall are not that bad in fact there are some really good vessels in the fleet for example the sovereign class and defiant classes but I was not happy with how games were playing out in truth I find the federation faction to be well boring…

So how do we inject some tactical gameplay and excitement back into the federation, well that’s simple we look at both ship stats and abilities and also a unique twist in how we utilise carriers in our game.

The Galaxy Class!

The Galaxy Class felt at low level that it just wasn’t tough enough in comparison to its counterparts and its refit felt lacklustre in terms of damage output, what we’ve done is increased the toughness of the initial galaxy to give it a much needed durability boost, we’ve also gone ahead and upped the re-fire rate of the refit quantum torpedoes, famous for firing its torpedo spreads due to its special torpedo launcher it made sense to up its damage by way of the torp! So when you fly a galaxy now you get the satisfaction of feeling the output of them when in your fleet.

The Nebula and Phoenix Class!

Some may not know this but the Nebula variants were and still are my favourite all time federation ships, myself and Maximus have had debate after debate at which ship performs better Nebula or Galaxy in fact this titanic argument culminated in equal admiration for both ships, we see the Nebula variants throughout star trek films and history, cheaper to build than the Galaxy class vessels but capable of adaptation by way of the unique mission pods available, some say she is a throwback to the connie/miranda, we saw her in Voyager hunting the prometheus and in many DS9 battles you get a feel for this ships multi role platform.

So game wise it’s made sense to look at both variants, they are already pretty tough as far as capital vessels go but I really felt that we needed to go back and look at their scientific abilities to this point they’ve actually become better with increased durations and better scaling per level, the single target ability disabler is now able to at max level disable an enemy vessels abilities for around 26 seconds and can also target dreadnought class vessels (no shockwaveing my fleet thank you)

The Prometheus Class!

Or the, why won’t you build this beautiful ship in your fleet, my answers came back in droves from various players, too slow, lack of fleet role, lack of game role, felt sluggish.

So I really had to think about her, it’s hard to squeeze her in as a front line ship with the makeup of the average federation fleet, and then it occurred to me, I wanted to give the federation something that could be used in conjunction with the very nimble defiant, so we’ve increased the speed of the Prometheus and she is now as fast as the defiant class vessels and on par with Jem Hadar speeds, we’ve also up gunned her MVAM damage and increased her armour so she really packs a punch but can now be used as a harasser in enemy systems to whittle down research stations.

The Typhon Class

She was the first love of the carrier classes and the best carrier in the game she’s had a significant increase to her ability to spew fighters gaining a new type of squadron unique to carrier ships called elite fighters, this means with a full load out of Valkyrie Bombers (MK2’s) in the bay she was able despite being destroyed herself to take out a fully upgraded neghvar class and that’s one tough ship! So yes hopefully this will encourage some fed players to build more carriers in the game.

And for my last part of this update (cruisers will follow in a separate news article along with stations soon)

The Dreadnoughts!

The Excalibur Class!

The Excalibur was the first and relatively untouched since version 1.0 she didn’t get built as much as I would of liked so we’ve really had to look at why, astonishingly her overall abilities cost was far too high being a throwback to version 1.0, we’ve halved the antimatter cost of all her abilities which drastically affects the whole fleet, not only now is she tough but she can pump out her support abilities more than before giving the entire fleet more time in combat, she really is the defacto defensive option for fed fleets, I know I will be building her!

The Polaris Class!

The Polaris class is a beautiful model by Wiley, totally unique to the Armada 3 environment but you don’t get the feeling of her science abilities so again we’ve looked at that and we have tweaked various abilities such as her Mannheim effect, excitingly she can now freeze time as before but due to a special Mannheim link the federation fleet is immune to the sub space distortions generated essentially all federation vessels now phase of time however due to the power involved unlike the Polaris which has the generator can only reposition their vessels in the local solar system and are unable to fire, however this does mean the federation can use this ability to escape potentially dangerous situations, even more interesting is that sadly due to your potential allies not having the consoles they are sadly still frozen not that the federation would let their allies get destroyed…right…right?

So this is but a taste of some of the changes! And were not done yet, this is turning out to be a might update! Not just bug fixes! So sit back relax and wait patiently because I can promise you it’s worth the wait!

Post comment Comments
Peo01 - - 253 comments

"...the federation would let their allies get destroyed…right…right?"

Yes, I would never do that. :x
I would also never tell my allies to jump into a system when I know there's a couple AI cubes around that point... nah... never.

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

You win the award for most honest post so far!!!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
OrionSlaver - - 3,771 comments

Are you sure you're not a Romulan player?

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Peo01 - - 253 comments

Nah, that's top tier diplomacy right there.
Talk about nonsense for a couple minutes and make people do what you want them to do.

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OrionSlaver - - 3,771 comments

You just summed up my four years of majoring in International Relations.

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FamousSpear - - 503 comments

I am so glad to be hearing the the Prometheus is becoming more of a badass!

Defiants and Prometheues (Prometheii?) would look some epic!

Now all I need is someone to play with!
(As well as downloading and reinstalling everything! Including rebellion...)

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

Check out the More than Gamez group they play STA3 regularly and theres also a chance you will bump into the devs there too!

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Outerexodus-OSG - - 259 comments

Thanks for the bump, Bane! Several of the Devs frequent the More than Gamez group, website with Teamspeak information is . We'll see you out there!

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AverageCitizen - - 30 comments

I'm very excited to see overhauls to the Galaxy Class. It feels like there will be multiple ways to play each race rather than just massing good stuff. Prometheus harass attacks will at least equal cloaked raids against tech buildings, I hope anyway.

I know Flagships have been addressed but has anyone played the other game modes for this update? In addition, has there been map submissions for the add-on or perhaps a map pack in the works? I'd love to have an attack wave survival type of map: All the humans on one side and the AI on the other, limited warp lanes in between the two and you have to protect yourself until you're able to over power them or until you finish the Research Victory (aka surviving long enough). It would be something like 'Anger and Mercy' from ST:Legacy or 'The Twilight Hour' from ST:Armada.

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OrionSlaver - - 3,771 comments

Cailean_556 is chugging away creating new maps and updating existing ones.

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Cailean_556 - - 301 comments

Chugging beer mostly, but yes. Working on maps. At 2am. On a Sunday. Sleep is for the weak. =P I'll take your suggestion into consideration AverageCitizen. You may yet get your wish, the maps being added to this release are all about teamwork and communication between players.

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OrionSlaver - - 3,771 comments

Back to work, slave! No sleep for you til I see dem maps!

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AverageCitizen - - 30 comments

I know that feel, bro. I appreciate the maps that are currently in the game. They are great. I can't wait until Flagships are working as intended because it will be fun to revisit the maps without Capital Victory on to see if I can slay the Borg that way!

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wbino49 - - 89 comments

Any changes to the paper thin Janeway Hero ship? I can't seem to keep her alive for any length of time, to bad capitals can't be givin the scout ability of search(or can they?)
Even with its adaptive armour It's lost multiple times in a long game.
That being said, I also feel hero ships should not be resurrected, if you lose them you lose them.

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Naimit - - 13 comments

THIS! I agree with you on the loss of hero ships being permanent. That would be great. Also horrible, which is the point.

The only exceptions should be the Borg and Weyoun. The Borg can always decant another Locutus clone or assemble a new Queen. And we've already seen how many Weyouns are stacked in the fridge waiting to be defrosted.

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thiextar - - 365 comments

Well, this is already a thing, sort of. you can send a raiding force to the enemy home planet and kill their hq, if you loose your hq you cant call in hero ships anymore. i always do that against the borg.

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Naimit - - 13 comments

The single best thing about this game is that the love the devs feel for Trek shines through in every aspect of game play and design. This game is already frankly ludicrous in how amazing, detailed and CANON CONSISTENT it is. Not only is this the best Trek game ever, it would be remarkable for ANY game franchise.

But wait! There's more! With every update it only gets better.

I find it wonderful and shocking that the devs are STILL polishing the game. Thank you, devs. Seriously. Thank you.

P.S. Yes! Nebula love! It's always been my fav, too. No, they aren't the supermodels of the fleet - which will forever be the Galaxy class, thank you very much (with the Excelsiors getting an admiring nod), but I'm crazy about their mission adaptability and heritage. Glad to hear the Galaxy family is only getting better.

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

Thank you for your kind words and support we really appreciate the feedback about our work and we certainly don't feel all our CTA work is done :)

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maui_man - - 5 comments

Great to see that development continues!

I agree that the Feds need a rework (particularly the Galaxy class and Intrepids), but hopefully this will not result in the Feds becoming OP?

Keep up the good work!

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

Feds not being OP is definitely most on my mind, i intend to ensure we go through our usual method of multi fleet engagement testing and one to one testing :)

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

The feds were probably the hardest for me to balance in my addon. When they were balanced 1v1, they were way overpowered in point blank fleet slug fests, and vice versa.

The problem stemmed from all fed ships being able to deal equal damage in 3 or 4 directions, so if a fed ship is surrounded, its able to unleash its full DPS potential, when just fighting 1 vs 1 it will only be able to fire half of it at most. In most cases the forward arc wasn't anything special compared to side or aft, wile on other faction ships, sometimes all the firepower was from the forward arc. those ships were easy to balance, didn't mater much if they were in a fleet battle or 1v1.

My solution ended up being jacking up firepower numbers quite a bit, but making 10 to 8 second gaps in fireing cycles. With quick fireing cycles, a bunch of fed ships will constantly be hitting everything around them, but if there is long gaps between cycles, targets can pass through their arcs and go undamaged, multi target saturation is lessened. This decreases fleet battle advantage wile maintaining 1v1 competence in my testing.

To keep it visually pleasing, and canon accurate looking, just set burstcount to 2, and burst delay to half or a little less the half the PreBuffCooldownTime. Then it wont look any different then it does now more or less.

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

This forum needs more GulDukat.

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OrionSlaver - - 3,771 comments

Everything needs more Dukat.

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joizdope - - 7 comments

Disregard our lord Dukat as others for a moment; Let us not 'PIMP' anything else. (Few minor errors which cannot be avoided... AHEM)

- From Someone who has spent too many hours playing this game, one whom has enjoyed it vastly... Please take a break! Exhaust whatever resources you need into CTA. Do what you wish but give us your dusted off version. [[kneels]]

I know you are all a driven group, but you make my tongue burn with ANX'R! Currently, you have a complete game that stands the sands of time. Complete, far from glitchy. There are a few things that should be implemented but as a group you have all done wonders from changing it from it's original program! (IMO.)

Time to focus on something bolder, a 'Pheonix' of "CTA;" a rebirth to the Federation you just re-vamped! Give us what so many miss in TOS.

You know you like to make us squirm!

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thiextar - - 365 comments

When can we expect the next news article / update?

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lordvtp - - 11 comments

Daily Do List : Check STA3 page, hope for pimped feds. Cry... Watch cardi Ai fleet only one hour into game crush my full fleet + fully upgrades regula station with turrets all around, and 150 self replicating mines with losing any of their ships....cry somemore....

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