Ive already posted a comment with the address but here it is again. The web address for Daedulus message board is
it should aid development and make communication that much easier between team members and other people who wish to make a comment on Daedulus. some team members (mainly CLuver, The Jabberwock and myself) will be given administrator priviliges on the boards. others like mappers and gfx artists can be senior message board members to guide any newcomers who dont know much about the MOD.
Any comments......well then post them on the board!
Later guys
Who the bloody hell told you I was a lead team member?
I did half a multiplayer map for you, then quit, then got hired again in the graphics department. Why the hell am I a lead member?
sorry.....my mistake i meant to put "team members" not "lead team members"! ill change that mistake now. sorry about that.
before i apologise to much why on earth do you have administrator rights to my MOD at moddb.com if youre not a lead team member. as you can see an easy mistake to make. if you feel ****** off about this then feel free to leave the MOD team. i can happily fill the role of GFX artists with someone with more experience and less attitude. I would have appreciated a much more calm message regarding my mistake.
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