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Ale Abbey's weekly dev progress report up for grabs!

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This week was quite the push on all fronts. Although we have dedicated some good dev time on some higher-level demands in Ale Abbey's backend and game design (there is no stop in the refinement of joy!), development of stuff one can actually see is still solid :p

So, this week we did work on some simple character animations that were still missing, our pixel artist, Raimo, created quite a few new assets for furniture and wall-related adornments, and our lead Emiliano worked on his map creating skills.

See more below!

-- Ale Abbey map progress

If you have been following our weekly Something's Brewing you should know - by now - how we deal with progress around here. Picking it off from where we left it last week, Ale Abbey's surrounding map although still rudimentary start to shape up!

As you can see, there are now "quirky" placeholder assets for the spaces allocated for villages, towns, and other monasteries in the area. All of which will be places your brewers will have reasons to interact with, if they want to further the economical and social status of your monastery.

Emiliano, our grand master of map building, is obviously playing his own medieval version of Sim City designing the Abbey's surroundings :p

-- New furniture and wall extras

AKA Raimo's blazing fast work for all things pixels in all its glory...

We of course have a growing list of extra furniture and equipment that needs to be completed, all designed to spruce up your future monastery. The assignment this week was wall fixtures and a little something to keep them brewers warm, when they can afford this extra luxury.

All new additions; windchimes, candelabras, wall fixture for tankards (vital in Ale Abbey), and a larger version of the Stove. And, OF COURSE, some of them are already animated.

-- Some belated character animations

Although we are quite finished with most character animations in the game, there are still a few that, although not a priority, will eventually need to be completed. This time two characters we never thought we'd see napping on the floor... the Abbey's Superiors.

Different backgrounds so you can see the very edible details that would otherwise be lostšŸ¤­

We never expected these two to ever end up in this "predicament," but hey, if you as a player need to be notified that you have not made enough beds, let alone in the Abbot's quarters, more obvious hints it is.

Monastery Superiors are people too you know. Build those beds!

-- Making homebrewing comfortable again!

Unlike the floor the Superiors will have to share due to your unspeakable negligence, homebrewing as a hobby needs to be very "comfortable" if you're on it for the long haul. Being demanding by nature, the more it remains a pleasant experience the more reasons you'll have to keep coming back to it. Preparation is of course key, but there are other matters to consider as well.

  • Organize your brewing space
    • Dedicated Area: Set up a dedicated brewing area to keep all your equipment and ingredients in one place.
    • Storage Solutions: Use shelves and racks to store brewing tools and ingredients.
    • Cleaning Station: Establish a designated cleaning station to streamline the sanitation process, which is crucial for successful brewing.
  • Invest in Quality Equipment
    • Accurate Thermometers and Hydrometers: Reliable measuring tools help ensure precise control over your brew.
    • Comfortable Accessories: Invest in padded floor mats to stand on during long brewing sessions, and consider using ergonomic tools to reduce strain.
  • Improve Climate Control
    • Temperature Control: Ensure the temps in the brewing area are controlled to maintain the optimal temperatures for brewing and fermentation. Use different rooms for these two processes focusing on which parts of the house can better serve these temp requirements.
    • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is important to avoid the buildup of steam and odors. A brewer who can breathe is a happy brewer.
  • Streamline the Process
    • Pre-Measured Ingredients: Measure out your ingredients in advance to save time and avoid misshaps and stress during the brewing process.
    • Step-by-Step Checklist: Create a detailed checklist of each step in your brewing process to stay organized and efficient.
  • Comfort and Safety
    • Safety Gear: Although safety goggles might be a bit too much, gloves will serve you AMAZINGLY well. The wort is boiling, your hands will thank you.
    • Comfortable Seating: You will need to wait, A LOT. Have a comfortable chair or stool nearby to take breaks during long brewing sessions.
    • Hydration and Snacks: Keep wat... nah, beer and snacks handy to stay hydrated and energized. There's something magical about drinking beer while making it.

Did we ever mention that Emiliano and Yannis have experience working in restaurants? Most of the tips we share above work great for cooking as well! The more you know!

Enjoy your weekend responsibly, and join us next week for some more Ale Abbey news!

-- Hammer & Ravens

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