Post news RSS Axanar Dev Diary 1 Released on our New MODDB page!

So it begins, the first official dev diary for Axanar is out, we are really proud of the progress made so far towards getting the new mod off the ground... not to mentioned preparing the CTA version 1.2.1 so a quick update for you!

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We are preparing for Axanar in full swing at the moment but we have not forgotten about CTA 1.2.1 a full change log is on its way to you the players very soon! and we hope to release CTA 1.2.1 in the next 2 to 3 weeks!

So stay tuned for updates on CTA and the new lost years add on soon.

A little about Axanar...

So a little about the teams and how its changed for Axanar... the team details line up slightly differently to CTA as shown below and i take the opportunity to welcome some new developers to the team.

Id also like to mention the premise for Axanar.

Axanar is in no way the same as CTA, its a very different game in fact while it uses sins as a base we are looking to implement a lot of micro management in comparison to CTA where you will need to closely plan every move against your enemies, obviously don't let this scare you away because we feel that this offers a different style yet visually and excitingly different gameplay.

Its important we mentioned Prelude to Axanar, we have been working closely with the Axanar film makers to ensure we create a game that echoes axanar and what they are trying to accomplish so stay tuned to see if you notice what we picked up from the prelude and implemented in the game, feel free to leave a comment if you spot them!

Anyway check out both the prelude and the dev diary further below by following our link to the Axanar Page!

Lead Dev - Maxloef

Deputy Lead Devs - Gul Dukut, Bane

Balance and Coding Team Lead - Draconis

Balance and Coding Team - Bane, Zurmi, Lavo, M468, Gul Dukut El-Vi-Riachi, Ambarenya

Particle Effects, Modelling and Iconography Team Lead - Maxloef

Particle Effects, Modelling and Iconography Team - KillaBC, Exodus, Cknight, Wiley, Gul Dukut, Ambarenya

Sound Effects and Music Team Lead - Maxloef

Sound Effects and Music Team - Bane, Mindwipe

id also like to thank our very dedicated alpha testing group as well, you guys know who you are! and the many modellers who contribute to this game and CTA!

Expect to see a lot of the names above in future Axanar dev diaries as we take you the followers of axanar through our latest mod work.

In todays update Bane and Draconis go through some of the new systems involved in axanar and how you can expect an entirely different game and gameplay to our previous projects. We also mention a little about the release of CTA 1.2.1 as well as demoing a new track from our music editor Mindwipe.

Visit our new page at

Praetor_Niedz - - 110 comments

w00t, I hope the moddb team authorises the news soon (btw the hyperlink at the bottom of the news is wrong).

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

"The article requested could not be found."

I assume this is because ModDB hasn't authorized it yet? Regardless, I AM looking forward to this!

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 615 comments

all fixed now should work :)

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Naimit - - 13 comments

Just a quick note regarding the upcoming patch: Has anyone looked at the research on the Borg tech tree that allows a Unimatrix to function as a transwarp gate? So far as I can tell this feature is completely inoperative.

Also, are there any plans to release PDF (or whatever) faction guides for all factions in the same style as that previously released for the Federation? A clearer explication of abilities and more detailed stats would probably be of great interest to a any number of people playing STA III. I for one would greatly appreciate this.

P.S. Thank you devs for your incredible generosity and the staggering amount of effort making this mod must have required - and for the upcoming Axanar mod as well! I'm truly thankful.

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Ambarenya - - 797 comments

> Has anyone looked at the research on the Borg tech tree that allows a Unimatrix to function as a transwarp gate? So far as I can tell this feature is completely inoperative.

It's somewhat news to me. I believe it was looked at at some point in the distant past, but I will take a look again to be sure it's working as intended. However, I don't think it was directly addressed in 1.2.1 since no one on our beta testing team or the website recently reported it as having any issues.

> Also, are there any plans to release PDF (or whatever) faction guides for all factions in the same style as that previously released for the Federation? A clearer explication of abilities and more detailed stats would probably be of great interest to a any number of people playing STA III. I for one would greatly appreciate this.

Guides and detailed articles regarding each ship and faction will be integrated into the new wiki that's being worked on. A full set of pdf guides was discussed (and I personally wanted to write them), but it was determined by the team to be an inferior means of displaying detailed information about the mod. Max's Federation guide was kind of a one-off rough sketch that he did. It looks nice, but it was never critically reviewed or edited and therefore has some glaring errors. I wouldn't get too heavily invested in it.

However, I am planning to release a detailed pdf guide for my Final Frontier add-on, which I will be announcing soon. Due to the amount of variety, it's going to need it. :p

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