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Here is a list of some of the newest features and updates since our latest video log.

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Here is a list of some of the newest features and updates since our latest video log.

This is a direct quote from Wildebeest a couple weeks ago on the forums.

Wildebeest wrote: Animations haven't really had much progress. Wytch has been very busy, so we got slowed down on that front.

As far as features go, we're about ready to start polishing the second milestone. Since the first milestone, we've implemented:

  • Team Deathmatch: Your beloved deathmatch, but with teams!
  • Profiles: Each team may define a number of "profiles". A profile consists of a set of allowable models to choose from, and a static set of default inventory given to you when you spawn as that profile.
  • Dynamic Crosshair: Exactly the same as JKA. Shifts your crosshair to the traced point of perfect aim.
  • Projectile Rifle: A sniper rifle with an accurate, but wavering scope. This may not be used except in scope mode.
  • Frag Grenade: Grenade that knocks you down if it doesn't kill you, and is pushable.
  • Pistol: Much like Pistol 3 from MB, it can be fired normally, or charged with alt-fire.
  • T-21: The vacuum cleaner does lots of damage with its slow primary. The primary knocks you down if you're in the air (or trying to get up). It also has a rapid secondary fire.
  • Force Speed: Burn force to run more quickly.

I'm also currently working on Force Throw that will chuck objects at your aim point, but it's still early in development.

We'll be doing test runs soon to try to balance things out. Hopefully, we can post vids of these sessions.

I am here to tell you, even more features have been implemented since that post a couple weeks ago, but I will leave you guessing as to what they are for now!

Also be sure to check out some of our latest images and vote for us in the top 100!

Female Jedi and Sith UDK Render TestFemale Jedi and Sith UDK Render Test

Small Cloud City WIP UpdateCustom Character WIP by Gir

Also feel free to check out some of the comparison images between Movie Battles 2 and Movie Battles 3 WIP content. This will give you an idea of the difference in visuals of our older but still going game!


Also be sure to like us on facebook, and to check out the latest release for Movie Battles 2 on JKA!

JamesLikesJam - - 4 comments

Amazing progress. I hope to see a beta soon.

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Expack - - 312 comments

Have you considered using DX11 for Movie Battles III? IMO, it would allow the game's already great-looking environments look even more realistic by providing proper, localized reflections, and tessellation for objects which need more detail than the average object/character.

Naturally, the game doesn't NEED it to be better, but it would bring them closer to the original environments IMO.

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MaceMadunusus Author
MaceMadunusus - - 422 comments

A lot of content has already been built with DX11 in mind. A few developers (such as myself) are used to the old Quake 3 engine for MB2 which means we aren't fully acquainted with DX11 quite yet.

I am still building with DX11 in mind as much as possible. For now though, only my laptop has a DX11 GPU. My Desktop which I do most development on has only a dx10 card. That makes DX11 a little harder to develop for on my end.

Regardless, that still being said you will likely see DX11 content in MB3. That likely wont be right away, but will most certainly be the case in the future.

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Expack - - 312 comments

In that case, do your team have any Windows testing positions open? I have a DX11-capable system which can readily run a DX11 game with all the features the current version of the UDK supports. If such a position exists, please let me know via PM what the required qualifications are, what the ideal system requirements are, etc.

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MaceMadunusus Author
MaceMadunusus - - 422 comments

Check here:

As of right now for sure, there is not any active DX11 content. (Meaning its not in the build released to testers)

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jedi_hm2 - - 266 comments

Amazing progress. I hope to see a beta soon.

Tho, I think your textures need some more texture. I assume you'll be adding shaders, so it's gonna turn out good regardless. ;)

Looking forward to smashing Bespin stuff!

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MaceMadunusus Author
MaceMadunusus - - 422 comments

Which textures are you talking about?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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