In January we promised you a full blown movie "in about a month". In gamedev terms, we're right on time :p. This month we're showcasing a trailer built from scenes we recorded during our alphatest sessions. This trailer shows our match only, we don't show off the alien yet. It's alpha, so there's still work to be done, but the vid should give you a pretty good impression of where we are in development:
Off Limits - alpha trailer video - Mod DB
Stay tuned for more!
- Simon
As opposed to the "Hard Rock for EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME Action" music in the Killing Floor trailer, eh?
Noo!! The .rar!! It burns us!!
I dunno WHEN ppl are gonna stop using the over-dramatic orchestral music ala star wars to add weight to trailer footage.
Looks good , but try a less pretentious track :(
Ah cmon, its a great mod why cant they use it? After all its not about the music but about the mod!
People always have to be so negative :s
Looks fantastic guys!
the maps look fantastic, allthough everything did seem very fast, lets hope the pace is good and we have time to marvel in the environments too. Good Job
Wow this looks really nice guys!
you guys should have had the alien pop out at the end and roar or something for dramatic effect.
video blew my mind :P. that hud looks freakin sweet.
looks nice. trailer was hella fast though
Why is the video corrupt for me?
Yeah, the music really made me laugh out loud. As if you were trying to make your own mod look stupid. I love the gameplay I've seen but the music... My god, everyone knows it by now and people really don't like hearing it every time a mod/TV Show/Parody (unless it's a Star Wars parody of course) releases a trailer.
bah who cares about the music. While alittle fast, it will looks like alot of fun to play, just hope it isn't complelty mindless TDM.
looks really cool :thumbup;
looks totaly awesome, cannot wait to play it... keep up the good work!!!
News post's original image filesize was way too large, I edited it down to a more reasonable filesize.
seems pretty cool, like vehicles look cool. I thought the music was just fine, til the choir came in. Only thing about the trailer is that i really have no idea how the gameplay works besides there are cars and guns...
awesomness, keep it up