Post news RSS F2P Campus review

During these three last months, Giantfox has spent the summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz, participating on the accelerator F2P Campus. Here's the last day review, where we share our experience.

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If you follow us on social media, you might have notices we’ve been away from Barcelona during this three months of summer. Oh, but we weren’t on vacations! In fact, we were working really hard in F2P Campus!

Early June the news came by, Giantfox and our game Rise of Titans had been selected from 22 teams all over the world to participate in F2P Campus, an accelerator for free to play games. Only 6 teams from all those 22 applicants and we were one of them! As you might already guess, we were excited to start this new adventure.

Of course, we had to do some “sacrifices” (for the lack of a better word) to come to Vitoria. For example, our team was split in to two, half of the team came to Vitoria, half stayed on Barcelona. Lucky for all of us, technology has evolved to a place where we can communicate no matter the distance ;)

The Campus started on July 15th, and it provided us with an apartment, a co-work space and 3 meals a day at Cube. If you didn’t know, Basque food is delicious and abundant! We were treated well, and we’ll come home with a few more grams in our bodies. It was worth it.

And of course, let’s not forget about the beautiful city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, with all its greenery, giant parks with deers, fun festivities and kind people. Weather can be a little bit unpredictable, but you get used to it!

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Okay, let’s get back on tracks, you came here to read about our experience on F2P Campus, right?

We’ve grown so much during these three months. Each week, the campus invited one or two mentors to a public talk on different topics, and then they offered us a personalized mentorship. We were able to share our game to pros of the industry, receive their opinion and feedback and improve our game. Mentors were all from different profiles, from art direction, monetization, development to marketing. Hearing from experimented members of the industry broadens your vision of your game and helps you make good decisions and improve your game.

During these three month we’re working non-stop on making Rise of Titans happen and, that’s is, on July 31st, we soft launched Rise on Titans, on early access on Steam. That was a great milestone for all the team, our first published game out in the wild! A bit scary, but super exciting!

As an early access game, it’s a child that still has to grow, and through the community and mentor’s feedback we’ve been working on improving Rise of Titans. We made a roadmap with our goals and features we wanted to work on during this period. Since the release, we’ve hit to main goals: A ranking mode and a spectator mode.

Since a bit before the release, we’ve been working on growing the community, and a lot of you guys gathered in our official discord server to talk about Rise of Titans, your impressions and feedback. It’s super rewarding to hear your feedback, to know that our game is making an impact on somebody and enjoys it. It really keeps us going forward and work hard. Thank you so much for staying at our side, together we’re going to make Rise of Titans something special!

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On the Campus, we also found a family with the other teams, all from different backgrounds and developing different types of games. Sharing experiences, concerns and helping each other was part of our growth, for us and for the rest of the teams. In three months we got to know the people we shared space with, and we ended up all playing videogames and board games together. Fun times! A competitive environment is good, but at the end of the day we’re all been through the same experience in different degrees and we have to stay together.

We’re writing this on the last day of the Campus, October 4th, we’re getting ready for the Demo Day, a party in on honor for all the work and effort we put on during all these three months. Although we’re longing for home, we are going to miss Vitoria and F2P Campus. Thanks to the organizers, specially Jon Beltran and Raul Herrero, for making all of this happen. This experience has brought use so much knowledge, experiences and fun times that we will definitely won’t forget.

Goodbye F2P Campus, hope to come back soon Vitoria!

And thank you for being by our side during this adventure, there is still more to come!

Best Regards,


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@PlayRotOfficial | @GiantfoxStudios |

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