Post news Report RSS [Fallout: New California] State of the Mod January 2018

Hard to believe it's January 2018. We've been working on this since January 2012! 6 Years, wow! Check out this month's update.

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New Name Same Great Taste

If you had told me back in January 2012 that in 2018 we would finally be releasing the final chapter of this mod, I'd have said, "pbbt, nah, we'll be done by like, 2014. 2015 at the latest. If we go til 2018 I'll be dead."

November 2017 UPDATE -- Part 1

Hey man. You okay?

So yeah, that didn't work out as planned. :p

The good news is that the mod, finally, after slogging through this Tantalus like recurring nightmare where it's 2018, the mod isn't done... it's finally, actually, "*done."

January 2018 Update

*Done™ -- terms and restrictions may apply

New California is now playable from start to finish with no major interruptions in all paths. Rick's update last night and my updates tonight have made it so that you can play FNC from the boot screen to the ending credits in all 12 major endings.That's a major accomplishment. I'm proud of us.

We're gonna test again through February, see what else is broke (there's always something) then do some revisions in red on the image above.

The Main Menus and Music are replaced, all new intro movie, the Vault 18 segment is now feature complete with no significant flaws, escaping Vault 18 to Pinehaven is now also complete with no significant flaws, and the first 2 quests for the NCR, Raiders, and the branch where you escape the Raiders and join the NCR are now working. The companions are sorted out again and now work through almost the entire mod; there are a few hitches here and there we need to adjust, but nothing huge.

January 2018 Update

The third quest for Raiders and NCR needs some adjustments. The caravan quest is... a long walk. And boring. But it's optional, you can fast travel ahead. But doing so also skips content, and we need to fix that little oversight, having the Caravan fast travel mark further back away from the destination and walk (then run) into the zone to trigger that dialogue and the battle to get inside will fix it. Then after that quest competes, we need to start transforming the area where you are running away for your life. That part is both too easy and not "finished" yet, since it's supposed to be a major chase and it's kinda lame as it is since no monsters spawn and re-spawn to chase you during the chase! :p

(That's the big one right now, to me.)

Then in MQ04 we have some minor adjustments that will be tied into that same MQ03 revision. We need to spawn more bad guys in little outposts all over The Pass. Not a huge change, but will be significant to balance and make sure it all works.

We need to make minor adjustments to MQ04's ending on the NCR side. Just move an NPC. That's all, I think. But as testors said, it seems awkward that Spoiler McSpoiler tried to kill General Spoiler and no one says anything about it other than him. Like, come on. :p Not sure what 'm gonna do abut that part though, since it would require more scripting and acting to make it a bigger event...

Then it's time to make the battle leading up to the MQ05 ending area more exciting and set dress some more outside the Fortress. Get that all pretty and scary, really change the whole mood of that to be a more green-is-evil looking zone full of flames rather than boring whatever time of day it is as we have it. The Weather system in this engine is a pain in the ass, so we may just leave it as is for the sake of not making a mess.

Minor adjustments to the ending boss spawn rate and items for balance need to be made and tested, then bug test the hell out of the final boss. Fix some NPC behaviour that makes the plot kinda janky with the online girlfriend and final boss with some clever fixes, and then maybe adjust how the final conversations with your companions works before the final chat with your Faction Leader.

Then that's it. We're officially, actually, completely done. And a release date is imminent.

Here is my pre-release fix list:

Now for pretty pictures!

January 2018 Update

January 2018 Update

January 2018 Update

Female version of the male suit upgrade from last month!

January 2018 Update

January 2018 Update

January 2018 Update

This is my final art update. No more art will be added to the mod unless something crops up, or another artist adds it to the world really quick.

I added a ton of new art for our Raiders, Wasteland, and Fortress. Some, like these trucks and the statues, I made myself, others I found for free or cheap on Turbosquid or CGTrader. I'll credit those guys in the readme. I then got all the collision geometry done after a HUGE struggle, and now you can shoot these things with the correct material reaction and you won't fall through the floor of the atrium!

January 2018 Update

The trucks are actually lore friendly to Fallout 1 and 2. They are based on the designs by Adam Adamowicz, the Fallout 3 artist who passed away a few years ago. His work was a big inspiration to me as an artist, so I like paying a little tribute to him where I can. The man was brilliant and his early death was unfair to him and all of us.


Mine are a little more tame, but that's because I wanted to keep the already kinda high polycount low for this old engine. If we were on Fallout 4 we'd have no problem rendering all of that. Still looks cool though. And I like seeing these in place of the blander fat ones. Makes our wasteland catch that Mad Max 90s-50s Reto-future blend vibe the original games from Interplay had.

January 2018 Update

(This isn't the final setup, just a test of the mic while in storage.)

On Tuesday, I'm re-recording our lead bad guy Elsdragon at our makeshift little studio in Tucson, AZ. Eddie Bolero is back in town so I'm taking the opportunity to grab his lines that came out really poor the last time in 2015. The Bluebird microphone recording to an H6N Handy and a little monitor are new. I borrowed those from a friend to replace my old Rode NTG-2 and H4N. This setup will help make his quality the highest in the mod!

enb 2017 11 09 21 49 43 37

This is an important remix, because for some reason his audio quality from September 2015 sucked by comparison to everyone else. Even testers have been like, "dude, what? Things were so good then I can barely hear this guy."

So we're fixing that. Which hasn't been easy to book! Was very expensive for me and took months to finally get the stars lined up where this veteran actor can fly to town, record, and all for free.

That's a serious Good, Fast, Cheap trifecta right there.

And it was. Not. Fast.

January 2018 Update

We've come a long way from our original setup in May 2012 though. :p When we had mattresses on the walls for insulation and it was 112 degrees in there. XD We had to stop recording and vent out the sweat of 3 dudes every few minutes to turn the little AC back on.

This has been a major thorn in my side for the last 2 years so it feels SO GOOD to be done with all that. 14,000 lines of dialogue was a bear to write, revise, record, edit, cut, implement, master, remaster, and lipsync largely by myself. That alone took all of 2013-2016. Cutting audio is basically all I did for a year of my life after work, every day, along with Mark and sometimes Dustin, Thomas, and Quinn online. 2016 was editing audio files just, til I couldn't anymore.

Now I'm going to do it one last time and that'll be it, for good.

January 2018 Update

The goal for 2018 is in sight!

January 2018 Update

Now that we are done making the mod's core content, my main worry when we started this in 2012 has come true: we made this entire mod just Rick and I basically alone. And that led to a significant problem: The Main Quest is replete with content, and the side quests are non-existent.

It was always my intention that someone else would come in to do side quests independently from us. A 3rd guy with as much dedication as we have, or just random modders who join our community, to write and execute their own short quest content. I could do the voice recordings and editing, and "they" could populate the empty corners of the map with little narrative stories.

Well, it took 6 years just to make the Main Quest, which when you play it feels like you just got a new Fallout game. It's everything outside of it that feels empty and kinda hopelessly desolate. Which is lame, if you're looking for a Fallout installment. Fallout is all about a landscape full of stories, this is a story on a landscape, as one of our Russian translators aptly put it. The Pass has just 2 major civilized locations: Union City and Athens Tec. And those places are immense, full of detail. Just the NPCs in those towns are basically there to wander around and say a stock hello, and comment on the events going on. Not a lot of substance for such big hero locations.

We need Venders, and that's important. After we shove those in that's a huge problem of gameplay fixed, just as an RPG those need to work so the player can sell and buy shit. But it won't kill that main gripe: There are no other side quests. It feels like they should be there, but they're just not.

We had some planned, and we recorded their audio, but they got cut for time early on.

I, am exhausted. Rick is exhausted. Everyone waiting for this mod to be done is tired of waiting, so we're just going to bite the bullet and release it as-is, with no side quests, like we planned all along.

So we're gonna clean off the table, get the game ready to fly, and announce a release date either February or by March. I don't want to still be working on this any later than May. So if the mod isn't fully done by May, I'm just calling it, we're tapped out and releasing it anyway. So sometime between now and then I'll post my Release Trailer, we tie a bow on it, and there we go. Done. After 6 years in the making!

I am... so fucking tired this month. Holy shit guys. I have never been this exhausted in my life. Not even war zones and hurry up and wait left me this physically drained. I've done Hollywood jobs working 16 hour days multiple days in a row, I've had to take care of screaming newborns -- the most tired I have ever been is finishing this mod this January. I had some really painful rough patches in 2016. 2017 wasn't so bad. But This year? Nah man, I'm fucking wiped.

I feel lucky to wake up by 10 and make it til 7 or 8 before I'm so tired I just pass out at my desk. It's getting pretty ridiculous, and I don't feel at all justified in feeling that tired when really, I haven't accomplished very much. Like today, I woke up, took a shower, did some blacksmiths prep for a smelt next weekend and that was it. That was all I managed to accomplish today. Now I'm writing this.

enb 2017 11 09 21 49 43 37

This is among the last images you see in the mod, and that is precisely how I feel right now.

I went back tonight to check our ending videos from the November update and was just like... dude. I did that. HOW did I do that? With what inhuman energy did that happen? Were you on drugs? Can I have some? Jesus boy.

So I'm fairly positive that was my last big sprint. There's nothing huge left on the mod other than Eddie's recording on Tuesday and more dustoff work. As long as I snap out of this depression by February sometime I can get all the remaining tasks done and we can merge it together, then I'll record our trailer and do a limited semi-private release to ensure deliverables are ready to go out to the public and we make last minute patches & website work.

On a 6 year project around release is the worst time to get slobber-knocked by the chronic sads. :p So I really need to pull out of this and get some last minute stuff done.

And do all the little check-marks I always meant to do one day! Now is that day! Ahh!!

You can read more about our progress on the Design Documents Found Here. In the mean time, you can keep track of us on ModDB, Fallout Nexus, or Facebook. We've got a thriving online community centered around each one.

You can also throw dollars at me on Pay-Pal so I don't starve to death at my desk:


Brandan Lee
Project Leader

Post comment Comments
Gladiator14 - - 287 comments

thanks for the update

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Morglay - - 37 comments

Typo in the title. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

Got it. :p

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Axonis - - 955 comments

What a journey! Can't wait to play it :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
zReclaimer - - 431 comments

You guys have gone above and beyond with this mod! The work and dedication put into this mod is simply astounding! I hope with your level of experience, you'll continue to do projects or maybe even start your own development studio, somewhere in the future, once you've recovered from the no doubt exhausting development progress of this mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

That's the plan! ;D I have designs for the next thing, but man am i exhausted. Gotta get free of this one, reconnoiter, and then get my head back in the game.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
yoshjoz - - 153 comments

This will be the most polished mod I've ever played. The alpha release already was, so the full release will be even better than that.
It's great to see and read about your passion for it! It's even enjoyable just to read your updates. You're awesome, I really look forward to release!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
AncientT - - 425 comments

Always nice to read an update log from you guys! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
ZeroSF - - 24 comments

Title maybe wrong - december 2018
Nice work btw

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
tsfan - - 493 comments

Wouldn't Sisyphus be a better example(the guy who was doomed to keep pushing a boulder up a hill). Great work guys! I hope to play this soon cause it sounds really fun :)

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Badusername2000 - - 10 comments

Title should say January 2018, not December 2018, thats a while from now.

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Badusername2000 - - 10 comments

Why does my main computer have to have an aneurysm right before the mod releases? DAMN YOU COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

Thankfully, vanilla FNV + FNC will be possible, so a big computer isn't essential. Unless you want our optional highres pack, which I recommend, then it's really important to have a heavy rig.

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Badusername2000 - - 10 comments

No, the game would run fine on my main computer, wouldnt come close to it on my laptop. But my main computer had a bit of an overheating problem at the moment, cant be on it for more than 20 minutes before it crashes

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

have you dusted the pc my one kept shuting down and over heating found out it was caked with dust

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LittleFishy - - 84 comments

Thanks for always keeping us up to date! Extremely looking forward to this

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Conchobhar - - 460 comments

BRAVO! I have been watching this mod since 2012, waiting for this day! Good JOB finishing it to the end.

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akingofwonderland - - 61 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Meloman11 - - 209 comments

Wish you all the best with this project. Thank you for the update.

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inkel - - 2 comments

Will this mod be compatible with project nevada?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

Should be, yes. I haven't tested the new version and reintegrated the patch but it was fully supported in BETA100.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Babyface - - 4 comments

I'm looking forward to this mod releasing soon.
I have been waiting since the first public release :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
KoDan1 - - 186 comments

Can't wait.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Hang in there!

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jadentempleton - - 3 comments

Are you a blacksmith for a living or side pay? I'm actually looking for my future career and some of my choices are blacksmithing/welding(I do some bladesmithing now,trying to teach myself) and I've been thinking about game design. How do you manage doing both and can you make a living iff of blacksmithing? Your opinion would be much appreciated, when I read you did blacksmithing and were making this epic mod I was amaze don't to see to completely lately different skills being used by one man.

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Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

My blacksmithing is hideously amateurish, absolutely a hobby. I've learned enough to go from raw ore straight out of geological sources to foundry to forge and finish a product, but one knife takes me months, where a professional would take hours or even minutes. So my game dev stuff is usually where I make money -- that or camera work, which isn't the best income split either.

If you choose welding, which you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD, even if it's just taking the classes and becoming proficient, it will become a vital life skill and you will always be in demand. It's like pipefittng and wiring, it's invaluable skills that are in permanent demand, and often end up going together.

If you are a welder you can do anything from metal fabrication to solar panel installation. If you are a blacksmith you are already in such a deeply anachronistic art that you might as well find a trailer on the outskirts of town near me and live like a Viking. :p

Furriers are always in demand across horse country, but otherwise blacksmithing is pretty anachronistic unless you also learn CNC and fabrication. And you will still need welding if you want to do **** like pattern welded steel, or "Damascus" and other compound smithing techniques.

Which makes you a welder again, which you should have been in the first place. :p

Reply Good karma+1 vote
jadentempleton - - 3 comments

Thanks so much for your opinion, I have some welding skill and like you I like to learn various skills, I am still under deep consideration for a career. I don't want to waste time and money going to college if I don't know what I'm doing nor do I think I am the college type. I enjoy skilled jobs such as blacksmithing, woodworking and welding But I enjoy video games as much as I love creating stuff. Also the video game market is hudge and expanding. I was wondering if you work for a video game company? If so do you enjoy it? Are you making this amazing mod for fun or to gain experience? And finally if you received education or are you self taught in making games? Sorry to ask you so much but your opinion is greately valued!! Thank you so much!

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Jashin - - 169 comments

I've never read a project update that made me feel for the person behind the letters quite like this... IMO the 11th hour tidying up is the most important part of the project, don't rush it if possible.

Either way you've been a class act, it'll be a great May when we all get a slice of that good Fallout (whose future is undetermined now that the company that owns the IP doesn't make it like they used to).

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

I set up an RSS reader just to get alerted on your updates and am very excited for what is to come. Please remember to take some time to care for your mental health as well!

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SirSteak - - 1 comments

Wooo great job!Can't wait to play it!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments

OMFG, it is nearly complete? Just a couple of tweaks away? Excellent work my friend. I have been following this since your first Vault concept test way way back when (pre-2012).

(btw: my father was a welder, and I turned to carpentry before becoming disabled, ... vocational "life skills" help ensure you are fed and happy.)

Side Note: Thaiauxn, check with a doctor for "fibromyalgia" as you should not be this tired. I read up on everything you said, but still, ya know?

I had the same thing happen to me, I was working as theater tech and stage carpenter when suddenly I noticed that I was tired all the time and sore everyday, checked with a doctor, visited a specialist, turned out I had fibro.

Now if you are saying "tired" and "burned out" for dramatic effect(completely understandable), then please disregard what I said.

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Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

I'm starting to worry it's way more than just exhaustion, because it hasn't stopped in over a year now. I need to get in to see some specialists, but I'm in America and below poverty line, so at the moment I'm relying on witchcraft and hope. :p

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments

Medicaid, ... apply for that, I did and it paid for everything, except Lyrica, I have to use other stuff, like gabapentin and cannabis, but those work just as well. (I was a contract worker with no insurance, worst decision I made, but the Theater wasn't hiring Union workers so, ...)

Once you get a diagnosis, you can apply for SSD or SSI, a very lengthy process, but you get all the money "back paid" from the date of your first application. The first application 9 times out of 10 will get rejected, no worries, just get a Lawyer, they take a portion of the "back pay" as their fee if they win, but you get to keep the rest and the monthly SS payments.

In this case, "living in America" isn't so bad.

Also, consider making Fallout:New Cali available to Bethesda and Steam libraries, ... like the makers of the Black Mesa mod for HL2 (19.99 USD), you might get something back for all your hard work, ... just something to keep in mind.

I know people(consumers) don't like "paid mods", but cheese louise dude, six years of your hard work should count for something, right? Long hours, and sweating it out to get the audio dialogue?

Then you can put something together for a Kickstarter campaign, you have that other project on the back burner right?

If anything else, just be careful with that "witchcraft" stuff, okay? None of it is FDA approved due to all the strange and bizarre side effects:

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

When will this come out I just heard about it and got excited to hear about a new story I can play.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

As soon as we can finish it.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
VitaminK - - 588 comments

expect amazing things, so much work has gone in to this it's quite incredible

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Tomasgd1 - - 34 comments


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Guest - - 700,077 comments

It is sad that the nerd can't get Jenifer I liked her but I am a Nerd at heart

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

Nerd can get her now, but only after defeating Bragg.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,077 comments

That's awesome mate! I like trying to be a sneaky and Thief character in these kinda games so when I saw she was kinda like that I was like oh yea this is the Bae. Question are there romance in this game I ask cause I fully immerse the Character I make into like a story and every character needs some kinda love. names Justin btw.

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