Post news RSS Petition To Add Star Wars: Clone Wars To Netflix

Seeing that Star Wars: The Clone Wars is getting added to Netflix, it seems a bit unfair that it's predecessor doesn't. So I've decided to change that with this petition.

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Seeing that Star Wars: The Clone Wars is getting added to the Netflix movie library, it seems a bit unfair that it's predecessor, Star Wars: Clone Wars, doesn't. So I've decided to change that with this petition:

I know that you will probably read it yourself on the website but for the sake of saving you a couple extra minutes so you can sign immediately when you click the link, here is what the petition reads:

With the recently canceled CGI animated
Star Wars: The Clone Wars series being added to Netflix on March 7th of this year, It has come to our attention that the largely forgotten, original Star Wars: Clone Wars series by Genndy Tartakovski, should be added to the movie library alongside it.

In 2003, Star Wars: Clone Wars was created by George Lucas and Genndy Tartakovski to bridge the 3 year gap between Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of the Clones, and the upcoming Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The series aired on Cartoon Network from 2003 to 2005 and for It's first season, contained twenty, 7 minute long episodes depicting the events of the Clone Wars through the eyes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, His Padawan, Anakin Skywalker as well as other major and minor characters seen throughout the Prequel films. Due to the show's popularity, Cartoon network granted Star Wars: Clone Wars a longer run time for It's third and final season. Consisting of five, 20 minute episodes, the final season depicted events from Anakin's Knighting to the Battle of Coruscant leading in to the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. For unknown reasons, the series was never aired again on television after it's completion.

Three years after the release of Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Lucas created another television series; Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this time, animated with CGI by Dave Filloni. The series was originally created to bridge a time jump in Chapter 22 of the original Clone Wars series after Anakin was knighted, however due to the popularity of the show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was expanded to depict a majority of the conflict instead of the few months it was originally given.

In the five years between Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first airing in 2008 and It's cancellation in 2013, the original Clone Wars series had been largely forgotten except by a small group of devoted fans. Now, with the 2008 CGI series being added to the Netflix Movie Library, the opportunity has arisen for you, the good people at Netflix, to add the original series along side it. This way, Netflix subscribers can enjoy both the newer & the older series in all of their splendor and the men and women, who worked so hard on Star Wars: Clone Wars, can have their masterpiece viewed on a massive scale once more.

We, the signers of this petition, humbly ask you all at Netflix to please add Star Wars: Clone Wars to your movie library alongside Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Thank You.

I'm looking to get at least 2,000 signatures, maybe even more than that by February of next year. Every signature is greatly appreciated and I trust the good people of Moddb will sympathize with me on this matter, weather they are a fan of the original series or not.

Thank you,

Trusty_Friendpatine - - 174 comments

Signed ^^

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Boss-1138 - - 531 comments

Done. You should promote this a lot more to get more signers.

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Boss-1138 - - 531 comments

I've shared the petition on Facebook, I'll see what I can do on Steam too.

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anthonytjengracio - - 56 comments

Of course, the CGI is just utter crap and non canon. I've always love the old one for it's more seriousness.

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,831 comments

wow 13? come on guys you can do better than that. if you dont have netflix sign it anyway

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HOPE1134 - - 1,114 comments

I don't have Netflix so I won't be signing it.

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ZoeyChi - - 97 comments

I wish I had more influence on the internet to help this out :(
I will still try my best on steam!!!

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republiccommando1138 - - 29 comments

Signed! My siblings watch the new series on Netflix, and I almost throw up when I see them act it out. If they had the old series, they would actually learn something about Star Wars.

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Commando18 - - 70 comments


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HOPE1134 - - 1,114 comments

Amazing amount of numbers!

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HOPE1134 - - 1,114 comments

Anyway, I don't need Netflix to watch it. I know a place.

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