Post news RSS Lost Paws December Devlog

We are coming back to you with our latest devlog! This time around we are presenting some additional content you can look forward to in the next update for our the game. The main things are the brand new mini-map and many new NPCs to look forward too, and at the end we have a little preview of the city.

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Hello fellow dog lovers!

We are coming back to you with our latest devlog! This time around we are presenting some additional content you can look forward to in the next update for our the game. The main things are the brand new mini-map and many new NPCs to look forward too, and at the end we have a little preview of the city.

The Mini-Map

Since our graphics update the first thing we wanted to get finished up is the new mini-map. It was another requested feature from way back and we finally have been able to get it started. As the world continues to expand, we felt it was important to help navigation. The mini-map itself is located on the top right corner where the red dot represent you in the world. As you move around the map will follow with a nice transition curve for the camera. By default the mini-map is off to avoid from obstructing your view however by pressing the "m" key it will come up. Some UI changes needed to be made to accommodate the new mini-map so we moved the pickup text to the center of the screen.

Example of the mini-map:

In the future the mini-map will be highly integrated with other systems. A great example of this would be some RPG skills which will allow you to put markers on the map. Lastly, we hope to add a larger version of the map down the road as we are able to develop up some systems more.

New NPCs

On top of the mini-map we are also adding many more NPCs to the game. We have several and will be giving out more updates on our discord and and future stories as we have them but today we will be showing off the dog thieves, the new store owners, and some additional crowds for the city.

The dog thieves is a later threat in the game when you get into the city. They are some mean dudes who plan on stealing your doggo to sell later. If you encounter them on your travels or get their attention a chase will ensue which you can either fight them off or hide if you manage to lose them. In the future if you do get caught by them you will lose all your items and be at half stats like with the dogcatcher but you will also need to escape their van too.

Example of the Dog Thieves chasing your doggo:

Dog Thief

Another new NPC type are the shop owners. Every little while if you enter a shop you will see a thought bubble on top of the owner. This thought bubble will contain the icon of the item they want. Once you find the item you will be able to give it to them for the a special items. It is worth checking in once and a while on the shops because they will give you some of the best items out there if you find what they are looking for at the right times!

Example of store owners wanting something:

Business NPC

As with Beaver Town, the crowds in the Big City will be procedurally spawned in based on your location in the City and then will do randomly selected goals within the zone. We have several added to the game and hope to include more over time.

Sample crowd in the city:

The Big City

The Big City is the main and largest location for the game. It is divided into districts which you can explore. Each district will have some special places which you can do something in. For example the shopping district will have more enterable shops which you can get rare items in or the central district which will allow you to take a break from city life in a park. We will go into more about the details of the Big City in our next dev log but for now here is a sample park.

Big City Sample:

City Panorama Shot

Thanks for reading this month's devlog! We will continue to give you updates here and on our other platforms. But if you want to get the earliest info and livestream times for the game check out our discord here: . If you liked what you saw please consider wishlisting here: as it helps out a lot. Thanks again and see you all in the next one!

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