Hello Everyone!
This is our 3rd weekly Delicious Devlog, every Tuesday!
Today, we present to you our concept arts and ideas for the general layout of the game, and some variations we have for it!
We've begun working on what our Candy Store level will look like!
Starting off with our level layout, here's what the layout of the store will generally be. We'll be explaining every bit of this map, to give you an idea on what to expect in the game!
As you can see here, the level will start off with the middle section, with a section for the customers to wait at the counter to be served. In the play area (a kitchen of sorts), we have the candy dispenser! This wacky machine will deliver up to 5 random items everytime you activate it. As for it, we have three variations we had in mind!
This first idea consists on a upward pipe, with a lever on the wall! By activating the lever, candy will fall into the floor!
Our second idea would be a ramp in the wall, with a lever on the floor! Everytime the lever is activated, candy will roll out from the ramp!
Finally, our third idea consists on a simple conveyor belt that sends the items after pressing the button on the wall.
We'd like to know which ideas you like most!
As for the rest of the layout, we've added two new rooms that can be unlocked after reaching a certain level! First off, let's check out the Fusing Room...
As you can see here, a new room would be unlocked, that leads to the Fusing Machine (Still working out the name yet!), a crazy looking machine that will allow you to fuse two items into a special item!
Some customers have specific tastes, so you might need to spare some items for this!
Then we have the Storage Room! This extra room will unlock later in-game, giving you extra room to stock up on items for easy delivery! Make sure to keep everything tidied up for convenience!
We also made a layout view from up top to show the size of these rooms!
Let us know what you think of these two rooms! We might add more along the way!
Environment Concept Art
We've also worked on two concept art scenes to give you an idea on how it'd look like!
A view of the play area, around the candy dispenser and the locked doorway to the Fusing Room!
At a certain point in the game you'll be able to choose an item to put up on sale for a discount! Customers won't surely miss up this bargain! Better have plenty of what they want saved up!
Last but not least, the customer entrance area! This place is where customers will come and leave! It's joyfully themed to make anyone crave for a good sweet!
As the game progresses, more rooms will be unlocked, giving more possibilities to the player on how to handle the candies they receive! We hope to create even more rooms or change the layout to better suit our players and the gameplay!
And that's a wrap!
With this, we end our Delicious Devlog for today! We hope you enjoy our progress!
Join us for next Tuesday to know more about what we're working on, and let us know your opinions and suggestions, we'd love to hear you!
Also follow us on Twitter for more updates: Secret Coin Studio's Twitter
See you next week! - Secret Coin Studios