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Greetings commanders, we are here with news and the latest updates of the project. I'm really happy with most of the weapons, they all looks more realistic and brutal.

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Greetings commanders, we are here with news and the latest updates of the project. it's been a long time since I started the project, many years learning and improving my quality as a modder and as an artist, defining my final style during all those years. finally we can announce that we will soon release the first playable beta of the mod, but there are still many details to work on, for now we can show you something really exciting.

Group of tanks patrolling red zones.
Devastated cities after the nuclear war and the total infection of the earth.

All the VFX evolved from this

to this

(ignore thos wrong FLH, I forgot fix it haha)

I'm really happy with most of the weapons, they all looks more realistic and brutal.
I've been exploring new tools and methods to make better VFX and effects ingame, using EmberGen to make realistic simulations, eventually I'll replace all the explosions/fire/smoke... etc

(recorded from a Youtube video of one of my closed betatesters, 30 fps)

Weapons with partilces, simulating shrapnels (WIP)

Ricocheting bullets

Debris / Explosions (without shrapnels-old video)

How much time take to make a new building with this quality? around 4-6 hours, more horus if youre learning something or makinf frames with snow and extra animations, the effort is colossal, but i really like the results.
After some years making 3ds stuff and sprites, this kind of results are just incredible compared with my first models.

USA Construction Yard final design

Most of the combat vehicles of the two factions are fully operattional at this point, of course GC only use sprites for the vehicles.
There are some multiplayer units and campaign units. of course I'm planning add more variations, trucks and maybe some T4 tanks with tiberium technology.

USA combat vehicles

Russia Combat vehicles / civilian vehicles


This image shows most of the graphics needed to make a new unit, there is a lot of work for each single unit. and of course you need consider the codes, balancing of the unit (codes) and errors while I'm making the new unit haha


There is some Mutated buildings, basically a giant visceroid living inside of buildings


Ruins, part of the red zones, specially for abandoned cities and infected cities.
Those are like 12/60 buildins that I've beend making along those years.

The funniest thing is that I'm using a program specially made for architecture...

And 3ds max to destroy them heh

Recently I've been making more civilian stuff/terrain/weather events for the game than factions units or buildings, the reason is simple, i really love to make civ stuff and mapping. that is the only way to show the lore of this mod, i cant do it with RA2 stuff.

Militar Base into an abandonded city (Red Zone)
Notice the infantry with special suits and of course harvesters to collect tiberium.

Infected and abandoned city, with some... mutans or zombies?

Infected city, Red Zone (map made by CatTanker "smh")


Building a base (Red Zone)


Mega City (Blue-Yellow zone)

"choo choo ๐Ÿš„"

You may be wondering why all the maps looks so dark? because the planet is enveloped in a radioactive cloud after the nuclear war by the tiberium (?) maybe, but actually you can change everything and customize your games, a sunny day or a day with ion storm/ meteor storm/ random zombies/ or another mutation.


meteors? wtf

The question here is, how I've made all those super detailed maps? with magic, of course.
The magic is called WAE, a new map editor developed by Rampastring, this tool is one of the reasons why I want make more civilian stuff haha.

With two clicks you can detail entire maps, it's simply the best tool ever created.

Are you interested in testing the mod and creating some maps? you are welcome! we are looking for mappers.

we're testing the mod in a closed beta with our team, cheking errors and specially looking for potential mappers.

and working on the campaign, adding performance settings, changing the client, making the music, fisnishing some old VFX and more...

The next article will be about the first release! :)

ATA_Andrada is our new composer, he is creating music for the mod.

-CatTanker - mapper, coder, beta tester, etc...
-To all the people who has been helping the development of the mod <3

join our discord


Do you like the project?

The mod is mainly developed by one person. consider support me :)
you can find some interesting stuff on my patreon if you're making your own mod.


SCIPCION - - 421 comments

yooooooooooo :)

Reply Good karma+6 votes
TiberFCSL - - 283 comments

nice, qlo

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Nerus87 - - 36 comments

It's looking very nice, you did a good job!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Eternity6 - - 14 comments

SCIPCION must be a monster if that conyard took only 6 hours.

Your ArchiCAd to 3Ds max workflow looks cool, I wonder if the is something similar for Revit?

I'm looking forward to the playtest, good luck with everything that still needs to be done.

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SCIPCION - - 421 comments

Hey, haha I'm a monster sometimes lol
Of course Revit can be linked automatically to 3ds max haha, but personally i prefer archicad, is faster than Revit :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
theredmenace_ - - 261 comments

Awesome. I have been following the mod for a really long time, so it's so great to see how far you have come. Love that you're using programs that is used within Industry. Good luck for release!

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BobbyWanKenobi - - 228 comments

This is looking awesome!
I cannot wait.

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Metaltooth - - 2,747 comments

Im starting to think at this point you guys outta make a full game using this same style and a similar setting and maybe engine. You guys got a LOT of talent here and id pay money for a game made by your studio

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Alex_06 - - 1,126 comments

I was thinking the exact same thing - this could be its own game rather than a mod. It doesn't even look like a C&C mod anymore - the engine has been altered enough to look like something new.

I could totally see something like this on a modified OpenRA.

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uzbek2012 - - 762 comments

When will at least the demo be ready ?

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zhxhrzs(ๆ— ็”Ÿ)
zhxhrzs(ๆ— ็”Ÿ) - - 51 comments

You are Peru's Champion!Let's Hooray for Harry๏ผ

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GypsyBastard - - 2,055 comments

This mod looks SOO GOOD!
It realy misses on the GDI vs Nod struggle! With such an amezing art it would become the king of Tiberium Universe mods. This yust makes it Red Alert

Still can't wait

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Woozle - - 2,622 comments

I really like the concept of this mod, can't wait to see it

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Derekplus - - 95 comments

SCIPCION is the best

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Soda_Panic - - 55 comments


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randyarmy2000 - - 198 comments

This is insane, this universe deserve to add in C&C alternative universe.
Great job thank you

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vinishshetty - - 4 comments

Any update on when you will release the mod/game?

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levinezmichael - - 9 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
vinishshetty - - 4 comments

Hi SCIPCION, Any update on when you would release the Game/Mod, Do you have any Beta version we could try, Thankyou.

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