The 8.6 release brings lots of bug fixes, a vast number of new backgrounds and maps. Enjoy the new intruder model (based on the anniversary interceptor and created by HW_Lower) among many other things.
In the download you will find the .big file and an icon image. Just create a new shortcut to HW2, and add the following to the end of the target line : -mod ComplexEnhanced852.big -nomovies -hardwarecursor -w xxx h yyy -forceLAN -determcompplayer
-nomovies will skip the opening cinematics,
-w xxx h yyy will set a custom screen resolution (replace with numbers),
forceLAN will let you enter any and every game room regardless of version,
-determcompplayer will drastically increase difficulty levels.
If you need further help, feel free to contact us either here in a comment, or on our forums.The change log for Complex 8.6 is the following (entire change log history can be seen on our forums
- Intruder model and icons replaced with new ones.
- Capital Ships and Platforms will now tilt in the direction they are headed to give the game a more realistic feel
- Two variants for "Battle For Hiigara" added (maps from Complex Simple)
- Cloud Atlas (map from Complex Simple) added
- Eternity (map from complex simple) added
- Fulcrum (map from complex simple) added (modified)
- Armageddon (map from complex simple) added (modified)
- Blue Shift (map from complex simple) added
- Sanctuary (map from complex simple) added (modified)
- New Megalith added - The Force field will improve shield efficiency, when captured (Credits to Complex Simple)
- Sucissa has received a new background
- Carnage has received a new background (garden of kadesh)
- Shadows in Space has received a new background
- Megalith way has received a new background
- Hyperproduction has received a new background
- The Modular Cruiser and Destroyer now have access to Heavy Ion Cannons
- Badges have been replaced by new ones
- Super Capital Ships are now built pre-armed (except Shuttle and Missile Battlecruiser)
- The Vortex now has the Standard Asset pre-built
- The Vortex now has access to a Sweeper Asset and a Torpedo Asset (8 turrets each)
- New menu backgrounds were created
- A new logo was created
- Removed the Fleet Carrier (replacement incoming)
- Removed the XBomber due to inefficiency and role overlapping.
- Removed the Hiigaran Battle Carrier due to the low level of it's usefulness in late game
- Removed the Hiigaran Suppression Turret due to inefficiency and lack of role
- Removed the Vaygr Rattle due to role overlapping
- Removed the individual "current speed display" from the interface and game code due to inaccuracy and lag
- Removed the "EN" (energy consumption on current ship) display from the main interface
- Removed the reduced maximum fleet size options. They are no longer necessary thanks to reduced lag
- Removed all Hiigaran Powerups, due to the imbalance it causes in Hiigaran vs Vaygr
- Removed the Hiigaran Patchers and Drones
- Removed the interface display for the Mothership's Heavy Ion Cannon's firepower and shield's stats
- Removed the experience based weapons
- Replaced the pre-set game types with one, balanced game type
- The Destroyer, Light Shuttle and Shuttle will no longer appear restricted in the build menu before researched
- The Modular Cruiser can no longer build cloak generators
- The Modular Cruiser now has access to every modular weapon on every hardpoint(some were missing)
- All EMP Plasma Cannons have an equal cost now
- Due to bugs, the Modular Destroyer can no longer build mine layers and rapid bomb launchers
- Due to bugs, the Modular Cruiser can no longer build rapid bomb launchers
- The Crew, Research and Weapon station no longer receive damage when docked
- Corrected prerequirement descriptions for modular weapons
- Changed the ship description of the Assault frigate from Anti-Corvette/Frigate to Anti-Fighter/Corvette
- Decreased the delay of the music player buttons to 1/30 of the original
- Increased the crew limits from 130 per level to 150 per level
- Increased the officer limits from 8 per level to 10 per level
- Minor code improvements were done
- Minor grammar corrections were done
- All research modules are now pre-built when choosing the test starting fleet
- Game Years renamed to Game Cycles
- Credits updated
- The Mothership's Heavy Ion Cannon now requires the Admiral rank to be built
- The EMP Plasma Cannon's cost has been increased from 900 to 1200
- Modular Destroyers and Modular Cruisers will have the Heavy Ion Cannon and EMP Plasma Cannon restricted to the top and bottom hardpoint
- Super Capital ships are no longer able to fire special weapons (vipers/cruise missiles)
- The Weapon Batteries on the Hiigaran Battleship and Battlecruiser are no longer experience restricted
- Increased the cost of the Hiigaran Torpedo Battery from 1900 to 2000
- Increased the cost of the Hiigaran Ion Battery from 2000 to 3000
- Increased the cost of the Hiigaran EMP Plasma Battery from 2100 to 4000
- Increased the cost of the Hiigaran Nuclear Bomb Battery from 2200 to 5000
- Decreased the starting collector count in Deathmatch from 9 to 6
- Decreased the starting honor points in Deathmatch from 20 to 0
- The Defender Drone's regeneration has been reduced from 10 armor/s to 2 armor/s
- The maximal number of Defender Drones per player is now 15
- The Vortex will no longer have access to mine layers
- The Vortex's Ion Cannons and Nuclear Bomb Launchers are now damageable
- Code-name of the Intruder changed from "railgunfighter" to "intruder".
:( Fleet Carrier..
We are making a new one! It's in early stages.
So, one massive Hiigaran late game nerf?
That will definitely go along nicely with the early game advantage of the Vaygr.
Glad I stuck to 7.4.4
How is the Vaygr lategame close in any way? Hiigarans can mount infinite defense fields and AM turrets, rendering Vaygr capitals almost useless. Not to mention the fighter superiority due to the shiry's callistoes and the squadron size upgrades. Vaygr have a very small time window of superiority as it stands now. You're welcome to join our balance testing on tunngle.
They aren't, and they shouldn't be. The point of the Vaygr is that they dominate early game, and if they can't wipe out Hiigarans before they reach late game, they deserve to get stomped out.
Now as I said I only play 7.4.4 (hope it will work when HD gets released next year) and I dabbled a bit in post 8.0 so I don't know if the Vayger have received any early game nerfs or Hiigarans got early game buffs, but if you have to resort to such a massive nerf (judging by the changelog the entire Hiigaran late game has been nerfed by at least 15%) to balance the game, how the **** did you get into this situation in the first place???
Thanks for the offer, but I really can't stand Complex ever since power was implemented in 8.0. The idea of it is so idiotic I can't even consider it as a joke.
There is no power in Complex Enhanced, Its removed thankfully.
Are you ******** me? Did Beghins finally take it out?
No. Please calm down. Complex Enhanced is a different project from the normal complex. We are the actual team from the complex mod, minus Beghins. There were tons of disagreements about the mod's development. Having redesigned so many elements, our balance and our dynamics are completely different from what you've known until now.
If you liked 7.4.4, this will be your thing, guaranteed. I myself was very disappointed in C8's direction, and preferred the earlier releases too. Complex Enhanced is more of a step back to that. Also, the change log here doesn't tell you everything. All the changes from start can be seen here :
We have tested the game very actively since the start. So yep, we'll be on tunngle, and I hope we'll see you there, too.
I played a 2v2 match with AI and loved it. Much much better than my experience with C8. If I ever get around to reinstalling Tunngle, I'll see you there.
Only tiff would be that there is a Vaygr super cap (besides the Dreadnaught) that can 1hit a Hiigaran Battleship.
Saw that there's a CE 8.6.1. Do you have a DL link for it?
It's a work in progress.
Great, thanks to Complex Team!