Post news RSS Cookie Apocalypse Bi-Weekly Update - 11/7/10

Bi-Weekly update for the game Cookie Apocalypse. Developed by Horde Game Studios and Radioactive Studios. Come take a look and here some of the music that will be in the game.

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What We Did While We Were Gone
I had to re build the map entirely do to some light problems. With the lighting problems I couldn't see what I was building for some reason. But, I rebuilt it just the same as before and all works fine. You now may be asking yourself why we are doing updates only every to weeks. We don't really have as much time to work on the game now so we only really accomplish big things every two weeks. We also are going to attempt to finish the game for Dec. 7. So only 4 more weeks and you could be shooting Cookies with all your friends.

Cookie Apocalypse Music Sample - Indie DB

We got a new composer a few weeks ago, his name is Alexandro Schillaci. Here is a short bio about him and you can listen to some of his music that will be in the game coming out in probably a month now. Alexandro Schillaci is a Sicilian composer and guitarist, born in 1986. He started studying guitar at the age of 12, taking inspiration from guitarists like Brian May, David Gilmour, Van Halen, Joe Satriani and so on. “Year after year my interest in music was developing more and more, and soon I realized I wanted to write my own music.The curious thing was that I didn't want to write down just guitar parts, but every other instrument as well. Since I was young, I have been very passionate about films and video-games, and their music scores. And even if I was studying guitar, I have always paid attention to all the instruments involved and I also didn't care if there was no guitar at all. These are some "goodies" that Alexandro requested we put in the weekly update:

Our 3d Modeler is currently working on rebuilding the aircraft carrier. He is trying to make it look like the USS Nimitz. We are going to allow the player to run around on the deck of the ship and in the the command and control center as I like to call it.

I am currently almost finished with the AI for the game. I have finished to scripts on making the Cookies find the player and the cookies inflicting damage when they touch the player. I just have to finish the pathnode system and I have figured out how to make the Cookies spawn. I just have to implement it this week.

Thanks for all your continued support. See you in 2 weeks.

Mavis130 - - 1,688 comments

Keep it up, I can't wait to see the finished product xD

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