First of all, we would like to thank you for all the attention around our announcement article. Its impression was much higher than expected. Moreover, the overall positive reaction makes us believe that the game makes sense, which is a great satisfaction for all of the work done so far.
So, what are the biggest news since the announcement? In 1864 Edwin Landseer drew a painting which perfectly captures the mood of our last two weeks. The picture displays distressing fate of a lost Arctic expedition affected by a series of strange events and unintentional shifts. It is called: Man Proposes, God Disposes. Luckily for us, God didn't dispose so hard this time. We are not going to disappear as the expedition did.
Dawn is dead, long live the Arisen
After realizing that 'Dawn of men' as we originally called our game is not that original nor grammatically right, we decided to change the title. Sooner the better. Let it be known that from now on, the game is named Arisen. We hope the new name will help us prevent possible conflicts with other similar games and movies and avoid future disputes.
Now, we speak the language of your tribe
Or at least we will try to. The mess around the game name also prevented us from starting all communication channels according to the plan. Team Twitter channel @PaintedBad is the only one untouched. If you are up for fresh and exclusive news about Arisen, we are looking forward to new followers. Moreover, our Twitter is now connected to IndieDB channel which is still meant as our base.
Feel free to follow us on Facebook @arisentribe where we would like to publish more casual stuff as well as fresh new Youtube and Instagram dedicated for more picture oriented audiences. Anyway, most of the important stuff will be shared across the channels.
We are also setting up a standalone domain which will contain official game pages connecting all the social channels, most important news and easily accessible presskit. Finishing them will take quite some time so don't be angry if anything doesn't work as it should.
What we are working on
Alongside everything mentioned above, we continue with development. In a few weeks, Arisen should change its look dramatically. The game will contain nicer and more detailed animals. You can check most of them on our Twitter. All the structures and old environment assets are undergoing renewal. Regarding graphical changes, we plan a special thematic devlog just about our art principles next week, where we reveal most stuff that inspires us as well as all the juicy background of our creative art process.
Tribes are also getting brains! For now, it is just a simple AI, that helps them quietly live and prosper on the background. Still promising for the future, where we need to teach AI to react to player actions properly.
Very good explanation, i like these positive changes. Dawn of men was good, but Arisen of Apocalypse will be better. Very good game, graphic is the best part of it, good luck ..
Well, you haven't seen the gameplay yet :) But don't despair it is on the way.
Nice to see you are progressing and evolving. Looked over some of your other material as well, very encouraging, need to get the word out on this.