A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style.

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Font edits on Fallout.INI / FalloutCustom.INI considered harmful (and how to fix them) (Games : Fallout: New Vegas : Mods : Vanilla UI Plus : Forum : Support & Feedback : Font edits on Fallout.INI / FalloutCustom.INI considered harmful (and how to fix them)) Locked
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May 18 2022 Anchor

I've tried reinstalling the mod, changing configs on StewiesTweaks, installing 8.72 and moving the mod around in MO2 (Despite the plugin order on the right side always staying in the bottom), but it didn't work. Load order here.

I think the issue may be in the barter_menu.xml file, but i have no idea how to fix it, as for the HIDDEN tag i couldn't find any file related to it.

Image 1 shows the menu from a youtube video, and my screen is the 2nd one:

Edited by: chronosj

May 18 2022 Anchor

So remove VUI+ and send me a screenshot of the Barter menu.

May 18 2022 Anchor

Barter screen and crouching:

Without VUICrouching

May 18 2022 Anchor

I see no HIDDEN string there. Seems like a broken font config. I need a copy (pastebin etc) of your Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Fallout.INI file

May 18 2022 Anchor

There ya go: Pastebin.com

I think i discovered why this is happening:

I downloaded a font mod but it didn't work at the time. One of the instructions of the installation was to add this line to the falloutcustom.ini:


After removing the text, both the [DETECTED]/[HIDDEN] and the Caps value in the Barter screen are now showing up again!

Sorry fot the trouble and thank you for the replies, yours is an excellent mod!

May 18 2022 Anchor

Excellent. Thank you for your kind words. I have renamed this thread so that I can reference other people to it; the rest is addressed to font mod authors.

Dear font mod authors,

Please don’t recommend such harmful Fallout.INI or FalloutCustom.INI edits as seen above. There’s an alternative method for packing modded fonts which allows users to install and uninstall your mod via their mod managers without any extra steps.

Specifically, instead of edits on INI files you should rename your own Data\Textures\Fonts\*.FNT files to their equivalent Fallout.INI standard names. These names, types and roles are:

  1. Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt - XML font code: 1
    Default font, used in tutorials mostly; the engine switches to this font when no font tags are set in a text block
  2. Monofonto_Large.fnt - XML font code: 2
    Condensed version of font #1. This is the standard menu & list font, designed to take as little horizontal space as possible.
  3. Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt - XML font code: 3
    Shorter but heavier and wider than #2, use when you want the font to look small and bold.
  4. Monofonto_VeryLarge02_Dialogs2.fnt - XML font code: 4
    Very large thin heading font, used for the top-left headings on Pip-Boy menus only. This is replaced by the Classic Fallout font in VUI+.
  5. Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt - XML font code: 5
    Pixelated monospaced font, used in terminals and character generation.
  6. Glow_Monofonto_VL_dialogs.fnt - XML font code: 6
    Larger version of #1, use for standard headings.
  7. Baked-in_Monofonto_Large.fnt - XM font L code: 7
    Outlined font, use for subtitles and the HUD, easy to read and size between #1 and #2.
  8. Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt - XML font code: 8
    Huge font, use for uppercase titles only.

Your modified .FNT files will then point the game to your modified .TEX files. Your .TEX files should retain their custom name.

So assuming that your whatever.fnt is a replacement for font #1, don’t tell users to change sFontFile_1=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt on their INI files. Just rename YOUR whatever.fnt to Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt. You can even create copies of whatever.fnt using to other standard font names if you wish to have your font replace other sizes/types.

And please never suggest FalloutCustom.ini edits that rely on the presence of modded files to users. When users uninstall such a mod, their game breaks and it’s even more difficult to find the problem. Chronosj was able to fix it, but not everyone can.

Edited by: Axonis

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