Post news RSS Proxyndic Update v0.5

After a long development drought, the Proxyndic Update v0.5 has arrived!

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Proxyndic Update v0.5

Features and Additions:

Squad Members

Citizens are available to recruit into a Player's personal Syndicate Squad. There is only an initial recruitment payment with no periodic maintenance payments thereafter. A squad may consist of 3 of three AI members maximum. Squad members will follow the player and attack upon enemies. Issuing squad orders and member ranking are features to come.

Optical Nano Interface (ONI)

Also known as a scanner implant, the (ONI) allows the user to determine another individual's identity along with other information stored within their personal data chip. This information is then presented visually to the user through the implant's nano interface. The ONI leverages the use of biochemical energy nanotechnology, and neurotechnology to retrieve and transmit data to certain areas of the brain.

Bounty Points

The accumulation of bounty points has been added for citizens. Bounty points are acquired when a Citizen's action breaks local regulation. Attacking different types of individuals will have different impacts on the amount of bounty points received. This opens the possibility for various bounty contract types. Citizens that have accumulated bounty points are fair game for bounty hunters, and may be arrested/killed for contract fulfillment. Citizens who are arrested are transported to 'Redemption', an off-world correctional facility, which functions to house all arrested criminals within the galaxy. The only way to leave Redemption is to either work off the Bounty Points, or attempt escape.

Bounty Hunters

Introduction of Bounty Hunter characters. These individuals, dressed in brown and green, make a living by hunting down individuals who have acquired bounty points. If you have accumulated an amount of bounty points, low or high, they will attempt to arrest you for Credits using the ONI. So, avoid them if necessary.

Control Nodes

Control nodes are resource database terminals that represent the ownership of a specific area/territory. These nodes can be found throughout key districts of each city. Factions or Syndicates may acquire ownership of a control node by hacking it. The owning faction/syndicate will inherit all the income generated for that specific territory. The revenue stream consists of local property taxes and maintenance fees paid by residents living in that area. Typically a headquarters coexists with a control node. A headquarters can be used as an area of Operations for each syndicate. (More details on AO's will come to light in future updates).

Player Death

Player damage and death has been implemented along with some visual effects (blood splatter and cinematics). In future updates, Players will be able to save their progress by sleeping at any of their purchased apartments or hotels.

Environmental Puddles

A small yet very enhancing visual. Rain puddles may now be found around certain areas of the city.

More Puddles!

Dictionary Entries

There have been several additions to the in game dictionary which provides more info and lore about the Proxyndic universe. The dictionary can be quickly accessed via an individual's Holographic Data Assistant (HDA).

Citizen Naming

Citizen First and Last names are now randomly generated from a massive hand-made created Sci-fi list.

Gromada HQ

The Gromada have established their headquarters within the Area 9 Slum District. The territory control node resides inside the headquarters. The building itself is a small abandoned warehouse which the Gromada use as an Area of Operations (AO's) for drug trafficking and recruitment.

Vending Machines

There are now newspaper dispensers and candy vending machines found throughout the city. The food that vending machine dispense act as booster items which will satisfy hunger.


Trade may now fully be conducted through the chat interface with Shopkeepers. The types of products and services these dealers provide are as follows:

  • Weapons
  • Items
  • Food
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Contracts

Apartment Ownership

Apartments can now be purchased from Front desk workers at hotels/apartment complexes. After speaking with an apartment rep, they will issue you a key specific to your apartment room.

Placeable Shields

Placeable Shields function as a traditional item that can be placed on the ground. Once placed, a tall barrier will arise that provides protection from projectiles over a specific period of time. Once the time duration expires, the shield is distinguished. Characters may lean up against the shield, using it as cover at any time. Placeable Shields may be purchased from an Item's Dealer.


Citizens and Players may sit in various areas including benches, bar stools etc. Sitting allows the character to slowly regain stamina.

Drugs (Un-Restricted/Restricted)

An un-restricted drug is one that is available to citizens for open use and is sold by Pharmaceutical Dealers throughout each city.. A restricted drug is one that is banned from use throughout the Galaxy. These drugs are typically manufactured, sold, and smuggled by syndicates. If a citizen becomes searched while in possession of a restricted drug, they will immediately accumulate Bounty Points and will be subject to arrest.

A full list of in-game drug names and stats can be found on the Wiki.

Gameplay Adjustments:

  • SthenoCorp faction members no longer randomly start with bounty points. Other citizens have the potential of randomly spawning with bounty points.
  • Decreased the BioEnergy drain time when using scanner.
  • Removed ability to deal damage to allied syndicate members. This includes shooting and melee attacks.
  • Changed the overall text font for AI conversations.
  • If a squad member is not already engaged with an enemy they will attack the player's target automatically.
  • Squad members no longer always have their weapon drawn unless engaged in combat.
  • There is now a delay after combat before an AI holsters their weapon.
  • Added run animations for the Monolith Faction and Bounty Hunters.
  • Added a 'Cheat Sheet' as a reference for the card game rules and scoring.
  • Added a damage indicator which pulses the screen red when taking damage.
  • Removed implant text within the HDA.
  • HDA's are now equivalent as items and can be equipped and used.
  • Added additional AI chat dialogue.
  • Increased rain transparency.
  • Added more entries within the HDA Dictionary.
  • Squad members now match player walk speed.
  • Centered player dialogue text.- Added Apartment Workers.
  • In Alert Mode, faction members will be spawned to reinforce the area they occupy until the alert time runs out or reinforcements are depleted.
  • When a faction member is attacked, nearby faction members will target the attacker.
  • Added a Croissant food item.
  • Added several new drug items.
  • Added Placeable shield item.
  • Hacking now initiates Alert mode for the territory.


Note: There has been a HUGE number of bugfixes that are not documented in the list below:

  • Fixed bug where holding up AI characters was broken.
  • Fixed bug where Mechanized Units of the same faction could cause damage to one another.
  • Fixed a chat issue when speaking to Gromada and SthenoCorp syndicate members where text highlighting was off.
  • Fixed a vertical punch bug. The player was able to punch characters that were way higher or lower than their current position
  • Fixed an issue with Commanders where subordinates wouldn't become hostile if commander attacked a target.
  • Fixed a bug that would error when trying to grab a Mech as a hostage.
  • Fixed a bug where target wasn't assigned to a citizen when being held up.
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn't hold up AI when facing left.
  • Fixed a bug where the player wouldn't keep his unholstered gun out after a grabbed AI dies.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to keep reading the newspaper or smoke cigarettes while opening the HDA.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to fire their weapon when dead.
  • Fixed a bug where Mechanized Units didn't deal damage to the player.
  • Fixed a bug where the player didn't receive pistol after purchasing from a weapons dealer.
  • Fixed a AI chat text bug where the text was showing as blocks instead of letters. (Fixed by setting the Material to null on instantiation)
  • Fixed a bug which caused squad members to keep aiming after an enemy had already been killed.
  • Removed the ability to shoot backwards with a pistol while holding a PDW if the player does not have a pistol in their inventory.
  • Player's are no longer able to recruit shopkeepers into their squad.
  • Fixed bug where Gromada syndicate members were not showing weapons when idle.
  • Fixed multiple citizens that were facing wrong directions when idle
  • Fixed layering issue which caused newspaper dispensers to appear behind objects.
  • Fixed animation bug when aiming pistol backwards with rifle.
  • Fixed a bug that broke shopkeepers dialogue options.
  • Fixed a bug where citizens had no first names.
  • Fixed a bug where player could open HDA in train.
  • Fixed a bug where player could enter train while still in conversation.
  • Fixed a bug where player could enter train while still using HDA.
  • Increased time delay before enemy AI initial return fire.
  • Fixed bug where citizens would remain in idle animations when running away.
  • Fixed inventory bug when dropping items.
  • Added Bounty Hunter run animations.
  • Removed ability to use HDA while sitting.
  • Added traffic cone visuals to the environments.
  • Removed attributes from the HDA and added a Contract description and Acceptance Criteria section.
  • Fixed bug where player can move if they use inventory button in train.
  • Changed Gromada Dialogue Text to Red.
  • Smoothed out all Gromada animations.
  • Bounty Hunters will attack players if attacked.
  • Fixed a bug where players could use the HDA and Inventory menus while hacking.
  • Nearby faction members now attack the player when attempting to hack a control node.
  • Lowered the volume of item pickup and character chat notification sounds.
  • Fixed bug where player could open inventory while sitting.
  • If a citizen is shot, nearby faction members will target the shooter.
  • So so many more bugfixes..
abbo1993 - - 19 comments

Will there be an early access?

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