Post news Report RSS Sincere apologies

We're very sorry, but it's been coming for a while.

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I'm very sorry to announce that HHF is basically over. For the past few months the team has literally just been me and Matt, and we've both tried to keep afloat. The novemember beta was supposed to give us both a kick in the ass to put HHF back on track properly and possibly get some new blood, but sadly it didn't work. Matt's lost motivation and i'm only a modeller, so i can't really continue the mod on my own.

As promised, we'll release what we have so far, but don't get your hopes up.

We have relatively little to show for 3 years of work, and we're deeply sorry to all the people who've stuck with us since the start. I wish we had more to give you guys, infact i wish we could have finished it for you guys.

Anyway, as promised -

To instrall -

Extract using winrar to the data folder in your HW2 directory, should be somewhere along the lines of c:/programme files/sierra/homeworld2/data

Right click on your desktop shortcut, go to properties, and change the target location by adding -overridebigfile on the end (outside of the quotemarks if i remember correctly)

Run the game. Done.

According to matt, the frigate, longsword and anchor 9 placeholder is in game, he doesn't know how far he got with the frigateyard.

Again, apologies for all of this. There's a chance in the future that if we get more team members we might restart, but given that over the past 3 years we've managed to recruit a grand total of 3 reliable team members, it doesn't seem likely. I'm going to offer to do some modeling for other halo mods (Covenant at war, sins of the prophets, etc.) so you guys should check those out if you're still after space-based Halo mods. I'm also thinking of starting one for Sword of the Stars should there be anyone interested in helping.

EDIT by overlordjebus:

I just thought I'd contribute to the goodbye by giving everyone the very first version of HHF, done by Beta before he left. This mod was restarted several time, and this was the very first version we made, with all of the old models. I can't remember whether anything has guns or not, but it's installed in the same way as the one above.

Post comment Comments
PCSpeaker - - 4,994 comments

sad to read this hope in the future some one will pick up this project and continue the job.

anyway thanks for the awesome time you give us and hope you or someone else continue this.

- Taxikiller

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

This is tough news to handle. You guys were a titan in the field for a long time, and it sucks that progress ground to a halt.

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Echo-Four - - 671 comments

This is sad news but thanks for the work you guys have done and hope your next project turn out well.

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randomdancing - - 56 comments

This is really sad news, there was so many aspects of this mod that i loved

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ordernoise - - 78 comments

:'( was looking sooo forward to this :(
thanks for everything :) loving the new models you made.
hope college goes well :)

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Nathanius - - 2,305 comments

My condolences on not making it guys.

Thank you for releasing your material out into the community, alot of mods keep it all hidden away even after they're gone!

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weasle - - 315 comments

Im glad even though it died you released what you had,thanks.

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StepsAngelus - - 8 comments

Indeed really sad. I understand the reasons though. I hope someone will hear about this and decide to pick it up or try to get your team back together.

Cheers for all the work and for releasing what you've got.

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SpardaSon21 - - 382 comments

A Halo mod for Sword of the Stars? Boy, that will be tricky to do considering SotS has six unique races. Would be awesome if you pull it off, though. I'm fairly familiar (read: a lot of poking around and random tinkering) with the data files SotS uses, so I could help you with coding for that game if you decided to mod for it.

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Haven't really looked into modding on it other than playing the AMD mod, so i wasn't aware the 6 races were hardcoded. If they are, i guess the UNSC and Covenant would just have to over-write the Humans and Liir. My main attraction to it is the empire management system, inter-system travel, and fairly good physics engine. Takes alot of stuff i wanted to try and impliment in HHF.

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SpardaSon21 - - 382 comments

The races are hardcoded, as well as their own unique methods of FTL travel, and the economy and empire are fairly hardcoded as well (yet still moddable via globals), however the ship sections and weapons are extremely moddable, including ship costs, HP, FTL speed, tactical speed, maneuverability and range. That includes the various Liir tactical advantages since they're coded in as part of the .shipsection files for their various engines section.
TL;DR: Yes, it is possible to do passable recreations of the Covenant and UNSC in SotS.

If you're going to bring the UNSC and Covenant to SotS, the best place to go for modding information and help is the Modding section at the Kerberos Productions forums at

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burstisaac - - 364 comments

im very sorry to hear that the mod is dead this was the mod that made me get homworld 2 last year and i hope that it will something be reborn like a fenix bird from the ashies of this mod

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WolfX32 - - 223 comments

So sad... but didn't you guys have covenant units before? I'm pretty sure that you had some, well I hope that there is someone out there who would be willing to finish what you started.

If there's still fans in about a year I'll see if I can get it started again, but I'm not good at anything now so I'll start learning what I can.

I just can't stand to see this die now.

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

There were some yes, but they weren't included in this build - The plan for this build was to get some base values in that we could use to base everything else off, so we figured getting two of the most basic ships in would be best and to leave other stuff for later.

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Railgunner2160 - - 603 comments

I hope you guys allow other halo mods to use your hard work to make progress on their mods, I know that alot of HW:2 assets can be used in Sins of a solar empire.......

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

We are doing, as i said i'll also be doing some modeling for them if they want.

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

Sounds great with me. I would love to use any models that you're ok with sharing.

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Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

yeh, im hunting down a phantom and other covey ships, if anyones got them, ill credit u and all, i need them for

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StepsAngelus - - 8 comments

the old mod doesn't seem to be working. I can see a nice picture of master chief at the menu, but the ships are from homeworld, not like any unsc models or something...I also can't select them as a race. I followed the instructions

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Strange. I don't have HW installed on this computer so i can't check my self. Anyone else getting the same problem?

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LT~Sagan - - 88 comments

I had the same prob, fixed it though, a question, are the ships supposed to be textured? Also the camera freezes after 5 secs and I cant move it

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StepsAngelus - - 8 comments

how did you fix it then mate? I'd like to know :)

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Nah, we never had reliable texturers sadly. The odd model is textured, but the majority only have a quick one and no UVmap.

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

Always sad to see a HW2 mod die.

Thanks for letting us know, and releasing what you have.

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Lupus_of_nox_noctis - - 1,088 comments

Im a modeler so if you guys ever open up again PM me. I might be able to do some coding.

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Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

im so sad 2 hear this...
I almost wish it wasn't so, but in the end all good things come to an end. And i know from personal experience with scifi wars, sometimes u got 2 do other things to get in the mood to mod, and sometimes u just get totally over it
good luck with ur future plans

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RevenTDL - - 48 comments

Great work guys! If yall ever what do restart the mod count me in I'm a moderate lua coder maybe I can help?

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Mreaper - - 223 comments

I hate it when mods die on me. It's happened too many times during the year.
Anyway, hope you do get back on track eventually, enjoy your stasis.

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fenix02 - - 319 comments

this is a very sad time for the community.
i reli do hope someone continues your fine work, i look forward to trying these two downloads.


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scopilot - - 1 comments

oh sorry to hear hhf was going to be really good thank you for continuing so long :(

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TheDidact - - 507 comments

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is so unfair I think I'm going to cry......... oh well
you did good and I've played the first one the second link is being aprroved or something like that =S

maybe if you gave what you've done so far to someone big and still operating like the complex guys and asked/bribed them they could carry it on =)

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Su[)az][mA - - 364 comments

so sad, too bad, but HW2 never dies.

good you release instead of let it gather dust on lost hdd's

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Xploder00 - - 5 comments

VERY good run guys i was hoping that you could keep on chugging but things happen and things dont work but im glad that you guys sticked with it to at least the beta

i wish you guys luck with everything that happens

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varicen - - 23 comments

man so sad. good luck with other mods then man

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UNSC_SCOUT - - 384 comments

Its ok.
It sucks it will be stopped, but what you have done so far is pure awesomeness.
Thanks for the attempt.

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piemanpie - - 95 comments

why!!!!!!!!1 why couldent i be a good skripter or modeler if i was i would join this in less then half a hart beat why was i curced to be bad at computer skripting.wait if you want some good skripters ask aroung this website named roblox it has some prity awsom games in it that had a lot of skripting in it and thers good builders one good builder is kanealii

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