This article gives a high-level overview of the combat system.

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Combat is resolved by a TO HIT roll calculation. This calculation results in a number from 1 to 100 (a percent) and a D100 roll takes place. The higher the percent,
the better chances of landing a blow on your opponent. The TO HIT formula involves level difference, stats, weapon, and armor skills of the attacker and defender.
For the attacker, strength, luck, and to certain degree, perception are involved. The attacker's skill with the weapon they are using is a vital part in their attack.
For the defender, perception and reflexes are involved. The armor (AC), or natural armor for monsters, for the defender is important in avoiding damage.
Finally, a d20 roll for both the attacker and defender is added. This is to add a bit of randomness (and to eliminate ties as much as possible) to combat.
Before any damage is determined on a hit, the defender has a chance to block the oncoming attack. Perception and Reflexes of the defender are used.
A weapon in the hands of a skilled warrior should be feared. Their skill can lead to a higher chance of a critical strike which could result in a devestating injury (not just 2x or 3x damage)
As you can see, I tried to incorporate stats and skills into combat. On a final note, level difference doesn't mean it will be impossible to beat a high level monster. There is a chance to beat
the higher level monster just a slim one. This works both ways.

Another important aspect are the resists of the defender. In the world of Farmoor, their are two types of resists: magical and physical. Physical resists are used against melee strikes. These
include: Physical, Piercing, Slashing, Crushing, and Cleaving damages. Magical resists are used against magical and environmental strikes. These include: Fire, Cold, Electrical, Poison,and Disease.
The lower your score (yes, backwards for the most part) the better resist. The resist is a percent based resists. So, a score of 80% means you will take 80% of the damage. A score of 0% results in
immunity to that damage type. When it comes to melee damage, the type of weapon and armor become a vital factor when stepping into combat. Let's look at the skeleton as a simple example. They take 25% damage when struck
with piercing damage type. However, they suffer 200% (2x) damage when struck with crushing damage type. And when facing cold damage, they are immuned (0%). Right now, you cannot change equipment or weapons once engaged in combat (subject to change per feedback).
The idea behind this is to make you plan a little before going into combat.

To help provide a little more strategy to combat, various status effects are in the game. Status effects include such things as knockdowns, stuns, poisons, blinding,debuffs (weakness to various magical attacks for example),
and buffs (stats or immunity to certain status effects). Status effects result from the use of spells and attacks. A quick look at the knockdown effect: this causes the combatant to lose 1 - 3 turns depending on the
type of knockdown. It, also, reduces (or even eliminate) the combatant's defense capabilities making them a tasty target for a quick kill. These effects work both ways - monsters can cause these same effects on your
party. I have lost a few party members to a knockdown in my play testing. Injuries (a type of status effect) are being evaluated. I'm thinking of implementing them when you revive a character (ala Dragon Age: Origins); or,
as a result of an attack. A highly skilled attacker would have a greater chance of causing an injury which could lead to instant death (crushed skull when using a war maul for example). I might experiment with both - adding
a few inuries from a resurrection and a few during combat- and see which works best. I'll get input from future players as well to see which works best.

One last feature which I just started to add is combat abilities based on the type of weapon being used. If you have played Dark Age of Camelot, you may recognize this feature. Giving a dagger to your thief who is well versed in
using said weapon would have special attacks (used like a spell in game) with that weapon. Right now, as long as you meet the requirements and equip the weapon, the ability is available for use. What I haven't decided on is
whether or not to make the ability require training from a trainer before it becomes available. My thought process for the current setup, when you visit a trainer to get the next rank, the ability in question is part of the training;
thus, it becomes available as the training is for knowledge about the skill. Not the character's adeptness with the skill (skill level). I'll save skill discussion for next time.

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