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For a long time we’ve wanted to give you all a real gameplay trailer, but we just didn’t feel ready. That has changed over the last year and we are proud to show you the Episode 1 Gameplay Trailer!

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For a long time we’ve wanted to give you all a real gameplay trailer, but we just didn’t feel ready. That has changed over the last year and we are proud to show you the Episode 1 Gameplay Rrailer!


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St.Jimmy23 - - 64 comments

Looks amazing!

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments

No BFG support I take it?

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CyborgParrot - - 1,733 comments

I strongly dobut it.

BFG Edition is a piece of crap anyway.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments

That certainly seems to be the consensus from the bandwagon anyway.

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Argoon - - 1,085 comments

BFG is not has modding friendly has vanilla Doom 3, is nothing about bandwagon opinions, for example to make shaders for BFG you need to know Nvidia CG language, AFAIK you can't do hlsl shaders directly (I've tried it), for vanilla doom 3 you use ARB shaders, there's many made for Vanilla Doom 3 over the years, you can easily make the original Doom 3 look very modern with sikkmod, unfortunately there's no extra CG shaders made for BFG. But i do think CG shaders are easier to write then ARB ones.
To make GUI's for BFG, you need to use Adobe flash and Action Script 2.0 or any flash tool available that can do the same job, there's pretty much no tutorials on that stuff for BFG, for vanilla doom 3, you just use the in-house GUI system, there's plenty of tutorials about it, is very easy to use and very powerful, why id killed it for BFG? Is anyone guess, perhaps the new team was used to flash and they decided to use it instead of making them learn a new tool.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments


Then you haven't heard of RBDOOM-3-BFG.
Which is simply superior, in every way.
And the reason you haven't heard of it,
is probably because you told yourself it was BFG and therefore “crap”.

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VGames - - 3,983 comments

Do not doubt Argoon's familiarity with anything Doom 3. He's been around the block more then once. The vast majority do not care about BFG and it will never get as much attention as standard Doom 3 has from modderes. So move on. This page is about the Phobos mod for standard Doom 3.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments


Well if he thinks that the best Doom 3 experience is to be had on vanilla, then no, he doesn't know.
If anyone can name a single thing that vanilla can do better than RBDoom-3-BFG, I'll concede, but you won't, because you know there isn't, you just throw out downvotes from the bandwagon cause it's cool to hate new stuff.
If someone doesn't want to support it, that's fine, but if they state the reason as being that you can't mod BFG, I'll inform them of their error and point them to better way, with or without your permission.
And I'll move on when I want to, thanks. Feel free to go away any time if you don't like it. This conversation is for us. Maybe come back when you've found the name of that poll you cited about what “the vast majority doesn't care about”, cause it certainly isn't based on Steam sales.

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VGames - - 3,983 comments

Look at this guy. LOL

Calm down skippy. Stating anything about Steam sales is irrelevant seeing as how the standard Doom 3 was not on Steam for many many years. So there's no way to figure out if more people like Doom 3 or Doom 3 BFG by looking at Steam sales. But we can look at how many mods and modders there are for Doom 3 and Doom 3 BFG. Doom 3 has got it beat there and since RBDoom3BFG has been around for quite some time and there's still next to nothing made with it so obviously the majority of modders prefer standard Doom 3. I mean new mods for standard Doom 3 are still popping up. So go make a mod with RBDoom3BFG and get that whole modding seen up and going.

Seriously though you should stop while you're ahead. It's pointless telling modders which version of Doom 3 they prefer.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments


“so obviously the majority of modders prefer standard Doom 3”

Oh yeah so obviously.
Not because they clearly don't know about it,
as evidenced by the fact they're still saying that you can't mod it,
and further evidenced by the fact that you're not even attempting to make that misguided argument any more since last time I schooled you on this topic,
as no right-minded person would once educated on it,
before which time you didn't know about it either.
You're welcome by the way.

*That's* all you have to bring to the table?
And you even bothered replying?
Tell me why you decided to stick your uninvited head in this conversation again?
Why does it just make you so mad when I tell people what I told you?
Or are you just desperate for my attention?

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Argoon - - 1,085 comments

Please calm down and learn how to have a civilized conversation or i will not reply to you any forther.

First I've heard of ALL modded idtech 4 engines in existence BFG or otherwise, second show me how to make fullscreen GUI's for BFG? Where are the tutorials? Show me how do edit the original binary assets that came with BFG? If i wanted to edit a .bMd5 how could i do that? I'm not talking about unpaking the assets, but editing the assets, for example in a text editor? You can't! You can certainly mod RBDoom BFG more easily then you can the original BFG, you can use GLSL shaders directly, instead of CG shaders but that doesn't remove the fact, that modding the original Doom 3 is still much easier, and doesn't matter if BFG is a better and more modern engine for playing the game, for modding is not as friendly has vanilla period.

And if you really think RBDoom 3 BFG is the best engine out there for Doom 3 modding, you are mistaken, fhDoom is IMO a much better platform to mod for doom 3, not only does it support shadow maps and GLSL, exactly like RB but it also supports the original game GUI system for fullscreen GUI's, unlike BFG/RB that only supports them for world GUI's and requires flash plus AS 2.0 for fullscreen GUI's.

If you think everyone is being stupid and delusional and RB BFG is the holly grail of mooding, go make your own BFG mods and show me wrong, i will certainly applaud you for it and will play them when they come.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments

Yeah I know how to have a civilised conversation.
Don't try and pull that card just because I disagreed with you.
“If you think everyone is being stupid and delusional”
Show me where I called anyone stupid or delusional.
Yeah you made that up.
Please learn how to be civilised and stop lying about what I said or I will not reply to you any further. Thanks.

Second, almost all of those things are showcased in the Doom 3 UltimateHD mod here on this site, based on RBDoom-3-BFG, and of the things that aren't, I've almost never even seen them used in a vanilla mod.

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geX Author
geX - - 335 comments

Only for Vanilla Doom 3 and Doom 3: RoE

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments

fair enough.

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DiamondBorne - - 695 comments


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FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,559 comments

10 years of waiting well spent! c:

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AidenDemon - - 566 comments

You guys present to us an another AAA game, yes you are!

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wolfprince1 - - 280 comments

Sweet! Now I've got the pre-Steam version, I may be able to play it too! Looks like a good variety of locations and styles too.

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Emperors_Fist - - 1,098 comments

Wow, after so many years. What a great feeling.

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CED2011 - - 189 comments

ohhh myy!!! I can't believe this is actually happening. This looks so f...... great!! Congratulations from a fellow modder :)

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silentzorah - - 76 comments

Well, it's about damn time! I've only been waiting to get my hands on this for... What, ten years now?

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downlode - - 214 comments

Still a quicker release than Duke Nuken Forever.

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downlode - - 214 comments

Great timing, I just reinstalled my disk version of Doom3 to try out some other mods I ran across, and this bit of good news shows up.
Trailer looks fantastic, gonna be some late nights in my future.

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Arl. - - 155 comments


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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

going to be great!

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AlphaEnt - - 402 comments

Wait, is that baby's voice actress at the beggining?

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