I'm getting tired of many stupid people on this community, so I will just get down to this and write some stupid news so you cunts can quit whining. Or actually, I'll just put a damn FAQ instead.

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I'm getting tired of many stupid people on this community, so I will just get down to this and write some stupid news so you cunts can quit whining. Or actually, I'll just put a damn FAQ instead.

It's been a while since you last put any news/screenshots, why?
Because we're working with the damn mod, and because we don't want to put too much information up because we rather don't want to spoil too much.

The progressbar has been on 95% for a long time now, shouldn't you be done with the mod at this point?
NO, 5% may sound little in a progress bar, but in fact 5% of the total development time is very much. Right now the mod has taken 3,5 years to development, and multiplying that to 0,05, and the estimated time should be 2 months. We are currently very close to release, so stop whining and register on our forums to get news frequently.

You guys are lazy, you never release the mod, are you slacking?
Look, we all have jobs/university and such to take care of in the first place, and we hardly find any time to mod anymore. Like for me, I'm at work from 9am to 6pm, then I have to fix food and shit, so I'm not able to mod until 8pm, and then I have to go to bed at 11pm. Then on the weekends I'm spending my time with my family, girlfriend or friends, because I have a fucking life. So this means I only have 3 hours free to mod every day. But how fun is it to work your ass off every day (including work) and not be able to rest? Well you tell me.

You are very greedy and you force me to donate money so I can watch some media
That is so fucking incorrect. IF you donate, then we show you some extra stuff because of your kindness, mainly as a thanks to your donation. This means that we are NOT selling anything, we just share the donators some more of our work more personally. And if you want to look at screenshots and videos, you have those links: Moddb.com

Now I'm fucking pissed off at many people here, who are posting comments like this:

"By the way, how long as progess been at 95%? Is any work actually being done or is the dev team just sitting around and coming up with ideas to exploit their mild fame so they don't have to get real jobs?"

I mean, just fuck you. And because of shit comments like this, the mod will be delayed, I can tell you. And you know why? Because we loose our motivation to continue working with it.


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deadrawkstar - - 396 comments

I can feel where your coming from, but that seems a bit harsh maybe?
There had to be a more polite way to state this.

That aside, hang in there, and Modinformer will surely review Cry of Fear once it's out.

Deadrawkstar - Admin of Modinformer.org

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Martanz - - 479 comments

They deserve it. Why can't people just stop complaining?

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fameless.face - - 412 comments

I would have done the same.

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Sanmei - - 52 comments

You'd be shocked at how many companies would be more than happy to tell their customers to screw off and be happy with what they get. Most just CAN'T because of the theoretical threat to their business. Here, in a non-commercial publication where there's no business to worry about at all? I'd be mildly envious they can tell ungrateful people how they feel.

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fireprowler - - 82 comments

yup i fully understand them, they are also people with a life, and they are working very hard on this, being patient is the least you can do for them. keep up the good work guys :)

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MrSaturdayKnight - - 349 comments

A bit harsh? Dude they been working there ***** off on this mod and the "fans" havent been moviating them, just bitching about how the progress bar is at 95% and not showing any content while they should be doing is being patient and wait for the damn mod.

This is Moddb there are thousands of other mods they can play, besides they're acting just as bad as the morons on the black mesa page and that bad.

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.TRUNKS - - 11 comments


i hope they never release this dumb mod so no one can play it

Reply Good karma Bad karma-16 votes
HEVIS - - 133 comments

Goddamn trolls got the best mod of alltime delayed! I advice to ignore the trolls and just take youre time as long as it needs to make the mod perfect, we all know its going to be worth the wait since the quality of this mod is just l33t and devs are awesome. Peace out and as always, keep up the great work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Xylemon - - 2,677 comments

Seems a bit harsh for those of us that haven't done anything, I've been waiting patiently for your mod not making any type of rude comment, and giving my best advice when something seems off. When I do see any type of comment that's a bit rude or seems a bit on the 'troll' side, I just simply ignore it or try to be nice with my reply. I can understand how you feel. I mean you've put years and hard work into your mod, but don't punish the ones who haven't done anything wrong.

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MagnumPI - - 595 comments

He's saying that since the trolls keep posting negative comments, they lose morale and motivation. The devs aren't specifically punishing the community because of those comments.

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HellsHigh - - 393 comments

We as mod developers don't get paid for our work. In fact we have to pay in order to get this stuff out (SVN repositories, websites, etc etc). We do it because we love it. When stupid kids with entitlement issues come screaming to us about how we ****** everything up or are taking too long it really makes you say "Wow **** this I'm going to do something else."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Zorrentos - - 1,323 comments

Out of 10 comments, 9 are usually praise and admiration for the the mod, while 1 is the typical "de progres bars has been stucked on 95 percent for a longcat time naow, u guys sucks!".

Why focus so much on what the trolls and whiners say? Almost everything I read about CoF is good, focus on this instead! Theres no reason to punish all your fans just because of some stupid minority!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+21 votes
Tyrell - - 114 comments

I agree with HEVIS, just ignore them. Many are excited over this mod, and unfortunatly its the immature ones who writes the most i guess.

Tycker att ni har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med en så gammal motor! Jag och en polare väntar också på det här :)

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Beez-one - - 501 comments

Who ******* cares about 12-year old kids and their bitching???
It would be just unfair for those who sits and waits patiently just like me, rarely posting anything. And they're like 95% of all watchers!
Please don't delay it just because of bunch of stupid *****!

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xxx.xxx.xxx - - 1,090 comments

I hope you guys will go on modding in the future

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OnlySolus - - 732 comments

"I'm getting tired of many stupid people on this community, so I will just get down to this and write some stupid news so you ***** can quit whining."

I love you your my hero(s) :'-]

Say it to all those bitches hell **** yeah :-D

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phipe - - 519 comments

Well i did not read these comments, so i do not feel the anger as you do. But you Do make it clear that you are very annoyed of them.

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robofork - - 752 comments

After seeing how some people act I don't blame ruMpel for being ******.

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ikuto - - 52 comments

on my opinion delay it's good thing why? because people who really wait for it can understand life work etc. so yeah think about yourself first good luck.

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Hitelf - - 190 comments

I kinda understand that feeling by working 8 hours per day. I've been working in a computer workshop for awhile now and seriusly theres not alot of time for anything.
But I dont mod or do any kind of hardwork after working so it must be painfull :\

BUT 1 thing these 12 year old kid trolls need to learn is to wait, its better to wait for a long and well done mod then a rushed 1.

But agreeing with some comments above its not really fair delaying the mod for those who kindly been patient.

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BerZerK89 - - 187 comments

People need to realize that these projects are great undertakings for the sake of the fans. You don't build up a fan base only to poop on it. The work that has been put in to this mod is basically free entertainment for everyone that owns Half-Life, so stop bitching, have a cookie and shut up.

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goirdin - - 265 comments

Hah, I love how this was so harsh on them. I don't know if any of those people posting comments have actually tried making a mod (let alone, one that's this good) but it takes a looong time and a lot of commitment. And when people are constantly asking "why are you slacking" or "it's never coming out" I can see why somebody would get ******. Just leave him alone while he works guys, like the saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't upset these mod developers or I'll kill you myself."

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EricFong - - 1,585 comments

Hey, use these time to rest.

I don't mind the delay at all, Black Mesa mod teach me a good lesson: Be patient.

So I don't really mind.

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jesse41993 - - 28 comments

Wow I had no clue this community can act so spoiled some times. Its a shame since not only are you taking time out of your life to create this fantastic looking mod you are giving it out for free. That alone for me is a reason to not bother or pester you. Hope those people don't get on your back too hard and keep doing what you do best!

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Xen-28 - - 971 comments


I hope you will release it this year cant wait to play it :)

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Spe¢ter - - 1,482 comments

Learn 2 read.

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SeBu - - 185 comments

"so you ***** can quit whining.", Its funny that you never said that this message is to those whiners and trolls, who just sit in front of their comps eat like fatasses and tend to **** all over hard working people, who are getting something done for them. I am a composer myuself and now that if you dont feel that its done it needs polishing. BUT you did get this to hear like its a message to everyone? why is that? I know the feeling that you just get **** all over for working hard as ****. But dont express it to everybody, they even might get a little bit offended by it.

- Gratz for DICE deal though, even its been long time!

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

moddb in 2006 is different, more underground than now, but you just should ignore the troll and other idiot people

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Argoon - - 1,085 comments

Some young gamer's just treat mod teams has if they were professional teams being payed to make this or that game. In their eyes the quality of some mods are so professional that the line between mod teams and professional teams is blurred, they just can't see the difference, to top that the majority never ever did any modding in their life, so they don't realize how hard it is to make a TC or a big mod in our spare time.

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hollo0w - - 104 comments


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RancidRandy - - 663 comments

I agree with Rumpel. Like I said on the CoF facebook page, harassing the good artists isn't going to make anything happen faster, except for a prospective burnout. I have no modding experience, but on other topics I know very well that hurrying up creative work is very likely to mess things up.

Good luck with the mod and take your time!

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Fleymevas - - 36 comments

Psshh, just ignore the kids. Their comments aren't worth anything.
I know all about patience. I'm a Valve fanboy. I can wait.

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JohnnyMaverik - - 469 comments

Sadly some people are just idiots but as far as I'm, and I hope and imagine the majority of the modding community and people tracking Cry of Fear are concerned, take as long as you want and need to make what will most likely be one of the best if not the best single player half life mods ever created and a beacon of what can be achieved in this day and age when modding an older engine.

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Jerkakame - - 819 comments

Yea some people are stupid, no need to rage about it.

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DarkSlayer_ - - 422 comments

Im not gonna complain, because im not the type of troll that you're saying. So you're not aiming at me.
What I can say is, congratulations... I dont see these kind of "news" everyday, many people think like you, but dont have the balls to do what you just did. You have my back guys...
Now cheers up, your mod is brutal!!

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I_am_a_Spoon - - 1,878 comments

You know what they say... empty vessels make the most sound...

Just remember that real life always comes first. At the end of the day, people who give you **** about a MOD for a COMPUTER GAME just aren't putting things in perspective.

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Lopper - - 1,559 comments

Woah chill bro, dont let them retards get to you

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foxholeboy - - 69 comments


you mad bro?

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Regol1th - - 264 comments

Dear generifags that ask retarded questions.

**** you. That is all.

This isn't ******* Black Mesa Source, people. It's going to be released and I'm willing to be patient for another few months if it means I have to. Let him have a life instead of demanding him to devote himself entirely to the mod. He's not making any ******* money off of the mod, except for people that donate. So **** off.

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lukaluka94 - - 982 comments

"He's not making any ******* money off of the mod, except for people that donate. So **** off."

You just said the first sentence, and stated completely opposite thing after that... Money IS made from donations, but I think they deserve it...

But anyways, can you people stop this crap? I'll I'm seeing is 2 sides swearing at each other and arguing, this will go nowhere... It's just another pointless drama. Go on, start giving me -1 on my comment, but this will help no one. Every each of you are acting like children. Come on and prove me wrong......

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Eoks - - 131 comments

Main problem is: they have some time in their few-hours-long-moding-time to listen to community, and the time they spending to relax is not enough.
Fun Fact: half of the community are trolls.

Why even you care to understand everybody?

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Magic_Nipples - - 1,326 comments

screw the ******* trolls. all they do is try to kill off something good, and de-motiviate devs, and turn comment pages into a fan-boy central.

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

I like the " in your face " attitude of this post. It's the only way to communicate the facts to trolling idiots. When it's done, it's done !

@ AMD889 - good point there.

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Boxiii - - 48 comments

Yeah **** the whiny kids, take your time and i will enjoy this game when it's out. Don't lose motivation because of these guys!

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Snow_m@n - - 224 comments

Never mind the retard people who make stupid questions, dev team, just do your thing and have fun wile you do it. And btw, It's been a while since you last put any news/screenshots, why? You guys are lazy, you never release the mod, are you slacking? If you dont release the game until tomorow I'm going to jump off a bridge and then start a hunger strike until you finish it!

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RetroXor - - 66 comments

So much anger.

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Prowler445 - - 155 comments

Reading the comments saying "OMG Y ISNT DE MOD RELEESED" was really ******* me off.
I know thats its 95% complete, and I have a feeling that it is coming out soon (very very soon), so I'm just gonna wait until that time patiently

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dave_5430 - - 2,114 comments

Tbat's why they teach you to ignore the trolls.

Or you could just pull a big **** all and ask cash for the mod.

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Some-Dingus - - 408 comments

Those would be considered trolls they just keep it up because you keep getting butt hurt by them so just ignore them and vote them down.

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Fidchell - - 110 comments

Well this really is a ******* disappointment. Like TheCoolGman said, this feels like an all-out message to every tracker of this mod, even if it isn't meant to be (which I'm sure it isn't). Even though I've donated, I know I still am not entitled to anything even if it is up to the devs, but seeing things like this is an absolute outrage. The anger is contagious. I realize where you're coming from with the message, but you need to learn to contain your frustration and press on. I myself, have a stressful life, being in the military and everything. There are MANY ******* morons on the internet who will make comments like the ones you've demonstrated. I figured you guys would've known by now to simply ignore the ******* bastards. This blog post is basically a major slap in the face to everyone who was patient in the production in this mod, even if it wasn't directed to them.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
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