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Another year draws to a close and once again, The Core is without a release date. It seems unimaginable that it has been over a year and a half since we last posted an article! How quickly the time flies.

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Seasons Greetings

Another year draws to a close and once again, The Core is without a release date. It seems unimaginable that it has been over a year and a half since we last posted an article! How quickly the time flies.

It goes without saying that we've been quieter than usual around here. Truth be told, there hasn't been a lot to talk about. The Core is still progressing at a much slower pace than usual. My time at 3D Realms comes with a new set of challenges, least of all are learning a bunch of new tools and design principles, but also time management and deadlines. There has not been a lot of time for personal projects...

Phantom Fury

Just briefly on the subject of 3D Realms, I do not believe it was ever fully revealed here on ModDB, but the title that I am currently working on is Phantom Fury, revealed officially back in September. The trailer for said project can be seen below along with a couple of screenshots:



Half-Life: The Core

So what is the state of things currently? As the year draws to a close, it is looking as though I will have a lot more time for The Core as we head into 2023. I still won't be able to dedicate ALL of my free time into it just yet, but certainly a lot more than I have been. As with any year, 2022 has come with it's share of highs and lows, with the lows being regrettably dominant in the last 11 months. As such, there were only a handful of posts on the page this year. Two screenshots regarding one small area of the mod:

Dug in

But worry not, this is not the only progress that has been made. There are a selection of new areas that have been worked on and some older areas that have been brought up to the current standard set throughout the mod. Sadly these are either not ready to be shown off just yet or are areas we would prefer to keep under wraps until the eventual release. We can't just go ahead and show you EVERYTHING now can we?

Dug in

So with that, I bid you good day. A merry christmas and a happy new year to all who celebrate and good times all the same to those who do not.

You'll be seeing a lot more from us soon.

wolfprince1 - - 281 comments

Well, as long as you can dedicate some time. Besides, Phantom Fury looks truly kick *** too.

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TaxAkla - - 187 comments

Does Phatom Fury is an offical crossover with Sin? The same universe? Wow! Fantastic!

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23-down - - 3,642 comments

Good luck to you. And in advance merry Christmas and a happy new year. I look forward to the moment you get more spare time again.

I thought the exact same thing regarding SIN. The Engine itself seems to be based upon the same Engine of the recently leaked 2010 Duke Nukem Forever build. Whether this game can attract the required number of buyers remains to be seen. It looks like a cool game but also like one that had been produced back in the early 2000s.

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monster_urby Author
monster_urby - - 3,073 comments

It's very much a throwback to 2001 FPS games, and was pitched to me as "Ion Fury's Duke Nukem Forever." It's all very intentional and undoubtedly targets a niche audience. Specifically my generation, haha.

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FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,595 comments

Best of luck in Phantom Fury, and in the year 2023 in general! :D

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Akol - - 65 comments

Damn, the work you do is amazing!! It goes for both Phantom Fury and Core.

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Daburubareru - - 738 comments

I'm so excited for Phantom Fury since they show it at the 3DRealm Direct Phantom Fury remind me a lot of SIN and some certain other FPS games speaking of SIN I'm so happy that blade is coming back in Phantom Fury as you know! And also good luck, merry xmas and a happy new year I'm so excited for both (The Core and Phantom Fury!)

Amazing works as always, merry xmas and a happy new years!

-Rayan ''Dabu''

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neophus - - 596 comments

A shame but understandable, Phantom Fury looks amazing by the way ! but I hope that we will see the Core release one day ! good luck

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Aynekko - - 699 comments

Good news, I'm really looking forward to play this mod one day!

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usarmyguy100 - - 90 comments

how beautiful, i love seeing good use of colors in the goldsrc engine, it can really put out a good mood if some work has been done, very excited to see where this goes.

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