Post news Report RSS #SeriousMod Winners Announced

You got serious, we got serious, and now we've gone some seriously definitive results to share.

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The time has come modders! The results are in and we have judged and decided which seriously (heh) awesome entries have cracked the top 20, and which three entries will take the podium for the main prizes. We have had a blast playing your mods and browsing through the great artwork submitted to us, it takes time and passion to create something great and we appreciate all of our participants for getting involved in making Mod DB's #SeriousMod competition the great success that it was. Now without further adieu, here are our winners!

1st Place - Chassis

Hold Fast The [DOWN] Gate

A fun and exhilarating multiplayer mod where you have been activated in response to a mass rampancy event. Includes with custom terminals to help you equip your chassis and to prepare it for the onslaught that follows. Grab it now.

2nd Place - The Hapalon

Image 5 Image 3

Hauntingly fun mod with a tense and frightening atmosphere with a custom inventory system with a bit of a Resident Evil vibe to it. Grab it now.

3rd Place - Pixels to Paper

Serious Sam: Pixels to Paper Serious Sam: Pixels to Paper

Astounding piece of layered art by Seylyn showing Sam in some serious trouble. Alongside the submission was fantastic behind the scenes look showing the creation of Pixels to Paper.

4th - 20th Place

20170722174039 1

Serious Sam Turbo Time Trial

Time to get SERIOUS

Time to get Serious

Image 3

Serious Sam Egyptian fresco

Egyptian Fresco

Less serious version
Less Serious

Image 11
The lonely island

Image 8
Temple Detour

Hazardous Materials Incident at XJ 86

20170722180709 1
Tug of War

Image 6
Roguelike Detour

Low Poly Sam

Low Poly Sam

Image 13

Lets get serious!!
Let's Get Serious

Overview 5
Defence of the Starbase

Serious Mod

Image 6

Unnamed Campaign

Image 5
Another Encounter

I will be in touch with the winners shortly regarding receiving their prizes. Once again thank you to all of our participants and our friends at Crackshell, Croteam & Devolver Digital for making this competition possible. We have another competition in the pipeline so stick around and stay serious!

Post comment Comments
Mauritsio - - 4 comments

Guess I shouldn't be complaining about 6th place. Congratualations and good work to everyone else who won! :)

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

It really does surprice me that art and mods are one and the same catagory, we all thought they were seperated. Because making art takes in most cases much less time as making a full mod.

But that is ok, there were so few contestents that it really didn't matter what we did sent in, we all still have a prize.


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gra_am - - 2 comments

Thanks for hosting this contest, ya'll.

Good job to everyone who competed.

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Nikc75 - - 4 comments

Nikc is sad :(

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Flemse - - 6 comments

Oh, come on! We certainly didn't expect to win, but this is ...kinda insulting. We put quite a few hours into our 4 maps, but I guess generic fanart that's not even themed to the game is more deserving? Complete bullocks.

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

May i ask which 4 maps you made Flemse, because when i click on your profile page i can't see any maps or mods. Just interested to know what you made, and to see if i already played it.


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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

When do we get our prizes?

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DMI-1407 - - 3 comments

Some reasons why the art has been rejected where be nice. :/

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

Was it rejected DMI-1407? Because i really did like your image for the SSBD contest, and it looked really original.


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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

Have you got your prize yet?

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

No, also haven't heart anything about it yet. But i assume it will come somewere this week. The judging was also later, so, it will come.


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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

"I will be in touch with the winners shortly regarding receiving their prizes"

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

"We have another competition in the pipeline so stick around and stay serious!"

Not really sure yet but maybe i will try something new for this new contest.
Have to wait till they tell the requirements for it.


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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

Well well, it is a real shame but we still haven't seen our prizes.
What is the new about that? Hope they will come soon or otherwise they
will let us know what is going on...

thank you,

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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

13th September, still nothing.

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StormCatcher.77 - - 17 comments

I confirm that I received my steam-key. To everyone: check your private messages!

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

Me to!
Did activate the key and the amount of games i did win is simply amazing!
Really, i thought it would be 6 games but it seems they gave about 40 or more or so. Really big AAA titles between them, and not only the SS games, which are alone at least 15 or so of them (including all VR titles). Titles as all Shadow Warrior games are added to, not only the old ones but also the 2 new ones.

Sorry for those who did not win, but i simply have to write this down here. THIS IS A HUGE PRIZE!!!

Thanks to Moddb, Croteam, Devolver and Crackshall!!!


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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

I am never going to end up playing these games aha, I regret activating the key, I would have love to of sold it.

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Flemse - - 6 comments

Oh great, 40 games? I guess you deserve to get 40 games when you submit some generic fanart you didn't even make for the competetion and isn't even themed to the game. I'm sorry, but this is just so incredibly insulting to the people who made actual mods for the actual game and spend many hours doing. This killed it dead for me, not only making maps, but the entire game. Shameful, this site and devolver in particular has killed this game right off the bat. Good job, guys, good job ...

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

Not sure if you ment me, but i didn't make any art. I did make 2 large sp-levels for the game called Shipwreck, (which i updated after the contest was closed but that doesn't count).

But i have to agree with you, i to did see some fanart which didn't had much to do with this game, although i don't know if it was already made when the contest was put out. All in all this contest did had many flaws, that i fully agree with you.


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Flemse - - 6 comments

No, wasn't talking about you at all, I'm talking about the utter incompetence of this site and Devolver in particular. Was this suppossed to help the game? Because then it was a dissaster. If it was supossed to turn off everyone from making mods for the game, they did a great job! Just look at how many mods have been added the the workshop after this shitshow was over ... 0. That's right, they killed it dead. I really hope Crackshell never works with a publisher or this site ever again.

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

As i said do i fully agree with that a lot of things seem to have gone wrong. What irritated me the most was that there were no tutorials at all at least the first 2 weeks of the 4 weeks contest. So learning to work with the editor was a HUGE pain in the you know what. And communicating about it was impossible, Crackshell didn't asnwer any mails on the subject. So, what i want to say is that also Crackshell made a lot of mistakes. Mistakes that so easely could have been avoided. It really looks like everyone just didn't had time to do the contest right. Or it was simply to much work. Or, the sales of the game were so low that they didn't want to bother anymore with the contest. All in all it was a complete mistery to me how bad things went, right from the start. Which is a real shame, because the game still is really fun to play and map with. All in all a huge shame.


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Flemse - - 6 comments

I think Devolver were the ones that pushed for the release before the game was done, and this thing and the misleading trailer were as far as I know their only marketing effords. Real good job turning everything sour by doing very little they did. I understand why they needed to work with them to get the rights to make an SS game, but I really hope they just do their own thing and self-publish from now on, they don't need a useless publisher, messing things up and putting their hands in the cookie jar.

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

I have to say that i didn't think the trailer was misleasing, but that is just my opinion. Its probably the same old story as always, small dev team, big publisher. I will never understand why piblishers rush release dates, a bad release does harm a game so much, even when it is patched later on. Although this is not the case here i believe.


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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

All I know that this is game is officially dead. It died a month after release to be honest, no-one at all plays it, it's lucky if it gets over 15 concurrent players on steam, so whatever happened, Devolver screwed up as a publisher.

I also agree with you that art and mods should have been judged separately. My map received 9th place, and 4 pieces of art, which someone probably only spent a day making did better, whereas I spent many many hours and days on my map.

This is probably just me being salty, but it's still very frustrating.

I don't think the competition was very good, and that they even wanted to hold the competition, the devs 100% made a loss from this game, hence why they need to release Heroes of Hammerwatch to make up for losses. Lets hope this never happens again.

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Flemse - - 6 comments

A day? You think "low poly sam" took a day to make? Or that it was made for this game? Someone took a low poly model they once made of sam, that doesn't look like sam at all and certainly not like he does in this game, and entered it. Then they rewarded him for doing that, while they ****** on actual mods. Actually, looking at the art once again, I think one of them wasn't made beforehand. The third place. Rest was made beforehand because they aren't themed to the game at all. It's comical. The incompetence and mindlessness is baffling to me.

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mahdi478 - - 23 comments

Which mod did you end up making then? Interested. (Mine is Lonely Island)

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Flemse - - 6 comments

We made the dungeon of doom map pack.

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Nikc75 - - 4 comments

My drawing did not even enter the 20's. Many whom I showed this contest, spoke of my picture is very positive. But in fact? He did not even look. I pounced on him a lot of time. Thanks blyat'

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