Post news Report RSS BG 1.2.1 and 1.3 indian model

My my, no newspost for 2 weeks. Battle Grounds 1.2.1 RC 2 (including new hand and powderhorn models) was tested last weekend and after extensive testing on our dev server we released several small patches and fixes and are currently at version 1.2.1 RC 2.2. The only things left now are mapping

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My my, no newspost for 2 weeks. Battle Grounds 1.2.1 RC 2 (including new hand and powderhorn models) was tested last weekend and after extensive testing on our dev server we released several small patches and fixes and are currently at version 1.2.1 RC 2.2. The only things left now are mapping bugs and balancing tweaks. Also we got another code contribution from Raiko. An additional cvar to turn on stationary reloading (off by default).

Now to something 1.3 related: Jadeo skinned our first indian player model. For those who didnt know yet: BG 1.3 will include several new uniforms and weapons and will also scrap the term class. The indian will be equiped either with a bow, that makes him able to fire burning arrows, or a musket.

Thats all for now. Enjoy.

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