Post news Report RSS NMRiH Halloween Update 2010

Welcome again to another No More Room in Hell update, brought to you this month by rigging fails. So it's been roughly 3 months since our last update and contrary 70% of the comments we receive, no we aren't dead. (again) This special Halloween he have some delicious treats, yet not so many tricks. Most notably we have a great new gameplay video created by Xendrid on of the newest members of our team.

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Welcome again to another No More Room in Hell update, brought to you this month by rigging fails. So it's been roughly 3 months since our last update and contrary 70% of the comments we receive, no we aren't dead. (again) This special Halloween he have some delicious treats, yet not so many tricks. Most notably we have a great new gameplay video created by Xendrid on of the newest members of our team.

Team News

So a few new members to note this time around. First of all CrazyMatt has returned to help "flesh" out some of our zombie/character models and extend the length of our view models arms. As mentioned above Xendrid has joined the team, he has joined to out with PR work. Which as you may have noticed our update this time around is quite large. Next up is TheCounter who has joined Sn1pe in our animation department. Malfuncti0n as rejoined the team and has begun working a map titled nmo_auger.

Gameplay Video

Video created during a playtesting session. Editing by Xendrid.

Sako Animation Demo

A few things to note, scope seen is temporary which is why there is no recoil when in iornsights.

Concept Art & New Wallpaper

SickJoe has been hard at work creating these pieces of art. The fist is a concept for a female character. The second was a project to spiff up our moddb page, I took some time to turn it into a wallpaper as well. It also happens to be a self portrait of Joe himself.

Announcing nmo_cabin

This is somewhat of a remake of an old NMRiH map from its development past. Nay0r having nearly completed nmo_broadway has started on this new project nmo_cabin.

NMRiH Halloween Update
NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update
NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update

In Game Screenshots

The following images are a compilation of various in game screenshots from our testing sessions.

NMRiH Halloween Update

NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update NMRiH Halloween Update


18 Wheels of propping glory!

NMRiH Halloween Update

Police, enough said.

NMRiH Halloween Update

New zombie in the works created by CrazyMatt.

NMRiH Halloween Update


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Post comment Comments
Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Awesome, I'm really looking forward to how you're going to make the feeding system in a MP setting, I mean matches can't last hours...that'd be epic, a Zombie MMO of sorts...and in 10-15 minute rounds, it'll be odd if you have to keep eating every 5 minutes.

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Dman757 Author
Dman757 - - 267 comments

This has to be at least the 3rd comment you've made about some "feeding system." I don't know where you get your information about said system, we have NO plans for such a thing. You might be thinking with something that was talked about years ago before I was on this team. Yet we've started over since then.

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Smiley_Riley - - 319 comments

Most (if not all) 'features' that were mentioned or discussed here before early 2009 does not/will not exist in the mod; we weren't joking when we said we started from scratch

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

But but, mid-2009 you guys said you would implement a feeding System for the survivors, if they didn't, they'd get slow and melee attacks would do less.

It was one of my main reasons to be excited bout this, it seemed unique, a little difficult to implement, but unique. I know you guys had to re-start, but this was mentioned after said restart, I even registered on your forums and made a comment about it.

"Down the line, we plan on adding in things such as supplies, and perhaps even a hunger system for humans that keeps the players having to explore the map and find food. And generates PvP conflict for when one group of survivors has food, and another doesn't. After all, the core of the problem between humans in a world without infrastructure is surviving at all costs, and everyone needs to eat!"

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Smiley_Riley - - 319 comments

March 2009 = Q1 2009 = early 2009

The months after March/April '09 was when development restarted for good with a clean slate and an actual real design document (and not a wishlist)

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Dman757 Author
Dman757 - - 267 comments

Ok, I just found this post you quoted. It was made by InZaneFlea before I joined the team and took over PR and made the policy don't talk about things that aren't finished and or being worked on. Your quote was taking from a paragraph that was talking about ideas he had for future plans after release. Ideas, nothing concrete.

Second paragraph which you quoted from, was about what is after release:

"From here, WE WILL AFTER RELEASE, expand into the gamemodes that we have come up with and thought of throughout the years."

He then went on to talk about other gamemode possibilities. Which is true we might add more gamemodes after release but I couldn't say what they might be since we are focused on getting the game released. We have two gamemodes right now "Survival" and "Objective" both of which will come on release.

Here is the topic in question for anyone curious please mind the post date:

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Alright, I haven't kept up with the mod, just remember how it sounded like a very interesting concept to set it apart from other Zombie games.

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ssba - - 23 comments

It sounds like you're assuming that players can be zombies. They can't; there is no feeding system.

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Nebcake - - 443 comments

Cool, superb, awesome, fantastic, best.

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deagosane - - 90 comments

how about adding a way to kick down locked doors, to find secret items or something.

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Sethen - - 154 comments

The mod is really looking fantastic from what I can see. The video showing the objective system looks awesome and love the levels that are coming with the mod (and Everyone else's contributions) :D

Just again, great job gentlemen!!!

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Dman757 Author
Dman757 - - 267 comments

Thanks you for the support!

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Craka_J - - 616 comments

The updates just get better and better. Best in-game video by far. Though some cons are the recoil when in ironsights (think you mentioned that already though), the lack of a walking animation sometimes, and the axe seemed to hit a bit too far away (animation should extend more IMO, but it' still awesome either way)

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Xendrid - - 145 comments

The players skating around is a result of a choppy .dem file. It isn't present while playing. Nearly all animations are still in development.

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Ekonk - - 348 comments

Hurray, a big-*** update! Keep up the good work folks. Can't wait to play this.

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Death_7149 - - 21 comments

the faces of the zombies look so real

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Torabi - - 376 comments

Looks great! It's starting to shape up nicely.

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56er - - 1,253 comments

Can't await the release, and just as an idea, maybe you can implement a weapon based melee attack for all guns, were you just don't push the button once to swing it, but hold the button to charge a more powerful attack.

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

We already have firearm "bash" attacks.

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VerbNoun - - 102 comments

I love you guys, so much. -sniffle-

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awesomepossum - - 997 comments

That's a whole lot of sweet content, great work guys!

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Garfusa2 - - 281 comments

Everything looks great guys, only thing that annoys me is the way you carry stuff, if your going for a realistic setting then having you carry the stuff hl2 style (floating ahead of the player) ruins immersion. Maybe have said item a weapon you hold, and can bash with so your not totally useless when carrying it.

I don't think it would be too hard to implement, and would like to see it.

Another is are you going to make your own player anims for walking and moving etc?

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

It is actually a lot of work to implement (you'd have to animate every objective item like it was a weapon) but we ARE planning on this but since it's more of a "style" thing than a crucial gameplay thing, we're waiting on it until we finish other things first.

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Garfusa2 - - 281 comments

Ok cool thanks for the response! :)

Good luck with that particular part. All I had in mind was make it a simple melee weapon, that maybe only knocks back the infected and can stun players if wielded carelessly.

Good luck!

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bliblix - - 46 comments

This mod looks absolutely gorgeous. Really it must be the first time I'm THAT excited, I really can't wait for it.
Therefore I'm going to criticize a bit, it's always better than a plain "omg I love it" comment.

First problem with those kind of mods is that they usually get empty after a few weeks, even amazing ones like Neotokyo.

-> Any plan on a Steamwork release?
- By release, I mean, the first actual release of the mod, I guess it's not easy to be added on steam like that, but that'd be a HUUUUUGE plus for the community if it was. Otherwise I'm afraid it'll be forgotten and players will stick to Zombie Panic : Source (nice mod, but definitly not even close to this) or just Left 4 Dead.

-> The player animations look a bit buggish, floating characters, it's not "smooth", is it due to the lag? If not, are you still working on them?
(Edit: just read your comment about them, you should really focus on that, it's really important, gameplay sure is important, but the point you should all work on is the immersion)

Now for the suggestions :

It still has that "HL2 feeling" which really ruins it, simple ideas to fix this :

- Getting ride of that stamina bar
- Getting a custom flashlight (brilliant add that we can see others' flashlight by the way)
- Changing the impact effects. I can't really describe how to do it. But I suggest you take a look at Smod: Tactical, which really succeeded in this, everytime I play it, it feels like I'm playing on another engine. Or at least, Killing Floor, which was bloody brilliant.
- Getting some more "sharp" weapons sounds (melee included). Once again, best example I have would be Killing Floor.

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

- We can't plan on that just yet. Valve has to approach us, so we'll see if that happens. Would be nice, though.

- It's not a player animation thing, it's because of the ****** .DEM files recorded from Source. I assure you when you play, the player animations are just fine lol... and immersion is one of our major focus points. If you've noticed we have so much custom content, audio and soundscape, etc. trying to nail as much atmosphere as possible.

- the stamina bar IS being replaced literally as I type this. We're replacing it with quite an awesome system based solely around sound. No visual cues, so you'll have to listen carefully.

- We have a custom flashlight, they are used numerous times in the video. It can only be equipped with one-handed weapons, handguns, or it can be equipped on its own as a weapon.

- most of the impact effects have actually been replaced as of earlier today. This is a lot of work on the Source engine compared to other engines.

- We have a bajillion weapon sounds, but they aren't all hooked up yet. A lot of the "crappy" sounds are also being re-recorded and remastered.

- Dismemberment is in the works as I write this! we're aiming mostly for blowing off zombies' heads but maybe other limbs later on.

Hope that clears some things up!

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Dman757 Author
Dman757 - - 267 comments

I can answer two suggestions since we already have them done.

- Getting rid of that stamina bar (easy fix just in there for development)
- Getting a custom flashlight (brilliant add that we can see others' flashlight by the way) (already done check

(looks like maxx beat me to the rest...)

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bliblix - - 46 comments

Thanks for all the answers! By custom flashlight, I meant the texture, not the actual weapon. Maybe making it more subtle, smaller. Since lot of players will use it at the same time, I can easily imagine fully bright rooms, which would be bad.
Now I shall let you all work on the mod, can't wait to play it! :D

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

Oh no, at the absolute most only 4 players will have flashlights. It is unlikely that any more than that will have lights.

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bliblix - - 46 comments

And a last question (2000 characters cap) : Planning on adding any dismemberment? It's not crucial, but simple ones like blown off heads or arms would be a huge plus.

Hope I was of any help, I'd rather wait 4 more months for this mod but have a perfect one (really, it must be the most interesting source project I've seen in a while), than having a release soon but unfinished, which will lead in a dead project... and that's really the last thing I want.
Good luck to the devs, hope the players won't forget about this mod, will populate it, and build a community like the Zombie Master's one!

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

Hey man, I appreciate the energy you have for our project and I will answer ALL of your questions as soon as I get home!

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Lacedaemonius - - 510 comments

Every time I see this, I can't help but be reminded of BB:S. R.I.P. Ironoak

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treat - - 118 comments

Certainly a lot of work to be done, but this is looking to be a blast. I'm really not a fan of glowing objectives as they seem to influence a sort of tunnel vision rather than fostering a spirit of exploration, but that's just my personal opinion.

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

We found that people would get lost endlessly without some kind of hint. The glow only shows up when you're relatively nearby the objective.

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treat - - 118 comments

I really hate drawing parallels to L4D, but I'm glad to see your use of outlines isn't as liberal as it could be in comparison. It also definitely helps to put the new and experienced players on the same page concerning objectives which I think is healthy for the team play aspects. Keep up the good work.

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bliblix - - 46 comments

A simple workaround would be allowing the player to desactivate the glow if he wants to.

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

Or more appropriately, a server-side option.

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Qwerty1980 - - 21 comments

This mod really looks better than ZPS (aka Zombie Panic Source). It even looks better than Left 4 Dead 2 !!!
BTW, Love the inventory system :)

Tracking !!!

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HounderKnight - - 1,660 comments

Amazing art and gameplay footage. Keep it up!

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Renay - - 210 comments

looks like you guys are finally making some real progress, can't wait for a first release

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Renay - - 210 comments

by the way, are you planning on adding some running zombies? in the video it looks like its too easy to evade the zombies

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

I hope not, it's just so generic to add running Zombies today...

I like the appeal of slow-zombies that slowly encroach on you, that you have to be smart about and not just try to run through them.

BrainBread did this REALLY WELL.

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[nmrihdev]-Maxx - - 1,041 comments

I assure you from playing the game they are not easy to avoid. On a full server of players (8 people) there are approximately 45 zombies per player at any one time... It gets pretty ******* crazy.

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Renay - - 210 comments

45 zombies per player??? how can you manage that without any lag, but it sounds awesome, i always thought zombies games dont have enough zombies

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gordanfreeman99 - - 105 comments

Great looking mod, definitely one of the greatest I've seen. Just one question. Are you going to have slightly different types of zombies. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want and Smokers or Tanks or ****, nothing like that, I want to keep this as canon to the Romero as possible.

I'm talking about things like crawling zombies, those'd be a bitch in dark areas, 'specially cos you'd be pointed your gun and light upwards.

The crawler is one of the most mainstream obviously but maybe I could think of some others. Just zombies that somehow have a stronger position. And I hope people already heard me when I said I don't want any mutations.

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Garfusa2 - - 281 comments

Yeah, it would be fairly simple to add some different type of zeds while keeping them like the Romero classics we all know and love.

Just a few ideas off my head would be:

Armoured: You have to go for head shots, and some could have stab vests.

I really like the idea of crawling zeds, they seem to get the survivors in films/comics all the time.

One idea I had for one type of zombie would be a simply tougher one, because of the person it was before reanimation. Perhaps the body just takes more damage due to him/her being a tough sob in life.

Whatever you decide to do, it will be awesome, just don't ruin the shambler ethic they have and I'll be happy :)

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Dman757 Author
Dman757 - - 267 comments

We would love to and its on a wishlist of things to do. But as of this moment our animators are focusing on zombie walking, weapon and player animations.

In a semirelated note* Hypothetically: I have thought of different types of zombies and how it would fit into our story universe. Basically since our virus(s) originate in the brain, mental conditions could come into play.

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