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As I promised a while back, here is a short demonstration of the infected in action.

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This is a very short demonstration of the Infected. The AI is still a little questionable at times, but I am working on it. They can leap up flights of stairs at you, then swipe and claw at you as close range attacks. Some will wield weapons, but those wont leap and strike at you. These are still works in progress; but Im far behind in letting the players catch a glimpse of the Infected in action.

This is now the Infected's Idle animation, though so far I have left their running animation alone:


The picture is old; the guy in gray no longer exists, and has a replacement in the works. The infected now use the animation captured in this screen as their default idle animation.

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DemonAiri - - 85 comments

cool but i hope your going to have beter ans

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agent00kevin Author
agent00kevin - - 1,276 comments

Those are Valves animations...I didnt make them. I would make some if I could, but Id have to learn how first! (and even then I wouldnt begin to think I can do better than Valve =P) I can give them any animation I want, but it has to belong to another Source model. I dont do character models (from scratch that is) and I dont do animations. Coding, mapping, texture art, character compiling, and object modelling is the extent of my current abilities. :( I can edit existing models all to heck, but not make them from scratch.

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rexitron3157 - - 2 comments

you could use the animations from the l4d zombies and use the normal movement animations if the hadn't detected you yet.

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jamman88 - - 226 comments

wwwwooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh :D some of the bes done zombie ai ive seen, i mean for rapid type zombies

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K05T4R - - 503 comments

Wow, well I certainly recognize the snd! Man I HATED those things, BROTHER!!! lol
I guess you are planning to have a custom sound ?
Otherwise you might want to somehow make these infected look more deformed/monstrous for that default sound.
I think its freaky as all tho the way they leap at you, very diff and freaky to have a person do that :: shivers :: :: stocks up on ammo, prepares antidote :: :P

Btw, I recognize that room @ 0:12, I still dont see wrist/ankle/neck straps on that table! :D

You know what would've been a neat idea, is, if you did have an antidote for the infected, where it could be injected into infected, not sure how that would be done, hmm.. but could use the default sound of when you pick up health I think, makes a sort of chssh sound, like the future of injections *hypo-spray* not needles.

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agent00kevin Author
agent00kevin - - 1,276 comments

@ Kost4r: Yes, they will have their own custom sounds, somewhere between what you hear now and something more human. I still have all the stock sound in place aside from weapons. There will also be another version, further into infection, and a little more ghastly. I also have plans for an treatment (not exactly and antidote though) that the player will be dependant on near the end of the mod. As for using it on others, I could do it but Im not sure if I this chapter of the story. I plan this to be a trilogy should life allow me to do so :)

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1upD - - 155 comments

This looks like a lot of fun. I'm glad you used the fast zombie animations and sound effects and not the regular headcrab zombies'. The way they use civilian running animations is creepy.

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agent00kevin Author
agent00kevin - - 1,276 comments

Ah - that can be fixed by using the civilian ikchain definitions in the .qc file. (in theory, I havent done it with the reg zombies yet) The models in this vid use a combination of fastzombie and citizen ikchain definitions, and a custom one or two. It took a lot of trial and error to get these working properly! It was pretty difficult to dive right in to messing with the .qc files and make a creature that looks 'right' when it does all of its animations.

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

Think you'll have some of them start out using weapons then just decide to drop it in favor of lunging at the player?

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agent00kevin Author
agent00kevin - - 1,276 comments

Some will have weapons throughout the Mod, as the infection has no definitive incubation period. You will also find that some of the Novacor employees you are able to recruit are infected and turn on you, using whatever weapon they have against you. (there will be subtle hints they are turning, and at Kost4r's idea, they may be savable) In all I plan on 3 stages of infection: still intelligent, the lungers, and slower ones that still swipe and swat but dont leap. There may also be an infected soldier, but thats just an idea for now. (as for soldiers theres 3 styles of uninfected planned) The original plan was all of the soldiers were infected but using the same drug the main character is using to stay sane...cant go into detail because I dont want to ruin the story though ;)

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shadowflar3 - - 288 comments

I think its creepy the way the infected walk calmly and blank faced just before launching towards the player. And after it. Working as intended?

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Artsy - - 294 comments

Loving the idle animations. So much more realistic than the slouching rapid zombie animation. This is shaping up :3

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

this is really amazing stuff, very unique that you
gave them the 2 animations, of the zombie and the fast one.
really very well done!!


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K05T4R - - 503 comments

" ...(there will be subtle hints they are turning, and at Kost4r's idea, they may be savable).. "

I had an idea about that, since you said these are ones you recruit, what if you can administer a cure then for the virus after you have shot them ?
Well, if you notice one turning, I dont think we will have enough time in every situation to run over to them and try to admin an injection cause by then they might have shot us, so we need to take cover, shoot them first, then after they're down, we can administer the cure, so they will then be *alive* again but uninfected ?

Honestly I think this could be a nice addition to the game, as we find ppl to recruit, they shouldnt *turn* when we're facing or about to face a battle (hard to defend against enemies infront and one trying to shoot you in the back), BUT maybe they *turn* when we're in a *safe* area, no other enemies, so then we have to deal w/ maybe 1 or 2 of them turning at that time, adding more action to the game, then we can administer the cure to rejoin the *living* as uninfected teammates, IF they dint kill us already ofcourse. You could put this *cure* in diff places in the game too just like health pickups etc.. Well its one idea anyways.. I'm just wondering, what happens if *we* become infected ?! Man I have some cool ideas for some games, now I just need the degree for the game job lol

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56er - - 1,253 comments

just try to give them a less staright walking animation, making them walk around randomly and when they get aware of the player, start to run, claws up. No zombie has his hands down while hungering for braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains ;)

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agent00kevin Author
agent00kevin - - 1,276 comments

It was intended for the player to not be able to distinguish friend from foe as easily with the infected. So I gave them normal movement animations...if it just doesnt look right at all then it can easily be changed. Since they arent standard zombies, I didnt want to have them limping around...especially with the ability to leap like that. Im sure I can find some animation to replace 'runall' and the normal idle animations. Im still working on them so its not a big deal.

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

Nothing wrong with the animations at all. " Well done ", says this observer.

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Ninja_Nub[NOR] - - 2,234 comments

Those fingers.

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