After five years of nothing better to do,we decided to end the development of Anno Domini 1257 with version 1.0 Now we can live our happy lives again,in peace...jeez ,the content must be at least 300 characters and i have nothing else to tell............
Final version of 1257ad
This mod attempts to reflect the reality of 13th century Europe. The starting point of the journey is year 1257 AD and attempts to be as historically accurate as possible. From this point on the player and NPC lords shape this land and fight for supremacy and control of the continent.
Posted by kuauik on
Harvesting season has come, prepare your skulls to be drunken from
let's hope that the faces of the female characters and NPCs improve, I really loved this mod but those female faces feel like death :), am I right ?
Fix ?
this can only happens in Bulgarian Khan Krum who killed Nikifor and make a cup of his skull :) history
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yay it is complete :D
wow excellent how do i download/update to 1.0?!?!?
Yes, where could we download this at?
I thought the agreements were to finish the mod in their format, then switch it to exe format so everyone can be lazy and install it right away again. ^.^
it will be ready next weekend,probably and it will be exe
So that's it eh, no more SVN version after this, you are done for good ???
Do you guys have plans on modding Bannerlord when it comes out???
probably not,but who knows
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im still only getting the 0.95 pre relese someone help :( i have frenchman to skewer on some english arrows lol
kuauik Jul 8 2013, 3:10pm replied:
it will be ready next weekend,probably and it will be exe
weekend is over :/
So where can I download the newest version?
Where can i find it?
Obviously it's not out yet
Any idea when version 1.0 is going to be released? Trying to decide whether it's worth it to download the latest version or just wait for 1.0.
I would wait because it should be out very soon and there's no point starting a new game on 0.97 as the new version isn't save game compatible
I wonder if I'm the only one checking this everyday lol. I really love this mod and would loooooove the finished product. Hoping the sieges of places like Jerusalem is fixed.
you're not the only one...
Can´t await the final version. Especially as i´m on vacation now and would have a lot of time to help hungary obtain european domination... ;-)
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It's released on nexus :D
please make on it on desura!!!!!
what about on here?
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can you make it on dusura
make it on desura please!
Desura cost money. Won't happen.
Desura are being annoying, is right there with the file, and what do they keep doing?
version 1.03 as of 2nd december 2013
Why desura won't just grab that is beyond me.
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one of top 2 or the best mod ever made so far...respect and thanks!
I have a problem with the mod and I have searched everywhere for the fix with no luck. I LOVE this mod and it is my favorite. Work of genius at best. Recommend to all!
The problem I am having is when I create my kingdom and my first vassas shows up, which is Dhakir from Emirate as the first one. Before that the game is great and if I do not talk and let vassals join or reject them then I do not have any map issues. I get a random crash on map after I let vassals join or reject them in my capital of Riga. I played for 100 days more to a total of 260 days defeating Novgorod(starting as Novgorod), the small kingdoms next to Novgorod, Lithuania and a large part of Poland. Halych and upper Sweden. I had no problems prior and I actually figured out a lot of it...played again and realized it happens after I get vassals and game crashes only on map, especially when I lead soldiers into battle.
The mod made this game my favorite game of all time so I would love to get a fix to play this between work and sex.
Wondering if there are any fixes or if anyone can help. email is Thanks!
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what about the low end pc
about lagging in castle or twons?
lol i forgot that's an old mod and possible that's the mod maker is dead now LMAO