Post news RSS Dev-Log - May News Work-in-progress

Upcoming weapons, worlds, dynamic fog, day/night, combats.

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Hello everyone! We're excited to share another update on our journey as we progress with Spheriums.

We're diligently refining the game's core to provide an improved player experience. Although we initially planned to release an update in April, we've opted to take our time due to the extensive gameplay mechanic changes.


We've completed the weather engine, which now features day/night cycles and random atmospheric fog in three worlds, significantly enhancing gameplay and ambiance.


The adaptive music engine is also finished, with music adapting to various game factors, including day/night cycles, atmospheric fog, and battle sequences. Thanks to Steve from 3rdEchosound, the first three worlds now feature 18 music segments.

Over 70 sound effects have been redone from scratch, significantly improving game immersion. We're grateful to Alan for his incredible sound effect creation skills.

We've also begun the weapon redesign process, starting with the Energy Flux Blaster. Thanks to Saif's exceptional contributions, improved visuals and animations are being implemented for all weapons. Weapons will also benefit from enhanced muzzle flash, particle effects, and recoil animation.

WishlistWed  May 3d

We realize a gap exists between a design we think is unique and what players expect. With this in mind, our modification aims to enhance the game's visual appeal and streamline the player experience, allowing them to quickly grasp the purpose of a weapon when viewing screenshots or short videos.

We're also reworking the color palette of the planet Meolia better to match the striking visuals of Korala and Mazir, enhancing its alien appeal. Initial feedback from our group testers has been positive.

screenshot saturday April 22

Furthermore, we're adding more assets to all worlds, refining the level design, and adjusting enemy AI for a more challenging experience. We appreciate your patience and support as we strive to deliver the best possible game.

If you like what you see, please consider adding the game to your wishlist.

Our two fearless souls embarked on this incredible adventure two years ago. It is a rollercoaster of highs & lows, but our hearts are set on our 2024 official release!

Nevertheless, we hope to release the next update before the Steam Summer sales.

Feedback and Wishlists are much appreciated!

Follow our development on Discord:

JP & Nick

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