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MrDelphor - - 8 comments

Hey! Thanks for the mod I absolutely love the updated original RTW style. In terms of style this is probably my favorite mod out there.

I have a bug to report and a few questions/suggestions:
1. On the campaign map, some of the rivers in central Europe will randomly disappear, leaving their brown trails behind but no water inside of them. Is there any combination of settings which will eliminate this problem?

2. Have you ever thought of adding the animations from SignifierOne's animations pack so hoplites can hold their spears overhanded? I think it would be a fantastic addition to your mod but I lack the technical ability to add it to your existing animations. Here is a link to the mod:

3. Are you planning on adding the buildings from barbarian invasion to the barbarian factions so they can reach level 5 cities?

4. Is there any way to run this mod with the Barbarian Invasion exe for its improved AI? I know you set up the Alexander exe but the AI styles of the two expansions are different.

5. When I do set up the Alexander exe to run and make the changes to the target field I get the loading screen and a normal (not RTW) mouse cursor, and the game stays on the loading screen indefinitely. Do you know of this bug or how I can get around it?

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

You are very welcome, my friend! Thank you!!

Ok first thing- Not sure about that one. Sounds like it is more than likely a display-driver issue or a memory leak. Rome: Total War has one hell of a memory leak in case you didn't know. You can research that term if you'd like to learn more but the gist of it is this:

Random access memory stores information onto it and then it is called when needed. After it is used and no longer needed it is let go back into the RAM pool to be used for something else. A memory leak is when the application doesn't release the RAM and it continues to draw more and more until it has no more storage space which can cause a random late-game errorless crash. It could be that the texture file for the rivers is being released by accident caused somehow by the memory leak and then pulled back. Or, again, it may be because of a display driver issue.

Unfortunately, neither one of those scenarios is something that could easily be corrected. You could try lowering the texture resolution quality (I know...) and see if it continues or try a different screen resolution.

It sounds like (without actually seeing it) that the texture file is being released (causing the Houdini rivers) and then being retrieved (catching up to itself). I've not noticed it on my end. What GPU do you have?

Ok #2! Adding animations is pretty simple... give me some time and I might be able to work that up for you or at the very least give you some simple instructions on how to do it yourself. The latter is probably the safest best seeing as how I would like to diminish the amount of other people's work that I introduce into my own personal modification of course!

3. No. I know where you are going with that, and it would be awesome, but it wouldn't fit the time frame. At this stage of the game the barbarians are supposed to be more primal and unrefined. If they start building huge cities and tech up too much then by the age of Barbarian Invasion they would be a whole era of civilization ahead. In the original Rome I want to portray them as fledgling civilizations... even if they have the ability to topple the mighty Rome... they shouldn't be able to surpass Rome technologically or by population numbers. The migrations hadn't quite started yet and the barbarians lacked the infrastructure to support large numbers of people even if they did have the fighting ability to bring down technologically superior armies.

#4 Yes. It's not quite easy if you are using Steam version though seeing as the RTW and BI exe files are joined... if you want to give it a shot here is a link that should help: (just take the blue pill and follow the white rabbit lol!)

#5. Try copying the "preferences.txt" file included with this mod (it's in the preferences folder) into your preferences folder for ALX.

Ok hope this answers your questions, let me know if you need anything else!

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MrDelphor - - 8 comments

Hello again! Thanks for responding to my previous comment.

When it comes to the vanishing rivers in #1, I also noticed that some of the coastal borders for islands also dissappear. I am tinkering with settings and if I find a good combination I will post them. My graphics drivers are Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M.

On #2, I don't want to waste your time, so I want to do as much on my own as possible. However, I would like some advice on how to combine the other animations with yours, if possible.

For #3, I understand.

As for #4, I was able to get the campaign working in barbarian invasion, but not custom battles. Some sources online say that custom battles are not possible through the engine, but I've also seen mods where they do work perfectly fine. Do you have any thoughts or advice on this?

And lastly for #5, I got it to work, but again my ideal is Barbarian Invasion because it is more aggressive.

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Good luck with those settings! I have AMD and have not experienced what you describe but you must remember this is an aging, very old-now, game engine. There are bound to be anomalies!

It all comes down to skeletons. If you download that animation pack it should come with instructions on how to pack the animations into idx. Once they are packed in the idx and the dat, all that is required then is to set them in the unit via descr_model_battle.

Does that animation pack not contain instructions on how to install it?

Have not tried much in the way of BI tbh. I prefer original or Alex.exe. For custom battles, I cannot say. Technically this mod was designed on and specifically for vanilla engine with support for ALX. I will toy with BI and see what happens. I see no reason why Custom Battles would not work but I can say without a doubt regardless of engine (vanilla included) that QUICK BATTLE will not work. That is because it is called from a preset instruction in the game engine so it is blind to all changes the mod has made so I would not suggest using quick battle. It's not Randomized anyway and if you want the presets from Quick Battle then just play vanilla un-modded!

I love aggressive AI! I will look into BI exe for you.

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MrDelphor - - 8 comments

The animation pack assumes I have vanilla animations so it just has me copy-paste the pack and skeletons.dat and .idx files over the existing ones.

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

For the sake of keeping this a comment section based solely on specifics for Rome Total War Enhanced I will limit this as much as possible.

You'll need to download a tool to extract the files that are packed into the dat and idx files. Extract both sets, the ones from this mod and the ones from the animation pack. Next you'll add the animations (skeletons) you wish to add and then repack them into a new set of dat and idx files. There are lots of tutorials on this on the total war modding forums.

Next you'll need to use a 3D modeling editor (I used 3DSMAX for the models I edited such as adding shields to centurions) to flip the spears. Right now they are holding the spears with their hands at their sides and the tips facing forward. When you raise their arms above head as they currently are, the spear tips would be facing backwards. Imagine you are holding a spear as the units in the game are at their sides. Now raise your arm in the air. That's what would happen. So you'll need to edit the model to flip the spear and also adjust it in their grip a bit to give it a more realistic balanced look. I toyed with this during editing but found that it caused some issues with collision detection when coupled with the shorter pike length so you would also need to lengthen the spears in the export_descr_unit directory.

As you can see some things can be a bit time consuming! Modding can be very rewarding though, but for now I'm taking a break having completed such a big project. Thank you so much for your support and kind comments. It may not be 100% exactly what you would have liked but even if it's 90% then it wasn't a complete waste of my time!

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MrDelphor - - 8 comments

Thanks for the help! You've been invaluable in helping me improve my Rome Total War experiment.

I just have one more question. When do you think you're going to release the other version of the mod with the four Roman factions instead of Baktria, India, and the Arabs?

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Guest - - 695,269 comments

Thank you for your job. I've played a lot of diffrent mods,but i really loved this one. BTW: can't i unlock factions in descr.strat with this mod? I tried to but it doesn't works.

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MrDelphor - - 8 comments

Did you remember to go into the mod's descr_strat? My path is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\
Rome Total War Gold\RTWE\data\world\maps

Also, it looks like this when done:
; Custom campaign script generated by Romans Campaign Map Editor

campaign imperial_campaign
options bi

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Google is your friend ;)

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Hi im a huge fan of your work and how you have added features such as faction swaping which is a great development on top of the many great factions which ive used on my own mugnas map.

Since this mod is completed i was wondering what future you may have in modding if again.

Which leads me to the main question, has anyone ever made a medevil mod which effectively makes it rome?

If so would it be possible and would you consider it?

It would be a great api styled development which breaks some hard-coded rome features ie factions.

Im aware thism ay be the wrong place to post but i figure ill try here

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Btw im trying to get this to work with Mugnus Magnus Map which i did with your 1.5 version but it crashes with no error log, any advice?

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Hello friend and thank you for you continued support!

Future modding? Hmmm... dunno! I'll have to think about that. It's hard to come up with original ideas and every day more great modifications are being released for so many games. I've toyed with the idea of a Chinese mod using the Rome engine. I know of a few groups and individuals who have attempted to do that but to no avail. I could do it but the time it would take I'm not sure if I would be able to complete it before the engine becomes completely obsolete or something. You never know though. But yeah that is one idea I've had ever since learning of the Warring States era.

AFAIK there is a mod that converts Medieval II: Total War to a Roman theme. A quick google search should pull that up. Unless of course you are referring to Medieval 1. Or maybe you are implying to use the Rome: Total War game engine to make a medieval style game. In that case I would just say Medieval II does just that, with Barbarian Invasion coming in close second.

TBH I am not much for medieval history. It's fascinating, don't get me wrong. I appreciate all eras of history, but I wouldn't get much enjoyment out of a medieval themed game. To convert the original Medieval to Rome may not be that difficult, seeing as the graphics are basically just sprites. It's a novel thought, mostly because the "stripped down" as it seems now engine of Medieval has sort of a "beautiful simplicity" about it, though I would much just prefer to play Rome: Total War as-is or of course Rome: Total War Enhanced!

I believe again you may be referring to a mod that is already in existence (converting Medieval II to Roman era) I can't recall the name though...

As far as using your map with this mod, unfortunately I wouldn't be of much assistance. The way that Rome: Total War is built (engine wise) can be extremely simple yet it is particularly fragile as well. It's sort of like a string of Christmas lights if I could compare it to that. When you do something wrong with one little bulb in a stream you can effectively disable the whole set! Rome is a bunch of small parts all interlocked and working together. Some cosmetic things can be altered without much fuss, but certain features rely on others in order for the whole thing to be operational and successful.

As for your map, without looking at it and knowing all the details just using what knowledge I have from working with the scripts and what-not, I would say the reason it is now broke is tied to the new factions. The way I set those factions up is actually the hardest way, but it offered me the most simplicity in the long run. To be forthright with it- I have changed three factions internal names. If your map calls to any of the original internal names in any scripted way and it cannot read or reach them then it will fail. I'm led to this conclusion also based on the fact that from 1.5 to 2.0 nothing on the actual "physical" map has changed. That's the only logical hypothesis I could conjure with limited knowledge of your map.

Anyway, thank you again for your kind words. I hope this has been of some help to you!

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Thank You for the great reply, i adjusted the faction names but i think its probs a too bigger thing to do as being a amature modder, for the conversion do you know the files you used for the new factions ie any files with changes in faction names,

In response to the medevil 2 - to Rome i know that many modders are unable to break the many hard-coded exe features, a good example being the 21 faction limit. if a mod was made to Medevil 2 that made it as IDENTICAL as possible to original tool to rome it would be a great way for modders to use this insted of rome and break many hardoded exe features in rome

i think this may have been tried with EB 2 however i was thinking more vanilla rome

- i mention the above as i could not find the mod you were talking about in your reply

Again thanks for the Great reply

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

I know all the files that need to be adjusted and the list is a mile-long. Trust me, it's a lot of work to adjust them all.

Oh I see what you mean now. Sorry, I misunderstood. What you mean is to redesign Medieval II to make it look and feel like vanilla Rome Total War.

Yeah EB 2 is the way to go there. I know it's not like vanilla Rome but in what you are suggesting there are two outcomes:

One end result would be a game that uses all the same models textures and everything from Rome so it would be exactly as Rome 1 with more factions and features. This is basically a "port".

Other result is you would have to redo all the models and textures from Rome 1 to put into Medieval II. This would be very extensive time consuming.

First option is relatively easy in theory so long as nothing in the engine calls for lots of new things to be added during the port. I will consider this... possibly.

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Thanks i was not a huge EB 2 fan and the first option was what i ment, You would be a legend if you pulled it off

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

One last thing, can switch faction be set up for vanilla?

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Yes. I will try to release a 1.6 soon which aims to be 2.0 minus the new factions.

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

I mean for a completely vanilla rome in every way EXCEPT faction switches, also while your live again this is a phenomenal mod that is the first ive seen to extend features while still having the rome spirit

Ive tried setting it up but cant get it to go

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

You are very welcome and thank you for your compliments!

It's all script based, there are a few tutorials online that detail this. If coke gave out the directions to their formula then everybody would make their own! Let's just count this as one of the unique mysterious features of this mod. ;) I hope you enjoy the mod and I really appreciate your feedback!

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Hey, Figured out how to set it up but ill just keep it between us ;)

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Bob-Bobington - - 163 comments

Also figured out how to make a Hotseat to use with your mod

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icyyou - - 2 comments

Hey, I loved your 1.5 version of the mod, when i saw that there was a new version i was really exided. So i deleted my the old version and installed the new version using your guide. But its not working.

If i follow the guide and i open in the end the new shortcut it opens the normal rome total war. And when i open the RTWE2.exe (what you needed to do in the 1.5 version), it just doesnt open. It opens in my system but it doesnt open en window.

I've reinstalled rome total war 2 times but that didnt help. I've been trouble shooting for over 3 hours now and i dont know what the problem may be.

Im using a legal version of rome total war gold edition from steam.
Im having windows 10 latest update. Updated all my drivers if that is needed.


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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

You need to edit the properties of the shortcut you created. Follow all instructions in the ReadMe. In the target field add -mod:RTWE after the " symbol.

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icyyou - - 2 comments

I already did that, didnt work.

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Unfortunately it has to be something on your end as nobody else has reported an issue with the install. If you are having trouble running the RTWE2.exe file you may need to adjust your system security settings and permissions and try to "Run as Administrator". You may also have gotten a corrupted download file and just need to re-download the RTWE2.exe again from this site.

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wangmulin - - 7 comments

Thanks for making this mod! I am a fun of rome total war, and have being play it for more than four years, even after rome 2 came out, I still miss the old days when I played rtw for days and nights, so I have tried a lot of mods, they were full of new ideas and fun, but now I want to return to the original rtw, with a mod that fix its bugs and shortcomings, this is the mod I want! After chinese new year I will start a long time looking for campaign. Thanks again for this amazing mod!

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

You are exactly the type of person this mod was made for! Thanks so much for your comment!

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Hey I just want to let everyone know I really appreciate making it to the top 20 on this site! Thanks a lot guys, I hope everyone is having a good time with this twist on a classic game.

Anyway I wanted to let anyone out there who is a crazy RPG fan know that I would have no complains with anyone wishing to submit articles detailing a good campaign story using this mod. I'd sure like to read stuff like that so if any of you gamer guys or girls would like to send me a link or even an article through private message I can post it up on this site if you'd like.

Thanks again for all the support and I hope everyone is enjoying this mod. The feedback is important as well, the good and the bad.

Happy campaigning!

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Guest - - 695,269 comments

cant play this without steam.

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xcmhx Author
xcmhx - - 90 comments

Yes you can, you have to point the installation to your gamefolder where it is installed. The game itself must be patched to 1.5 or later.

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